Chapter 1 _ I recognized Robin as my sister , and the old father Aoki came to the door

.The first half of the great route .

.Some island town , in a restaurant .

.At this time , a man and a woman were feasting and eating happily .

.The woman is about 10 years old , with long straight black hair , deep black eyes , outstanding figure and melancholy temperament .

.She is the devil’s son Nico Robin !

.As for that man , he was about twenty years old , he had short blue hair , and his pupils were as bright as sapphire .

.” Robin sauce , stop dawdling , finish your meal quickly , and leave soon . ”

.At this moment , Cang Yue’s voice came , and her tone was full of impatient urging .

.But Robin didn’t get bored at all , but smiled sweetly : ” Got it , Nissan !”

.Since she began to be displaced and fleeing for these years , she thought that she would be shrouded in the shadow of betrayal and betrayal all her life , until she died .

.Until she met Cang Yue .

.The appearance of Cang Yue was like a ray of light , dispelling the gloom in Robin’s heart , allowing that fragile heart to finally find a safe haven .

.At this moment , she couldn’t help thinking of Sauro’s words before he died .

.” In life , you will never be alone forever . In the future, you will definitely meet your true companions , go find them , Robin !”

.Robin had tears in his eyes, but a smile on his face : ” Sauro , I think I finally found it . ”

.” Little girl , you cry all day long , so I’ll just urge you to say a few words . ”

.Cang Yue handed Robin a tissue and motioned for him to wipe away his tears .

.” Thank you , Nissan !”

.Taking the tissue , Robin said very seriously .

.No one knew that her thank you contained another meaning .

.” It’s weird today . ”

.Cang Yue shook her head , but didn’t take it to heart .

.It is not the first time he has seen Robin’s strangeness .

.A month ago , Cang Yue just came to this place and happened to meet Robin who was being chased and killed .

.Originally, he didn’t intend to meddle in his own business , but it happened that the system was awakened , and three major options were accidentally triggered .

.Option 1: Stand by and reward Navy Six .

.Option 2: Fall in the hole and reward with a Devil Fruit .

.Option 3: Rescue Robin and reward the inheritance of the Cangyue of Ice .

.Faced with this situation , does he have a choice ?

.Therefore , Cang Yue decisively rescued Robin and helped her get rid of everyone’s pursuit .

.For Robin , when she saw that someone saved her despite her own safety , her cold psychological defense was quietly shattered .

.She thought that Cang Yue didn’t recognize her identity as the devil’s son , so she only thought that the other party was a good person who drew a sword to help .

.So , she immediately stated that she was a homeless orphan and begged Cang Yue to take her in.

.Cang Yue found it interesting for a while , so she agreed to take her in.

.After this period of time together , Robin finally opened up to Cang Yue and recognized Cang Yue as his elder brother .

.Looking at this brother sent from heaven , Robin cherished it in his heart , and at the same time had a bit of vision for the future .

.After the two of them finished their meal , Cang Yue went to check out while Robin packed her luggage .

.” Go , get ready to go to the next stop !”

.Cang Yue greeted them , and the two left the restaurant , preparing to start their next journey .

.However, when he walked out of the restaurant , a tall and thin man walked towards him .

.When he saw the tall and thin man , Robin’s face suddenly turned pale and his eyes were frightened .

.” What ‘s wrong ?”

.Cang Yue asked with some doubts .

.” Blue … green pheasant …”

.Robin shivered , sweat dripping from his forehead .

.The man is tall , wearing a white shirt and black trousers , wearing a headscarf and sunglasses , exhaling cold air from time to time .

.Cang Yue ‘s expression did not change , even though the man looked younger than he remembered , he still recognized him very quickly .

.The future admiral of the navy , the current admiral of the navy headquarters – Aoki !

.” Ah la la … it looks like you’re having a good time , Nico Robin . ”

.Aokiji said casually .

.Robin looked at Aokiji in fear , she was panting violently , and cold sweat kept dripping .

.She said with a trembling voice : ” Why are you here …”

.Qingzhi put his hands in his pockets and said lazily, ” Because you have been out of contact for a month , I came here specially. It looks like you have found a new employer . ”

.Aokiji took a step forward , and this action also made Robin almost collapse and fell to the ground in fright .

.” Alas … am I that scary ?”

.Aokiji scratched his head helplessly .

.” Nevertheless , I have a piece of advice for you , if you don’t want to hurt anyone else , leave your new employer as soon as possible . ”

.Saying that, he looked at Cang Yue .

.This look happened to meet Cang Yue .

.The other party’s deep blue eyes seemed to contain some kind of magic , which made Qingzhi’s heart jump for no reason .

.Although the other party was ordinary , it gave him an inexplicable terrifying feeling .

.” It looks like … little brother, you don’t seem to know her identity yet . ”

.Aokiji put down his hand scratching his hair and reinserted it in his trouser pocket , his tone still lazy .

.” I don’t care who she is . ”

.Cang Yue smiled slightly , reached out and touched Robin’s head : ” I only know that she is my sister . ”

.Hearing this , Robin , who was still in a panic, immediately felt a sense of peace in his heart , and the panic gradually subsided .

Chapter 2 _ Ice Blue Emperor Dragon VS Storm Pheasant Mouth

.Qingzhi looked at this scene , his face changed slightly , and he admitted that he was a little jealous .

.At the same time .

.Cang Yue and Robin also clearly felt that the nearby temperature dropped to freezing point in an instant , and a layer of frost condensed on the air and surrounding buildings .

.Qing Zhishou said with some distress : ” Ah la la … It really gives me a headache , you don’t know her identity , although she is innocent , but you always take her in, that is blatantly covering up the wanted criminal . The Navy can’t ignore it !”

.” I totally understand . ”

.Cang Yue nodded , showing an expression of approval .

? Ding ! Trigger random option ]

[ Option 1: Hand over Robin . Completion Reward Armed Sakura Sakura ]

[ Option 2: Kill Aokiji and help Robin get rid of the nightmare forever . Completion reward frozen fruit ]

[ Option 3: Freeze the green pheasant and leave calmly . Completion reward Ice Moon Legacy +1% ?

.The two stared at each other like this , and the air began to gradually solidify .

.This is solidification in the true sense , and layers of frost spread all around , as if to freeze everything .

.Seeing this scene , Robin’s originally stable heart became nervous again .

.She looked at Cang Yue and said worriedly, ” Nissan is careful , his name is Kuzan , he is a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters , codenamed Qingzhi , he is powerful like a monster , I don’t want Nissan to get hurt , I still …”

.” Robin-chan , remember what I told you before ?”

.Cang Yue interrupted her and smiled softly : ” You are my sister !”

.Click ! !

.Just as Cang Yue was speaking , the green pheasant on the other side suddenly made a move .

.The terrifying cold air spread across the sky , he still stood there without any unnecessary movements , but the ground under his feet instantly condensed into ice and swept across Cang Yue like a wave .

.Ice Age !

.The ice covering Cang Yue’s body instantly froze the two of them into an ice sculpture .

.But the strange thing is that with Cang Yue as the center , the frost quickly subsided , and Robin also returned to its original state . The power of freezing seemed to be swallowed up by some more terrifying power .

.” Nani !”

.Aokiji’s pupils shrank slightly .

.As a frozen fruit person , he can clearly perceive his own freezing power , as if being swallowed by a higher level of frozen assimilation .

.This is the first time he has seen this kind of freezing above freezing .

.But as a future admiral , he’s been through countless battles , so he’s not panicking .

.He lifted his hand , and the ice cubes quickly condensed in the air , turning into countless frozen spears .

.” Ice Cube Two Spears ! ”

.Countless frozen spears broke through the air and ran towards Rocky .

.” Ice Polar Aperture !”

.Cang Yue also slowly stretched out her fingers , her fingertips blooming with a halo of ice that instantly spread around like a blade of light .

.Countless frozen spears suddenly stopped in the air , and then exploded into countless ice chips , splashing in all directions .

.” This frozen power … actually contains the profound meaning of slashing , bad !”

.The green pheasant’s complexion changed greatly , and the body was swept by the halo of ice , and the whole person immediately slammed , and then exploded into countless pieces of ice .

.The body was reorganized not far away , Qingzhi stared at Cang Yue , and said solemnly : ” Is this terrifying frozen power really the upper fruit of the frozen fruit ? This is troublesome …”

.In the short tentative attack , he judged that Cang Yue’s strength was extremely strong , especially the opponent’s freezing power , which seemed to overwhelm him in terms of level .

.Such terrifying powerhouses , if they become pirates , at least have a reward of more than one billion yuan .

.No wonder the other party dared to take in Nicole Robin . It turned out that he had such a strong strength to do it .

.But how could such a terrible person appear in the first half of the great route ?

.” Is that elementalization ?”

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