Seeing the obvious dissatisfaction on Jun Aozhi's face, Gu Liangyuan shook his head.

No matter what I say to this big licking dog, it’s true that I can communicate with Lin Shuang later.

Speaking of Lin Shuang, it seemed that the silk pa had been forgotten to return to her.

Judging from Jun Aozhi's situation, he will have to go to Central Continent sooner or later and talk about it later.

Thinking of this, Gu Liangyuan said to Jun Aozhi:

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

With that said, he handed the apprenticeship gift from Lin Shuang to Jun Aozhi.

Because Jun Aozhi had fire spirit roots in his body, he also passed on the Great Sun Burning Heaven Technique to him.

"No matter what, you will be my apprentice from now on."

"This is the apprenticeship ceremony your mother gave me, so I borrowed flowers and presented them to the Buddha as a return gift."

"This Great Sun Burning Heaven Technique is a nine-turn body-refining mystical skill, which is a perfect match for your fire spirit root."

"Whenever you can succeed in Nascent Soul, I will release you back to Central Continent."

Jun Aozhi took the storage bag from Gu Liangyuan and felt that at this moment, Gu Liangyuan suddenly became a little taller in his heart.

Even the Jun family only has one copy of the Nine Transformation Mysterious Technique for body training, and it can only be practiced with mutated ice spirit roots.

He didn't expect that Gu Liangyuan actually had a body-training technique suitable for him, and handed it over to him without reservation.

The Supreme Master forgets his feelings and cultivates his spirit, and the sun burns the sky to refine his body. With these two volumes of exercises, his path of cultivation will be smooth sailing.

There is also the storage bag, which was chosen as a apprenticeship gift by my mother, and nothing in it is ordinary.

He, Gu Liangyuan, didn't even look at it and just gave it to him?

It's good now. After escaping from Wangqing Peak, I have to go to find Xiaohong again.

But when he heard the second half of Gu Liangyuan's words, he suddenly showed a sad expression.


It was the first time that Jun Aozhi called someone master. Jun Aozhi was still not used to it. After hesitatingly saying the word master, he continued:

"With the talent of my twin spiritual roots, it will take at least a hundred years to cultivate to Nascent Soul. By then, Xiaohong would have forgotten about me."

"It's better not to promise what you promised."

Gu Liangyuan looked at Jun Aozhi:

"Who said you only have the talent of dual spiritual roots?"

"Just because of this, I won't accept you as my disciple."

"You still have the blood of the devil hidden in your body!"

Although Jun Aozhi was obsessed with Xiao Hong before and delayed his cultivation, he was born in a big family and knew more about the secrets of the cultivation world than ordinary people.

It was related to his own physique, and since his infatuation value was temporarily suppressed, his expression became a little more serious:

"It doesn't make sense. I haven't heard that our Jun family has a demon ancestor, but the Wang family next door has a demon ancestor..."

At this point, Jun Aozhi suddenly realized something and his eyes widened.

Gu Liangyuan probed his head slightly and moved a little closer to Jun Aozhi.

It was obvious that his desire for gossip was aroused!

Lao Wang next door?

After checking his bloodline, he also found out a piece of gossip!

Jun Aozhi shook his head repeatedly:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I have tested the bloodline of our Jun family. It cannot be the bloodline of my maternal family."

Gu Liangyuan started brainstorming, thinking about Lin Shuang's dead husband, and a large-scale drama was already playing out in his mind.

"Is there a possibility that you were born from the union of the Jun family and the Wang family?"

Jun Aozhi fell into deep thought...

After a long time, he still shook his head and said firmly:

"Absolutely impossible!"

Hearing this, Gu Liangyuan raised his eyebrows:

"How about we make a bet. If you have the blood of the devil in your body, before you become a Nascent Soul, you will follow me to practice well and never run away."

Jun Aozhi's heart skipped a beat, how did he guess that I was going to run away.

Gu Liangyuan’s words continued:

"If you don't, I'll let you go back to Central Continent immediately."

Jun Aozhi's eyes flashed, he gritted his teeth and nodded heavily:

"I'll bet you!"

Gu Liangyuan smiled: "There is no basis for what you say, just make an oath."

"If you don't fulfill your bet then, once you see Xiao Hong, you will be haunted by inner demons and die immediately!"


"What a vicious oath!"

"Forget it if you don't accept it. In order to prevent you from escaping, I can only keep you under house arrest at Wangqing Peak."

"You are cruel!"

In the end, Jun Aozhi swore obediently and settled down at Wangqing Peak.

After arranging Wang Defa to keep an eye on Jun Aozhi, Gu Liangyuan was free and began to check the system's return rewards:

"Ding, the host has given me a low-grade spiritual treasure, which triggers a 500-fold return. The reward is: Eleven Earth Swords."

"Ding, the host has given me the materials for refining the weapon, triggering a three hundred times return. The reward is: ten copies of the materials for refining the Five Thieves Flags."

"Ding, the host bestows a low-grade spiritual treasure, which triggers a two thousand times return. The reward is: a high-grade spiritual treasure, the Heavenly Sword."

"Ding, the host has given me a heavenly magic weapon, which triggers a five hundred times return. The reward is: low-grade spiritual treasure."


The densely packed system panel has returned more than thirty spiritual objects and treasures!

Although the quality is a bit worse than Zhang Yang’s opportunity, he has enough!

Gu Liangyuan took inventory of the harvest. He put aside all the magic weapons and spiritual objects below the heaven level. His main focus was still on the first few returned spiritual objects.

The first was the Eleven Earth Swords, which allowed him to collect the Earth Swords package.

Name: Twelve Earth Swords

Level: Taken apart individually, each one is a mid-grade spiritual treasure. When the earth sword is combined into one, it is a top-grade spiritual treasure.

Function: Twelve swords are sacrificed at the same time to set up the Ziwu Sword Formation.

Ziwu Sword Formation: It is composed of four small formations of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It spreads the energy of the five elements and changes in the four seasons. It can kill unparalleled people and trap people at the same time.

With the host's current strength, a small formation can be used at will to kill an early-stage god.

Use the complete Ziwu Sword Formation to fight against the mid- to late-stage transformation of gods.

(The three swords of spring are Yin Mao Chen, the three swords of summer are at noon, the three swords of autumn are Shen Youxu, and the three swords of winter are Hai Zi Chou.)

Looking at this dense system introduction, Gu Liangyuan was satisfied.

It was worthy of the Earth Sword package that I had spent so much effort to collect. It was just a matter of leisurely execution.

Moreover, the mana required to control spiritual treasures is much less than the consumption of using great magical powers.

He has one more trump card.

Then Gu Liangyuan turned his attention to the refining materials of the Five Thief Flags. These things were not particularly precious.

The most difficult part of the Five Thieves Flag is collecting the energy of the Five Thieves.

How should I put it, with the system's return rewards, it saves the effort of collecting them. You can try to refine them later.

Finally, Gu Liangyuan's eyes fell on Tian Yijian, and he felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Name: Tianyijia Wooden Sword

Level: Top Grade Lingbao

Function: Ten heavenly swords correspond to the ten heavenly stems, each one is a top-grade spiritual treasure.

Ten swords combined into one can be a low-grade immortal weapon.

Paired with the Twelve Earth Swords, it is a middle-grade immortal weapon.

When the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches gather together, they can use the Jiazi Sword Formation to achieve unmatched killing power.

Seeing the introduction of Tian Yijian, Gu Liangyuan's joy in gathering all the Earth swords was instantly diluted.

System, you went to Goose Factory for further training, right?

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