After speaking, the black-robed man flashed and disappeared into the darkness.

Jin Xuan's face was gloomy. He knew that the distance to the city gate was less than 200 meters.

It was probably as difficult as ascending to heaven!


Tianqi City, inside the Imperial Observatory.

Qi Tianchen, who was wearing a plain white Taoist robe, suddenly opened his eyes. He stretched out his hand and counted with his fingers, and his face changed drastically.

The emperor star was dim, and the dragon died in the wasteland.

Wudang Mountain.

The courtyard was covered with dead leaves. In front of the Three Pure Ones statue, Xiao Ruolin suddenly covered his chest.

"Puff!" A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person fell to the ground limply.

"My friend!" A voice came from the front, and then a pair of jade hands reached out to help him up.

Xiao Ruolin raised his hands and looked at the blood on his hands. His mind went blank for a moment.

Why did he feel this way? Where did this uneasiness come from?

Everything was clearly in his plan. Who broke this uneasiness?


On that day, a large army of more than a thousand people, fully armed, was dispatched from Tianqi City.

The people in the city were anxious and worried, wondering if a war was going to happen.

The spies of various forces who were hiding in the dark and disguised as ordinary people were also confused.

The entire Beili sky was covered by dark clouds, as if a heavy rain was about to fall at any time.

In Qingcheng Mountain, Zhao Yuzhen put away the peach wood sword on the ground, looked up, and murmured: "The sky is going to change..."

He held the peach blossom tightly and planned to sneak down the mountain again, but this time, several familiar figures in Taoist robes appeared between the rugged cliffs.

Wang Li Tianjun, an army dedicated to the Emperor of Beili.

In the eyes of the common people of Beili, the patron saint of Beili is Langya Army, but it is not the case in reality.

The strongest fighting force and commanding power of the Beili army is neither the Double Blade Yezi Camp, nor the Langya Army nor the Luocheng Army.

It is the Emperor's army, the Beili Wang Li Tianjun!

The army marched all the way north, and halfway through, it started to rain heavily.

The rain washed the ground, forming puddles, making the already difficult road even more rugged.

Lan Yuehou was riding on a horse, his face tense, and he suddenly received a letter from the national teacher.

After reading the contents of the letter, he tore the letter to pieces on the spot, and immediately summoned the Xiao family's royal family teacher as the regent.

After he handed over all the affairs of the court to the Grand Master, he led the army to the border of Beili.

Because the contents of the letter were related to the safety of Beili, he could not hesitate.

It was raining heavily, and the uneasiness in my heart was getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, a soldier came in front of him at full speed. Judging from the soldier's uniform, it was obviously not the Tianqi Army.

Instead, it was the uniform of the soldiers stationed in the border area. The soldier held up a command flag with three big words "urgent" written on it.

There was no doubt that this was an urgent letter of 800 miles.

The soldier came in a panic, and before he reached Lan Yuehou, the horse under his crotch was exhausted to death.

The soldier did not dare to delay for a moment, and hurriedly handed it to Lan Yuehou.

Lan Yuehou opened the envelope, and his face changed drastically after reading it.

The content of the letter was only a few short words: Lanling City on the border was lost! ! !

Lan Yuehou held the letter tightly, with shock and disbelief in his eyes.

He knew the importance of Lanling City. If the border was lost, Beili would face a huge threat.

Regarding the matter of uniting with the emperor's brother, was Nan Jue behind this?

So, Lan Yuehou ordered the army to speed up and march forward in the rain.

But this time, there was a practical purpose, to go to Lanling City!

At the same time, a sword flew away from Wudang Mountain.

At the foot of Wudang Mountain, dozens of black clothes were hidden in the forest, and a graceful black-clothed woman walked down the mountain.

Several black clothes hidden in the forest suddenly emerged, and one of them took off the rat head mask.

It was one of the leaders of the Soul-Binding Pavilion, Zishu Ada.

"Tumei, we just saw the boss flying away on a sword, why did he fly away without saying a word? Did he leave any information for us?" Zishu asked anxiously.

It was not the first or second time that the Pavilion Master had abandoned them. This time, it was the spies stationed at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain by the intelligence department who found his whereabouts and sent the news back to the Soul-Binding Pavilion.

After learning the whereabouts of the Pavilion Master, their twelve faces immediately set out, and left again before they saw this person.

With the ability of the Pavilion Master, it is impossible that he did not find them.

But why did he go alone?

The rat, who was willing to sacrifice everything for the master, even his life, could not help but waver at this moment.

He kept saying that he treated each of them as his family, but

Why do you have to hide everything from them?

Are they really considered family?

Maotu opened an envelope with a look of disappointment, on which only a few words from Xiao Ruolin were left.

After reading the contents of the letter, Zishu, who always regarded Xiao Ruolin as a spiritual leader, couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Sure enough, apart from that person, the Pavilion Master had never cared about anyone else.

Zishu looked around, and everyone present had their heads down, and their mood was extremely depressed.

Zishu clenched his fists, "What on earth are we..."

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