The emperor's son was born in a poor family and lived in the palace where his mother lived.

At the beginning of his birth, each prince usually lived in the palace where his mother lived.

Now, in the entire harem, only Xiao Ruolin can enter and leave at will, because he is the youngest son of Emperor Mingde.

As for the other princes, they were either assigned to fiefdoms, or were rewarded with a mansion outside the imperial city by the emperor, or held an official position in the court.

It is worth mentioning that all princes who hold official positions in the court are the main candidates for competing for the king.

Behind them, either there are powerful ministers supporting them, or they are deeply loved by the emperor.

Among the thirteen princes of Emperor Mingde, except for the eldest prince who died young, the most representative ones are the second prince Xiao Chong, the sixth prince Xiao Chuhe and the seventh prince Xiao Yu.

They are the three most outstanding princes among the thirteen sons of Emperor Mingde, and all of them are crowned as kings.

Only the princes who are crowned as kings can decide their own stay or leave at will.

This is also what Xiao Ruolin wants most, because from childhood to adulthood, his range of activities is only this imperial city, and he needs to report to his mother if he wants to go out of the palace.

Despite this, the number of times he can go in and out of the palace is very few.

For this reason, he often sneaks out of the palace alone to enjoy the prosperity and hustle and bustle of Tianqi City, and then goes to the storyteller's bookstall to buy a bunch of books about rivers and lakes.

There are only eunuchs and palace maids in the palace. Apart from going to the Jixia Academy for further study every day, there is no other way to relax and have fun.

Now, the last batch of books about rivers and lakes have been read, and it's time to go out and buy some goods.

Late at night, while his mother was sleeping, Xiao Ruolin got up on tiptoe, put on shoes, socks and clothes, and then opened the window.

You can't go through the main gate, or you'll disturb the night watcher.

"It's so late, what are you going to do, Lin'er?" A voice suddenly sounded behind him, frightening Xiao Ruolin.

He turned around and saw his mother holding her chin up, her hands on the window, looking at him with a smile.

"Son... I'm in a hurry to pee, I want to go to the toilet."

Xiao Ruolin felt guilty when he met his mother's eyes, and hurriedly found an excuse to fool her.

Queen Hu puffed up her lips, bent her index finger and placed it on her lips, looking Xiao Ruolin up and down.

This silly boy, he didn't even find a good excuse. The night watch maid was waiting outside the bedroom. If you want to pee, just say it, and someone will bring you a toilet ticket.

Is it necessary to pee through the window? And use such a poor excuse.

Queen Hu shook her head, turned and walked into the bedroom to get a cloak for Xiao Ruolin to put on.

Afterwards, regardless of her status as the mother of a country, she stood on the table and chair and jumped out of the window.

"There are no stars to lead the way tonight, so let your mother go with you." Queen Hu grabbed Xiao Ruolin's hand.

Wrapped in the warm hand of his mother, Xiao Ruolin felt an unprecedented sense of security and steadiness.

When they came to the toilet, Queen Hu let go of Xiao Ruolin's hand and said, "Go quickly, your mother is waiting for you outside."

There was no other way. Even if he didn't feel like urinating, Xiao Ruolin had to go in and urinate a few drops.

After finishing, he walked out slowly and returned to his mother very reluctantly.

"You've finished peeing, so it's time to go back to sleep." Queen Hu touched Xiao Ruolin's head.

On the way back, Xiao Ruolin was thinking about how to sneak out of the palace again.

After the last incident, every time there was a little noise in the middle of the night, his mother would be awakened.

And during the day, it was even more difficult to leave the palace. There were many people and eyes during the day. Whenever he got close to the palace gate, he would be stopped and carried back to his mother.

He was like a bird in a cage, completely losing his freedom. Sometimes he really envied his brother who could enter and leave the palace at will and have his own palace.

Speaking of which, his brother hadn't come to see him for a long time. It was probably because he was caught by his master to practice.

The next day, Xiao Ruolin went to the palace. He was awakened by his mother.

Then he washed his face, had breakfast, and then was taken to the Jixia Academy by his mother's hand.

In front of the Jixia Academy, Xiao Ruolin opened his hands and pouted. Queen Hu smiled knowingly and gave him a hug.

Then, Xiao Ruolin walked into the school with satisfaction.

He will be completely liberated in two years, but it will be over in two years.

In the school, the teacher still taught boring content, and in this school, except for him, everyone was listening attentively.

The teacher taught hard, and they also studied seriously.

Only he, like an alien, was out of tune with the crowd.

Xiao Ruolin knew that his world was not in the court, but in

In the martial arts world, the martial arts world he longed for.

While Xiao Ruolin was in a daze, he didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the corner.

In the corner, several people sat together.

"Your Highness, do we really want to set up a trap to frame the Thirteenth Prince? I'm afraid that it will be found out..." Wu Yong, the son of the Minister of War, said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? Do you think that your father really dotes on him?"

"Your Highness the Ninth Prince, everyone knows that His Majesty dotes on the Thirteenth Prince. What do you mean by this?" Several people asked hurriedly.

Xiao Jingxia sneered: "Do you still remember the strange phenomenon of the evil wind in Tianqi City seven years ago?"

Several people nodded hurriedly, and Wu Yong recalled: "I remember that a pair of blood-red eyes appeared in the sky at that time, and my father said it was a very ominous phenomenon."

"That's right, that day was the day when the Queen gave birth to the Thirteenth Prince, and the Thirteenth Prince was the Beili disaster star predicted by the Imperial Astronomical Observatory!" Xiao Jingxia said confidently.

"Your Highness, you can't talk nonsense! The rumors of the Imperial Observatory have not been confirmed. According to the Beili Law, those who spread rumors in Tianqi and try to disturb the peace in the city will be beheaded!" Wu Yong advised in a panic.

Xiao Jingxia was not moved at all, "I am not talking nonsense. All this is confirmed by my second brother."

The second prince?

Several people were shocked. If it was the second prince who said it, it would be convincing.

"I am a prince with him. If something goes wrong, I will cover it. What is there to be afraid of? The wounds on your faces haven't healed yet. Have you forgotten so quickly?" Xiao Jingxia said fiercely.

Hearing this, Wu Yong and others immediately lowered their heads. Of course, they didn't forget. The scars from being beaten by the Thirteenth Prince that day are still aching.

Especially the crotch, which was almost kicked by the Thirteenth Prince.

Now the Ninth Prince is taking the lead. It is not a gentleman to not take revenge.

They have been in power for so many years, but now they are being taught a lesson by a seven or eight-year-old kid. Now they are all laughed at by the circle.

"Fuck him! Let His Majesty severely punish him with confinement. He is not a gentleman if he does not take revenge. Let him know the consequences of going against our Sixth Young Master of Tianqi!" Wu Yong said with gritted teeth.

The other people agreed one after another. Seeing this, Xiao Jingxia smiled sinisterly.

On the other side, Xiao Ruolin didn't know that he had been remembered by someone.

After school at noon, Xiao Ruolin yawned and then got up to go home.

But suddenly, he glanced at the playboys in the corner whispering and looking at him from time to time.

Xiao Ruolin couldn't help but sneer. He saw that these bad guys had nothing good to say.

He wanted to see what tricks these bastards could come up with.

A few people noticed that Xiao Ruolin was successfully attracted by them, and they laughed lewdly, and then left together.

Seeing this, Xiao Ruolin frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and followed.

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