Lin Zihang was spoiled by Lin Keke.

Because she has a very cute face, which Lin Zihang fabricated from the system model.

It’s just that her personality is given by the system, so Lin Zihang can’t change this.

She is usually very gentle and looks harmless to humans and animals, but when she becomes angry, one person can single out more than 30 big men and beat them all to the ground.

It can be imagined how explosive Lin Keke’s combat effectiveness is.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Bingbing looked at Lin Zihang curiously and said, “Lin Zihang, how come I have never heard of it before, you are one of the members of state secrets?” And that red medallion, what’s going on? ”

Lin Zihang smiled and said, “Didn’t I organize a scientific research team to engage in research and development last time?” Then, Mr. Huang Xuewen awarded me this red medal, after all, I have also made a great contribution to the country! ”

“Oh, so that’s it? I really admire you more and more! ”

Wang Bingbing grabbed Lin Zihang’s right arm and said, “Go, let’s eat steak, just right, I still have some things to talk to you about!” ”

“Okay, let’s go!”


The incident of anchor Liu Miaomiao, Lin Zihang did not care too much.

But this matter, in an instant, went viral on the Internet.

A Weibo blogger posted such a message on the Internet, accompanied by a video.

Soon, the video was retweeted more than 100,000 times, and more than a million likes and more than 500,000 comments appeared.

Soon, a group of people commented below.

“That anchor I know, isn’t it the global travel anchor, Liu Miaomiao? She is used to arrogance abroad, how can she return to China, and she is still so arrogant? ”

“Wow, wow, that, that man, isn’t the chairman of Flash Delivery Group, Mr. Lin Zihang? That female anchor actually dared to hit him with her car? Really don’t have long eyes? ”

“No, Mr. Lin Zihang, how did you win the first-class merit at the national level? And there are also red medals of classified organizations? Did he make any great contribution to the country? ”

“Wouldn’t you? Is opening a flash delivery group also a big contribution? ”

“Upstairs, you just lack common sense! Now the people who can win the first-class merit are generally people who have made significant contributions to the national scientific and technological research and development, which shows that Mr. Lin Zihang has made great contributions to the country in a certain science and technology, you know? ”

“Yes, it means that Mr. Lin Zihang is a very patriotic man! Lin Zihang cattle approval…”

“+1 upstairs, Lin Zihang cattle batch…”


Imperial capital, People’s Square.

In a newly opened steakhouse, Wang Bingbing swiped her mobile phone Weibo, and when she brushed this article, her face was also full of happy smiles.

Because the screen is full of Lin Zihang cattle batches!

Then she glanced up at the man sitting across from her.

I really didn’t expect that this man would really become his boyfriend.

Is he really that powerful? What about his true hidden identity?

Wang Bingbing couldn’t help but be more and more curious about Lin Zihang.

She took a sip of juice and said, “Lin Zihang, my father said, when, plan our wedding!” ”

“Poof… What? Planning a wedding? Isn’t that a little too fast? ”

Lin Zihang and Wang Bingbing have only been in love for two months.

Besides, he didn’t want to get married so soon?

After getting married, he has to take care of the family, has no extra time, and puts on work.

And Wang Bingbing said: “Lin Zihang, you are now a very successful man, you are not short of money, you are not short of fame and fortune, don’t you think about getting married?” Moreover, my family is not short of money, I marry you, my father will accompany a real estate as a gift! ”

Wang Bingbing’s father, Wang Jiantu, is one of the top ten richest people in the country, worth hundreds of billions.

If your daughter is married, it is completely no problem to give a gift to a community.

But the main thing is that Wang Jiantu appreciates Lin Zihang’s character and qualities, and he feels that his daughter will not suffer a loss if she marries such a man.

But Lin Zihang shook his head and said, “Not now!” My Xia River real estate has not been sold, and the bridge across the Xia River has not yet been opened to traffic! It’s too early to get married now, and besides, I haven’t taken you home to meet my parents yet, so…”

“I don’t think it’s early! We are both 24 years old and will soon be 25 years old! It’s time to get married! Besides, we are all genuinely in love with each other, is there any difference between getting married early and getting married late? ”

“Bingbing, maybe you don’t understand! A man, after his career has not stabilized, will not consider marriage, at least, I will wait until the sale of Xiajiang Real Estate before thinking about marriage! ”

Wang Bingbing sighed, and a look of loneliness crossed her eyes.

But she finally nodded and said, “I respect your opinion!” But speaking of which, your Xia River real estate is now available for sale! If it drags on, I’m afraid you will really not be able to sell it! ”

“No, cross the Xia River Bridge immediately, and it will be open to traffic!” At that time, the central area of the imperial capital and the Xiajiang real estate side, the east and west are transparent, but it is only 70 kilometers, and the house prices there will definitely rise greatly! Also, do you really think that house prices will not rise? ”

“What year and month will that be?” Moreover, the house price is not decided by us, it is determined by the international market, and now the international dispute is very serious, and I don’t know when the original house price can be restored, let alone rise! ”

“Well, in my guess, it is estimated that next month, it will rise!” Lin Zihang said.

Wang Bingbing said, “Why do you dare to be so sure? ”

Saying this, Lin Zihang couldn’t help but show a confident smile on his face and said, “Because, Mr. Huang Xuewen called me last night!” He said that the Super Star Destruction Cannon test explosion was successful! The power is comparable to that of a small HE bomb, but it does not have the radioactivity of a HE bomb! Soon, he will bring the Super Star Destruction Cannon to the battlefield to deter the enemy! ”

“What? It turns out that it can still be like this? Wang Bingbing’s eyes widened, and his expression showed disbelief.

Lin Zihang said with a smile: “Yes, that’s it!” Otherwise, how do you think the red medallion on my chest came from? ”

After speaking, Lin Zihang shook the red wine glass in his hand and took a sip of red wine, and the look on his face was extremely confident.

Housing prices are low? Can’t sell the house? I’ll find out why, and I’ll fix it.

Lin Zihang not only solved this problem, but also won a red medal of honor by the way?

After all, this kind of medal can be encountered but not sought.


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