The whole Demon Cult knows that the deadline agreed with the Central Plains has come, and the only high-level members left in the cult.

The two guardians, Baifaxian and Ziyihou, have already set off for the Central Plains to welcome back their young master.

In this regard, except for a few people in Tianwaitian, most people in the cult have no feelings about this hostage held hostage by the Central Plains. In simple terms, the young cannot obey the majority.

The leader conquered the Demon Cult with his own strength and personal charm, but he died in the Demon Cult's Eastern Expedition that year.

The Demon Cult has been without a master for many years, and the people in the cult have long been accustomed to ruling without a master.

What's more, the high-level members of the cult are almost extinct, and now no one is willing to obey anyone, and no one wants to submit to others.

The Demon Cult is now divided into four factions:

One is the Tianwai Tian, ​​headed by Ye Dingzhi, which is currently led by the White-haired Immortal and the Purple-robed Marquis.

One is the Renwai Ren, formed by the four former subordinates of Ye Dingzhi after his death.

One is the Tiangang, a wild party that is tired of years of internal fighting and disappointed with the Demon Cult.

One is the Disha, a former subordinate of the Soul Judge, who is erratic in his stance.

The Demon Cult is now divided into four factions: Tianwai Tian, ​​Renwai Ren, Tiangang and Disha, and there are countless other large and small factions.

Among them, Renwai Ren is ambitious and tries to unify the outside world, causing unrest in the Cult.

Tiangang occupies one side and does not care about any affairs in the Cult, truly secluded from the world.

Disha is a fence-sitter, undecided, and he will show goodwill to the more powerful faction.

For a long time, Disha had a lot of exchanges with Renwairen, until Tianwaitian went to the Central Plains, and the attitude began to slowly change.

This is the current situation outside the domain, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as torn apart.

Baifaxian and Ziyihou would never have thought that Xiao Ruolin would stay for five years.

At the beginning, Baifaxian did suspect that Xiao Ruolin had ulterior motives, until...


The four forces of Tianwaitian, Renwairen, Tiangang, and Disha are all gathered here.

The atmosphere in the meeting hall is extremely tense, and the four forces have their own ulterior motives.

Baifaxian and Ziyihou stood quietly on both sides of Wuxin, observing the coming storm.

As for Xiao Ruolin, he was naturally invited by Wuxin to sit next to him.

Wuwei, the leader of Renwairen, wore a black evil ghost mask and looked sharply at the two teenagers on the main seat.

He had a hint of contempt in his eyes, and did not hide his intentions.

"The outsiders welcome the young master back to the sect, but why is there an outsider in the meeting hall of my demon sect?"

The outsiders were the first to attack. The group of assassins who blocked the road before were sent by them.

Everyone present knew it well, and the Purple-Robed Marquis did not hide his murderous intention.

If the young sect master had not ordered before, this Hongmen Banquet set up by the outside world would have made him lose his head.

The representatives of Tiangang were silent, and they did not seem to want to get involved in this fight.

Even if they had not heard that the young sect master was back, they would not come to participate in the meeting.

The people of Disha were watching and waiting for the situation to change, but they did not think highly of the so-called young master.

What qualifications does a boy who looks seventeen years old have to sit in that position? If it were not for the majesty of the former demon sect leader, they would not give him any face.

The White-Faced Immortal and the Purple-Robed Marquis looked at each other, and they knew in their hearts that an invisible war was about to happen.

At this moment, Wuxin slowly stood up, and his voice was clearly heard throughout the hall.

"Everyone, I called you here, but I didn't set up a Hongmen Feast for you, so don't be nervous."

"And I have only one goal today, that is to achieve unification outside the domain!" His eyes were firm and full of determination.

Everyone was in an uproar. They didn't expect that this young young master would have such courage.

He had such great ambitions just after returning to the sect, but the various factions of the Demon Cult fought each other and had been developing without a master for twelve years.

You are almost the leader, but a hostage who was taken to the Central Plains, wanting them to surrender is wishful thinking.

Wuxin continued, "I know everyone has doubts in their hearts, but now the Demon Cult needs unity to fight against external threats. If it continues to waste internal energy, it will not only hinder the development outside the domain, but also be coveted by other forces."

His words touched some people, especially those believers who yearn for peace.

But the unrestrained and unconstrained did not express their views at the first time, because they knew that unifying the fragmented sects would inevitably involve bloodshed.

And he

They and other Tiangang members have long been tired of fighting. If the price of unification is fighting, then there is no need to continue this discussion.

"Young Sect Master has great ambitions, but you want us to obey you with just a few words. I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince us." Wuwei sneered.

Wuxin smiled slightly, as if he had expected it: "I naturally know that empty words cannot convince people. Next, I will use actions to prove that unifying the outside world is our only way out."

"Ha!" Wuwei's mouth corners slightly raised.

He wanted to see what the young sect master was capable of. If he wanted to get something for nothing, it would depend on whether they were willing.

Wuxin looked at Wujiu and Wushu and said modestly: "Two seniors, what do you think?"

Wujiu and Wushu looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, they slowly said: "We are willing to believe the young master once, but if we find that the young master is just talking nonsense, Tiangang will never compromise."

In fact, Tiangang has been waiting for someone who can change the status quo of the Demon Sect.

They have been waiting for twelve years, and there is still no talented person in the entire Demon Sect.

Disha is weak and unable to take on the responsibility, and Renwairen is too cruel, which makes everyone in the outside world feel insecure and makes the situation worse.

But for some reason, from the moment I saw the young master, an indescribable feeling came over me.

The subconscious told them that perhaps this young master could really bring peace.

The first master created Tianwaitian just to restore the country and avenge Beili.

And the second master pushed the Demon Sect into the abyss for a woman.

He did pay a lot for the Demon Cult, but at the same time, the current situation of the Demon Cult was also caused by him.

Wuxin nodded, "Thank you two seniors for your trust, I will not let you down."

At this time, the representative of Disha, who had been silent, stood up.

Seeing that Renwairen did not take the next step, they chose to show their goodwill to the young master first.

"Since the people of Tiangang choose to believe in the young master, then Disha is willing to follow. We also hate disputes. The Demon Cult should unite to reproduce the glory of the past."

In fact, they rarely participated in the struggle in recent years and have already figured out the forces in the sect.

Among the forces in the sect, Tianwaitian is the most powerful.

Not only are the two guardians of the sect in it, but now the young master has been welcomed back.

In the past, not fighting was loyalty. Now that the young master is back, I believe that the two guardians will never sit idly by and watch the Demon Cult in such a mess.

They will definitely assist the young master and lead the Demon Cult. It's just a matter of time.

The situation became clear in an instant. Wuwei saw this and his face turned gloomy in an instant.

I thought that the people of Tiangang had really gone into seclusion, but I never thought that they would take sides so easily.

At the beginning, they were always turned away when they came to the door.

Good, good!

And that bastard fence-sitter showed weakness before the outsiders even spoke.

It's really a bunch of trash!

But now that things have come to this, he can't say anything more: "In this case, let's see if the young master can lead the Demon Sect to glory."

Want to unify the Demon Sect? Ha! Then try it!

Wuwei's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Over the years, he had finally turned the outside world upside down, allowing the outsiders to expand their power.

Now, they are not used to obeying others.

Wuxin's eyes flashed with a gleam of light: "I will, but before that, I still need to deal with some internal problems..."


Wuxin clapped his hands, and the doors and windows of the hall were all closed instantly.

In an instant, everyone focused their eyes on Wuxin, their eyes full of questions.

"Young Sect Master, is it because we are outsiders and have not made our position clear, so you want to put us under house arrest?" Wuwei laughed.


After all, he is still a young man full of blood, so he can't keep his temper and can't bear the loss.

But this is just what he wants, after all, he is also a senior with a long history in the Demon Cult.

He has just returned to the sect and has imposed such a tough measure, and then he will publicize it.

At that time, let alone unifying the Demon Cult, I am afraid that many other people will have doubts about this new young sect master.

Sure enough, the moment the door closed, Wujiu and Wushu frowned slightly.

Obviously, this young sect master is still a little inappropriate in handling things...

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