.Just as Trunks begged , a beep sounded in Cang Yue’s mind .

? Ding ! Trigger special missions ]

[ Mission : Help Trunks , eliminate BoJack , and save the Earth ]

[ Reward : 50 times the Super World King Fist ]

.” Get up first , I promise !”

.Cang Yue grabbed Trunks .

.” Really ?”

.Trunks was stunned , then ecstatic .

.Cang Yue nodded and said: ” Well , but this matter can’t be rushed . For now, let’s settle down first , and then discuss the next 353 plan !”


.In the vast ocean , on the island of the turtle fairy .

.Bidili is reporting to the Turtle Immortal .

.” Mr. Wu Tian , Aunt Bulma’s mood has eased a lot , and she will surely cheer up soon . ”

.” Ah …”

.The Turtle Immortal sighed deeply : ” It’s really hard for Bulma , since Vegeta died in battle , Trunks has been her spiritual support , but I never thought …”

.” Teacher Wu Tian , now that even Trunks is dead , do we really still have hope ?”

.” Children , never give up hope !”

.” But …”

.Bi Dili’s eyes dimmed : ” This hope is too slim !”

.Immortal Turtle shook his head and said, ” Although the hope is slim , we must not give up easily , otherwise …”

.Before the words were finished , Immortal Turtle was suddenly shocked , and then his face changed greatly .

.” Teacher Wu Tian , what ‘s wrong ?”

.” I sense Trunks’ anger !”

.” Really ?”

.Hearing this , Bidili was pleasantly surprised : ” I knew that Trunks would not die easily …”

.” Don’t be too happy too soon !”

.The Turtle Immortal interrupted her words , staring into the distance , and said solemnly : ” In addition to Trunks’ qi , I also perceive another stronger and more incredible qi !”

.” Another breath ?”

.Bidley was puzzled , and then became shocked : ” It can’t be BoJack, right ?”

.” No , this air is bigger and more terrifying than BoJack , even comparable to Sharu !”

.Suddenly , Immortal Turtle’s eyes widened , and he turned to look somewhere on the island .

.That’s Bulma’s institute .

.” What ‘s wrong … Teacher Wu Tian ?”

.” Let’s go , let’s go and see , the two qi that were separated by thousands of miles just now came to the research institute in an instant !”

.Turtle Immortal looked worried , and quickly rushed in the direction of the research institute .

.a moment .

.When they arrived , they saw Bulma and Trunks hugging each other and crying loudly .

.However, compared to the reunion of these two mothers and sons , Immortal Turtle’s gaze was more on Cang Yue next to her .

.” This qi … how is it exactly the same as when Goku Vegeta and the others transformed into Super Saiyans ?”

.Turtle Immortal was puzzled .

.” Yo … it’s Teacher Wu Tian !”

.Seeing Immortal Turtle , Cang Yue greeted her naturally .

.Do we know each other ?

.This time , the turtle fairy is even more confused !

.” Mom , Teacher Wu Tian … This is Your Excellency Cang Yue, and he is also a Saiyan !”

.Trunks introduced it to everyone , and then said gratefully, ” If Your Excellency Cang Yue hadn’t acted in time this time , I’m afraid I would have been killed by BoJack , and then everyone would never see me again !”

.Afterwards , he introduced Cang Yue’s history again .

.Hearing this , everyone was grateful and shocked .

.Didn’t (bjej) think that Cang Yue actually came from another parallel time and space .

.Moreover , they have a great relationship with them !

.Bulma came to Cang Yue and bowed deeply : ” Your Excellency Cang Yue , thank you for saving Trunks . ”

.Seeing Bulma , a young woman who was both familiar and unfamiliar in front of her, Cang Yue shook her head and said :

.” Don’t thank me , after all, in my time and space , I’m still your brother . ”

.” Oh , is it ?”

.Bulma looked surprised , and felt a little more intimacy with Cang Yue in her heart .

.” So , Lord Cang Yue really came from another parallel time and space ?”

.Bidley asked curiously .

.” That’s right . ”

.Cang Yue nodded and admitted generously .

.” Great !”

.After getting a positive answer , Bidili immediately said excitedly : ” Aunt Bulma , since Your Excellency Cang Yue can travel through parallel time and space , then maybe your time machine can also be successful !”

.” Time Machine ?”

.Cang Yue looked at Bulma in surprise .

.Bulma replied : ” Your Excellency Cang Yue , I plan to develop a time machine on the island . The purpose is to go back to the past , change history , and save the world . ”

.When Cang Yue heard the words, she realized that this plan was indeed feasible .

.But this is just a plan after all . If it is implemented, it will inevitably encounter many variables , not to mention the success rate .

.But since he’s here , it doesn’t have to be so troublesome .

.” I admit it’s a solution , but I don’t have any expectations for the outcome !”

.Cang Yue shook her head : ” Because even if you go back to the past and change history , the world will not change , it will only be another timeline !”

.Hearing this , Bulma looked incredulous : ” How is it possible …”

.” I believe that you have vaguely guessed this yourself , but you dare not admit it yourself !”

.Afterwards , Cang Yue changed the topic again : ” But don’t worry , since I’m here , I will definitely help you . ”

.” Really , the earth is saved !”

.Hearing this , the depressed people suddenly became excited .

.However , Immortal Turtle said with a solemn expression : ” Your Excellency Cang Yue … It’s not that I question your strength , it’s just that BoJack is too strong , I’m still afraid …”

.” I know exactly how much strength BoJack has . Do n’t worry , I won’t trick you . ”

.Cang Yue first appeased everyone , and then promised : ” Even if you don’t have to rely on me , as long as you tap all of Trunks’ potential and eradicate a mere BoJack , it ‘s no problem at all . ”

.” Am I … so good ?”

.Trunks couldn’t believe it .

.After all , he was almost killed by BoJack before .

.But now , Cang Yue said that he could easily eradicate BoJack ?

.Cang Yue chuckled : ” No doubt , your potential is huge . As long as you practice hard for a period of time , it is not difficult to surpass BoJack . ”

.With Cang Yue’s affirmation , Trunks’ eyes glowed , his shaky will was instantly firm , and a strong self-confidence surged in his heart .

.Yes , I can definitely defeat BoJack and save the planet ! .

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