On the official road, a carriage with a golden sedan top was speeding.

On both sides of the carriage were the fully armed Beili Xiongshi Hu Ben Army, which looked to be only about a hundred, divided into two teams to guard the two sides of the carriage.

But in fact, these one hundred Hu Ben Army, it is no exaggeration to say, can beat an army of a thousand people.

In those days, Emperor Mingde Xiao Ruojin relied on hundreds of Hu Ben Army to fight his way out of a bloody road and killed the armies of the other princes without leaving a single piece of armor.

In addition, in front of the golden sedan top were three of the five great supervisors of Tianqi wearing purple python robes, exuding incomparable majesty.

One of them was extremely handsome, with picturesque eyebrows, a face like a crown of jade, and slightly upturned eyes with a devilish charm.

He was the eunuch Jinxian, the incense supervisor who held the green jade incense burner and was responsible for supervising the royal Buddhist temple.

Next to him was a burly man with knotty muscles, a resolute face, and a cold expression, giving people a deterrent feeling full of murderous spirit.

Eunuch Jinwei, the sword supervisor who held the national treasure sword and was responsible for guarding the palace.

As for the last one...

He was the head of the eunuchs, the eunuch with the highest martial arts cultivation in the palace. Although he did not take charge of any affairs of the palace, the five eunuchs followed his lead, and he was the eunuch who accompanied the emperor since childhood.

Eunuch Jinxuan, the first master of the palace!

The Tiger Guards led the way, and the five eunuchs of Tianqi accompanied him. Who else could have such qualifications?

In Beili, who else could it be except the emperor Mingde, the king of Beili?

The carriage sped past, stirring up gusts of sand. The entire official road was terribly quiet except for the sound of wheels and horseshoes.

In the carriage, Emperor Mingde, wearing a dragon robe, closed his eyes, as if he was resting or thinking.

Outside the carriage, Jinxian was riding a horse, with something on his mind.

During the trip to Khotan, he met the two princes of Beili who were on the run.

This should have been something to be thankful for, but at this moment he couldn't be happy.

Your Majesty left Tianqi with such a big fanfare, he didn't think it was just to find someone.

When he first saw the two princes, the first thing Jinxian thought of was to rush back to Tianqi to inform His Majesty of their whereabouts.

But in the end, because of the queen, he deliberately slowed down his journey, dragging the two-month journey to four months.

Just because he couldn't figure out His Majesty's thoughts, the Sixth Prince was fine, but the little prince was a special existence.

Based on what His Majesty did back then, when he met the little prince, His Majesty would use swords to capture him.

Or would he say something soft to let the little prince return to the royal family?

Having followed His Majesty for many years, Jin Xian already knew it.

His Majesty is a monarch who attaches great importance to the majesty of the royal family. As a minister, although this description is inappropriate.

But what he wanted to say is that with His Majesty's means and the emperor's cold-bloodedness, it is impossible to be soft on the little prince.

And with the little prince's character, if the father and son meet again.

If His Majesty uses hard means, it will definitely cause something they don't want to see.

Therefore, when revealing the whereabouts of the two princes, Jin Xian hesitated at that moment. He wanted to conceal the little prince's affairs.

But out of reason and loyalty to His Majesty, reason is greater than conscience, and he vaguely revealed the little prince.

The result is self-evident. In just one stick of incense, His Majesty set out for Khotan.

Such a large-scale mobilization will surely cause a stir in the court.

Judging from what happened that year, His Majesty must be thinking.

Capture the little prince and bring him back to the capital to be punished, and warn the princes below about the fate of those who followed the rebellion?

When the emperor issued the revelation, the court officials in the palace were the first to be shocked.

All the ministers gathered in the Pingqing Hall, clamoring and talking.

Various arguments, speculations, and rumors flew.

As the younger brother of Emperor Mingde, Xiao Yueli, the Marquis of Jinyi Lanyue, had a bitter face at this moment.

Looking at the ministers who were arguing and terrified below, Marquis of Lanyue sighed.

"Regent! The court is busy with tasks, why did His Majesty leave the capital without reason during this period? Did something happen?"

"Leaving the court unattended is not in line with His Majesty's usual style!"

"Ziwei Star has left the capital! This is a very bad omen. Please tell us where Your Majesty is so that we can visit His Majesty."



Faced with the questions of many ministers, Lan Yuehou couldn't help but cover his forehead.

My brother!

Why do you always leave without saying a word, leaving a sentence in a hurry: Yue Li, leave the court affairs to you

You, I'll go first.

After a few words, he disappeared.

Facing these three-dynasty veterans, civil and military officials, what should he say?

Why do you always leave such a thankless job to Yue Li!

Lan Yuehou wailed in his heart, complaining continuously.

Soon, the news that Emperor Beili left Tianqi spread to the whole world.

Although Lan Yuehou tried his best to suppress the news, there are always some people with ulterior motives in this world.

They can only live in the dark, like rats in the sewer water, always want to stir up the originally peaceful world.

Fortunately, they can show their fame and seek survival in the troubled times.

During this period of time, Xiao Se and Lei Wujie were on their way to Qingcheng Mountain.

Because Leimen was about to hold a hero banquet, Lei Wujie told Li Hanyi that his master was critically ill and wanted her to go back to Leimen to take a look.

Li Hanyi readily agreed. As they were old friends from the same era, they had met by chance.

Now that she was about to pass away, Li Hanyi still felt a little sad.

Facing her brother's request, she agreed to see Lei Hong for the last time on the day of the hero banquet.

With the appearance of some people, the whole martial arts world began to become uneasy.

At the beginning, it was the matter of the golden coffin, which caused a lot of trouble. Countless killers were beheaded because of this matter.

Various forces were active in private, such as Song Yanhui who went to Xueyue City four times to test the sword with Li Hanyi.

He met Zhao Yuzhen who sneaked down the mountain and was caught on the spot. He was beaten half to death and thrown back to Wushuang City.

As a result, Wushuang City was furious and sent its senior disciple to Xueyue City to ask for punishment.

Wushuang City and Xueyue City were not on good terms, and there were frictions from time to time. Sikong Changfeng, who was already upset because of the medicine man, learned that they had taken a big blame.

Wushuang City was still as domineering as before, and just ran into the muzzle of the gun. He shot Wushuang City's senior disciple away in front of the city gate and scolded him.

Wushuang City returned in defeat, and the atmosphere between the two sides became more tense.

At the same time, Tangmen had received an invitation from Leimen.

As if the oil lamp could not be lit, in the dark hall, Mr. Tang smoked his pipe and puffed out smoke leisurely.

Tang Huang, dressed in black, handed over the invitation and bowed, saying, "Old man, Leimen will hold a hero banquet in three months, and would like to invite heroes from all over the world. Here is the invitation!"

Old Master Tang did not accept the gift, but still turned his back to Tang Huang and smoked his pipe.

In response, Tang Huang said that his waist was sore, and he actually forgot the rule that no one could disturb Old Master Tang when he was smoking.

There is such a big section?

Damn old sin!

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