Hearing this, the person in charge of the hotel, the security guards, and other onlookers were all stunned in place.

Among them, one of the security guards couldn’t help but snort and laugh out of the pig bark.

Immediately afterwards, the others followed suit and laughed along with Kukuku.

“Die laughing… That yellow man is so hilarious, what the hell is he doing? Performance art? ”

“Today, I will tell you what it means to be powerful? Kuku… It’s a laugh to death… Why could he say such an embarrassing thing without changing his face? ”

“I don’t know, I’m also puzzled! Could it be that he was playing the Joker? Or pretending to be crazy and selling stupid? ”

At this moment, it was filled with schadenfreude and ridicule, and everyone regarded him as a grandstanding clown.

However, for all this in front of him, Lin Yaozu’s face changed at all.

Just change your fingers and make an OK gesture.

At the same time, a countdown with an indifferent tone.


Next second.

The gesture transitions into a state of yes.


Last second.

The middle finger is retracted, leaving only the index finger.


During this period, everyone did not think at all, and still looked at Lin Yaozu mockingly.

At this moment, in their eyes, the other party has become a complete clown, and no one feels that what was said before is true.

The next second later.


The staircase door next to the entrance on the top floor of the hotel was kicked open and caused a loud noise.

A dead man with a cold face hurriedly ran towards Lin Yaozu.

At the same time.


The elevator in the middle of the top floor also slowly opened.

More than a dozen dead soldiers, all with cold faces, rushed out directly.

At this moment, everyone was attracted by this unexpected situation and looked at it one after another.

Seeing more than a dozen people rushing over, everyone was blindfolded.

Followed by.

At the top of the stairs, one dead man, two dead soldiers… A dozen dead soldiers… Dashed out of it.

The feeling of that swarm of bees gushing out densely, as if zombies came out of a cage, made those who saw it creepy and shudder.

At this moment, everyone was stupid.

I have to say that this scene is too scary.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of dead soldiers poured into the top floor.

After they came up, without saying a word, they directly kicked the person in charge of the hotel and more than a dozen security guards to the ground.

Of course, the three culprits were not only kicked to the ground, but also reported with old fists and turned on the crazy beating mode.

For a time, the screams of the three people resounded throughout the top floor.

“Aaaaa You dare to hit me? ”

“Don’t… Don’t hit anymore… It hurts…… It hurts so much! ”

“Woo hoo… I have money… Let me go! Help me! Whoever comes to my rescue will be thick and thin! ”

As soon as these words came out, the other guests who were originally watching around faintly began to change a little.

If you can take this opportunity to befriend those three young men, it may be a great reward.

On the other side, the person in charge of the downed hotel heard the sound and lay on the ground shouting.

“Up and up… Everyone gave it to me…”

“Calling people … Hurry up and call people… Call all the security guards…”

“Certainly… Be sure to rescue the three young men. ”

Hearing this, the security guards stood up.

And then.

A second later.

Looking at the muzzle of the gun directly at their foreheads, they all squatted down silently.

Holding his head in his hands, he didn’t know a word.


If there is a gun, didn’t you say earlier?

At this moment, after the person in charge of the hotel saw the dead men take out their guns, everyone was stupid.

In an instant, his mouth was closed, and he didn’t dare to say more than half a word.

Lie quietly on the ground and start thinking about life.

At the same time.

Not far away, the facial expressions of the other guests stiffened, and in an instant, there was no thought.

On the other side, at the entrance of the stairs, the dead soldiers are still pouring in.

200 people….

300 people….

500 people….

When this group of dead men came in, they immediately pulled out their guns and controlled the scene.

At this time, everyone did not dare to breathe more, for fear of attracting the attention of the dead soldiers and being killed on the spot.

To be honest, the scene was really scary.

Hundreds of people armed with firearms, who dares to move?

At this moment, except for the wailing of the beaten trio who did not yet know the situation.

In the top space, no other sound appears.

A few meters away, the little girlfriend Kalena was also stunned, she saw this scene, the whole person was blindfolded.

What is the situation?


Downstairs from the small Walton Hotel.

One police car after another stopped, and a group of Eagle Sauce police officers got out of the car and gathered.

Add a dozen people before and after.

After a simple exchange, one of the highest-ranking police officers took temporary command.

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