The old man was very happy.

Heaven beyond heaven, outside Langyue blessed land.

The leader of the Demon Cult, Ye Anshi, has gone to retreat, and Xiao Ruolin knows that it is time for him to leave this domain.

After winning over the Heaven beyond heaven, his brother also got the support of Xueyue City, plus his own power, which is enough.

Back then, the emperor's brother returned to Tianqi alone, and ended up with broken tendons and veins and lost martial arts.

Since ancient times, the road of kings has been full of thorns and bumps.

But this time, he will split all the thorns and let those villains who like to play tricks be punished.

Just as he was about to leave, the white-haired fairy blocked his way.

Facing Xiao Ruolin's puzzled eyes, the White-haired Immortal looked solemnly at the blessed land, and said to Xiao Ruolin: "Follow me."

Xiao Ruolin frowned slightly, not understanding what the other party wanted to say to him, and deliberately chose the place where the monks were in seclusion to find him.

The White-haired Immortal did not say anything more, and left Langyue Blessed Land directly. Xiao Ruolin's heart moved and he hurriedly followed him.

The White-haired Immortal took Xiao Ruolin all the way to the meeting hall of Tianwaitian. When the two came to the hall, the surrounding area was already full of people.

Including the Purple-robed Marquis, Wuji Wushu and Hunpo on the main seat, all the core figures of Tianwaitian gathered here.

Including the White-haired Immortal, there are two Xiaoyao Tianjing, eleven Zizai Dijing, and thirty-seven Jin Gang Fanjing.

Such combat power is not enough for the Demon Cult twelve years ago, but if it is placed in Beili, it can be on par with any top force.

Although the Demon Cult is in decline, it can still compete with the top forces in the world.

"White Guardian!"

"Mr. Xiao!"

Seeing the arrival of the White-haired Immortal and Xiao Ruolin, everyone stood up and shouted respectfully.

During this period, Xiao Ruolin's actions were seen by everyone. Without his help, the young master would not have unified the outer domain so quickly.

Therefore, including the White-haired Immortal, Xiao Ruolin's position in their hearts was only below the young master.

The Purple-robed Marquis knew that they could only befriend such a young genius, not be hostile.

A month ago, the young master practiced all the secret techniques of the Rakshasa Hall and mastered the six powers of Buddhism.

In terms of single combat, he and the white-haired one were no match, and his cultivation was far superior to the two of them.

But such a talented and unparalleled young master, even in their generation, was a unique existence.

But the young master's evaluation of Xiao Ruolin was unfathomable. The young man was the first to receive such an evaluation from the young master.

From that moment on, Zi Yi Hou and Bai Fa Xian had decided to use the relationship between each other and the young master to prevent him from standing on the opposite side of Tianwai Tian forever.

Moreover, they had secretly begun to think about whether to cut off the contact with the Red King.

Because one day, when Xiao Ruolin followed Ye Anshi to travel throughout the outer domain, the pigeon that day was intercepted by Zi Yi Hou when it flew back to Tianwai Tian.

Although it was a shameless thing to peek at other people's letters, Zi Yi Hou had infinite speculations about Xiao Ruolin's intentions at that time, worrying that the other party had other purposes.

After all, such a peerless genius was unknown in the world, and his background could not be found out even if he sent people, so he could not help but be wary of the other party's ulterior motives.

When Zi Yi Hou opened the letter, the first two words he saw shocked him.

And following those two words, he quickly followed the clues and found out many things.

For example, the lazy young man in a mink coat at the old site of Jiulong Temple that day was the most talented young generation of the Xiao royal family at that time.

Beili's Sixth Prince, Yong'an King Xiao Chuhe!

And who else could be called the emperor's brother except the youngest prince?

As soon as he knew Xiao Ruolin's true identity, Ziyi Hou wanted to gather people to capture him, so that he could use this to coerce the emperor when he attacked Beili in the future.

But in the end he didn't do it, because he had heard a little about the "Langya Prince Rebellion Case" that year.

How could a prince who assisted the rebellious ministers to defect bind the king's heart?

The two took their seats. Facing such a scene, Xiao Ruolin looked at the broken bones in front of the table and frowned slightly.

After seeing that everyone was there, Ziyi Hou and Baifaxian finally said the purpose of gathering everyone to avoid Ye Anshi this time.

The Purple-Robed Marquis had a solemn expression on his face, and his eyes swept over everyone present.

"Everyone, I have called you here to talk about something that concerns the Heaven Beyond Heaven..."

"A matter of survival!"

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