.Fuzifu scolded : ” At first glance, this ship is not the Whitebeard Pirates . Most of them are here to monitor our movements, and they must be killed !”

.Fuzifu is extremely powerful , eating the fruit of the ancient saber-toothed tiger , and is good at the six naval styles .

.In today’s Hundred Beast Pirates , he is also second only to the existence of the three major kanbans .

.” But … Lord Quinn is still waiting for us to deliver things …”

.Babanuki discouraged with a nervous look on his face .

.heard .

.Fuzzy’s face turned cold , and he snorted : ” What do you mean … use Quinn to press me ? Or do you think I’m going to screw things up ?”

.Even in the face of the three major kanbans , Fuzifu is not wrong at all . It is unforgivable that a mere subordinate dares to question him .

.Seeing Fuzifu getting angry , Babanuki didn’t dare to speak any more .

.He could only turn his head and look at the ice ship in the distance , revealing a ruthless look .

.Now that the boss has made a decision , let’s get rid of the ice ship first , and then go back , it shouldn’t be a problem after all .

Chapter 87 _ Recover Eudemons Fruit and get Hell’s Blood

.” Bombardment !!”

.After the ice ship entered the shelling range , the ship of the Beast Pirates launched the shelling directly .

.In the huge roar , a large number of shells shot out and bombarded the ice ship .

.the other side .

.When she saw the cannonballs rushing towards her , Cang Yue casually waved her palm twice .

.White freezing air swayed out , instantly freezing all the shells in the air , and then annihilating them all .

.After finishing these cannonballs , Cang Yue raised her palm and aimed at the pirate ship in the distance .

.” The Wrath of the Flame Dragon !”

.A huge flame dragon rushed out , nearly 100 meters long , and slammed through the sea .

.Wherever Yanlong passed , the sea burned directly , and a terrifying gully appeared !

.” Nani !”

.Seeing this terrifying flame dragon , Fuzifu suddenly showed a look of surprise .

.He obviously did not expect such a terrible existence on the ice ship .

.Just by looking at this flame dragon , you can see that the other party is not a simple person .

.But at this point , Fuzifu couldn’t back down .

.If he backs down , the ship will be destroyed .

.Therefore , he can only bite the bullet and carry it .

.next moment .

.Fuzzifu turned into a saber-toothed tiger form , and at the same time, the armor color covered his whole body , and then rushed up .

.The pirates on the deck were also horrified and terrified when they saw the huge flame dragon charging over .

.” Lord Fuzzif !”

.When they saw Fuzifu rushing up , they suddenly shouted excitedly .

.Fuzzifu gritted his teeth , his arms crossed in front of him, and at the same time, he cast iron blocks and armed colors , trying to forcibly hold Yanlong .

.Boom ! !

.The flame dragon slammed into Fuzifu, and immediately sparks scattered , and the terrifying high-temperature air wave spread , making the scalp tingle .

.Although Cang Yue’s fire element inheritance is only 10%, the power of the Yanlong still surpasses the lieutenant general level , and is infinitely close to the general level .

.Even if Fuzifu is the future flying six , but at most the level of the lieutenant general, it is of course impossible to resist this blow .

.” Impossible !!”

.Fuzzifu roared loudly , and was pushed back by the Yanlong . Finally, the Yanlong exploded , drenching his whole body with blood and flying backwards .

.At the same time , the pirate ship was also blown up in half by the explosion , and a huge gap appeared in the hull !

.” How is it possible that Lord Fuzifu was killed !”

.” With such a terrifying flame power , is the opponent the one who burns the fruit ?”

.The pirates looked horrified , and then they looked at the ice boat in the distance , and finally saw the figure of Cang Yue .

.Some people don’t remember it at all , and some people feel a little familiar , but they can’t remember it for a while .

.Ultimately .

.Someone recognized it and was paralyzed on the spot .

.” Ice … Ice … Emperor …”

.” Nani … Ice Emperor … Did you read it wrong !”

.” Isn’t the Ice Emperor only has the power of freezing ? Why did the power of flame emerge again ?”

.The pirates were in an uproar on the spot .

.Some people are still holding on to luck and keep asking questions , hoping that the other party will tell him that he is wrong .

.” We … pills !”

.”I actually met the Ice Emperor !”

.After recognizing the identity of the Ice Emperor , the pirates suddenly felt desperate .

.Not to mention them , it is estimated that the captain of their captain , Kaido , one of the three emperors of the new world, has to kneel when he meets Cang Yue .

.” Damn … retreat quickly ~”!”

.Fuzzif is worthy of being an ancient species , and his vitality is very tenacious . He is only on the verge of death after being exposed to the flame dragon , and he has not really died .

.At this moment , he got up with blood dripping all over his body .

.Fortunately, Cang Yue’s attack was a long-range attack , and he was still heading towards the ship , not the person , otherwise he would have been reduced to ashes long ago .

.But even so , he had run out of fuel and regretted secretly in his heart .

.Who would have thought that a random ship would have a monster like the Ice Emperor on it .

.At this time , the pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates , apparently unwilling to fight , began to turn their course and prepare to escape .

.” Do you still want to leave after shooting ?”

.Cang Yue snorted coldly . She originally thought that the Hundred Beast Pirates would at least have some backbone , but she didn’t expect to run away when she saw her .

.Moreover, it seemed that the other party had already been frightened , which made Cang Yue a little disappointed .

.Cang Yue shook her head , her palms circulated black and white clouds , and her big hand waved a black and white tornado , which immediately rolled towards the pirate ship ahead .

.”The wind and the clouds remain !”

.Fengjuanyun was like a flower of hell in full bloom , instantly tearing the bodies of countless pirates , the pirates screamed again and again , and their flesh and blood flew .

.Under the wind and clouds of Cang Yue , even Fuzifu couldn’t hold on for long , and completely collapsed in a pool of blood .

.” It’s boring !”

.I thought that I could meet the three major kanban boards , and then trigger the task , but Mao didn’t trigger it, and Cang Yue was disappointed .

.In order to make money back , he decided to scavenge the transport ship to see if there was anything good .


.and country .

.Rabbit Bowl , Quarry .

.At this time , Quinn was eating red bean soup , watching his subordinates sing and dance rap together .

.When Quinn appeared in the original book , his bounty was as high as more than 1.3 billion Bailey , but that was more than ten years later .

.Quinn’s bounty is now only a few hundred million .

.Although he was still fat , he was obviously much younger .

.At this time , he has successfully transformed himself and obtained most of Germa’s technology , and even the research results of Vega Punk , he has also successfully deciphered a part .

.After turning all these technologies into weapons and installing them on his body , Quinn’s strength can be described as extremely powerful .

.Just then .

.An alpaca man ran over in a panic .

.” Kui … Lord Quinn , it ‘s not good , our transport ship encountered a terrible enemy attack on the way back , and now the whole army has been wiped out !”

.The alpaca looked panicked and his voice trembled .

.Hearing such a sentence , Quinn was stunned for a moment , and then his expression changed suddenly .

.” What did you say ?”

.Quinn overturned his beloved red bean soup , grabbed the alpaca man’s neck , and picked it up . A terrifying gleam appeared in his sunglasses .

.Seeing the alpaca man rolling his eyes and foaming at the mouth , Quinn threw him aside .

.” I’m going there myself . ”

.Quinn’s tone was full of murderous intent .

.I don’t know where the person who appeared , dared to attack their transport ship .

.You must know that in the transport ship this time , there is an Eudemons Devil Fruit , which Kaido intends to give to his daughter .

.But now it has been robbed by others . If Kaido is to blame later , as the person in charge of this transportation , he will have to peel off his skin even if he does not die .

.No matter what the origin of that guy is, the Devil Fruit must be recovered , and the other party must pay a heavy price .


.At this time , it was five hundred miles away from the country of Wano .

.Cang Yue just finished looting the transport ship and moved all the useful things into the ice ship .

.During this period , he also found a devil fruit !

.” Animal Devil Fruit …”

.Cang Yue looked at this Devil Fruit , and simply based on its appearance , he couldn’t tell what kind of fruit it was .

.But it doesn’t matter , he can’t use it anyway , just recycle it directly .

.” System , recover this devil fruit !”

? Ding ! The fruit of the dog , the phantom beast , and the fruit of the true god of the mouth were recovered successfully , and the blood of hell was obtained ]

.” Oh , it ‘s actually the blood of hell !”

.Seeing this , Cang Yue’s eyes lit up .

.It’s a good thing this time !

.” Nissan , there is a boat approaching ahead !”

.Suddenly , Robin with the telescope reminded .

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