Beauty, always eye-catching.

As Hei Changzhi appeared, most people's eyes were focused on her.

Of the male students in the class, only Peng Yun and Zhao Junliang reacted more normally.

Peng Yun's reaction is usually normal, he is a handsome guy, often walking on the road there are girls to pick up, and the girls who have talked to him are less to say that there is also a group.

But even so, Hei Changzhi let Peng Yun look at it twice.

Ahem ~

just two eyes~

But what Peng Yun never expected was that his roommate Zhao Junliang didn't react at all.

Just now in the dormitory, I looked like I had never seen a woman, but now when I saw such a big beauty, I didn't react at all.

Even, Peng Yun, who had super power, vaguely felt it.

Zhao Junliang had fear and fear towards that black chief.

Although it was not much, Peng Yun really felt it.

"Could it be that he pretended to be just now?"

"He's actually a Gay?"

"Deliberately acting like a monkey to actually disguise yourself as Gay?"

Thinking of this, Peng Yun's body moved out a little.

As Hei Changzhi took his seat, most of the students had already arrived.

At half past two, the counselor showed up at the classroom on time.

Peng Yun's counselor was a middle-aged man.

Like ordinary middle-aged men, his hair is a little protruding and his belly is a little bulging, but fortunately, he is dressed quite freshly, so he is not in the list of greasy men.

"Hello everyone, nice to meet you."

"I am your counselor for four years in college, and my name is Ji Gaojie."

With that, the counselor took out a baby ball, and after the red light.

A sprite that looks like a real-life ice cream appears.

There was a lot of snow on his head, and there was a patch of ice on either side of his cheek.

The lower half of the body is blue, and there are two tiny icicles next to it, and there is some cold air next to it.

【Elf: Mini

Ice】【Gender:Male】【Attribute: Ice】

Feature: Frozen Body (Hail weather, physical strength will slowly recover.)

[Level: 31 (

Dojo Beginner)] [Potential: Dojo

】【Personality: Bold (+Defense-Attack)】【Skills:

Hardening, Frightening, Provocative, White Mist, Frozen Wind, Avalanche, Ice Pick, Noisy. 【Genetic

skill: electromagnetic floating. 【

Individual value qualifications: HP (31), attack (11), defense (20), special attack (18), special defense (5), speed (31)


When Peng Yun saw this mini ice, his eyes widened with an incredible look!

My heart has made a huge wave!!

"This mini ice actually has the genetic skill of electromagnetic levitation!"

"That means his father is a big steel snake???"

"Although they are all mineral group eggs, the difference in size between these two elves is too big!!"

"How did that mini ice stand it??"

After being surprised, Peng Yun forced himself to calm down.

After all, both the howler whale king and the king carp can also lay eggs, which does not seem to be unacceptable.

On the podium, the counselor gives instructions to the mini ice.

"Mini ice, use the Frozen Wind."


The mini ice was instructed, causing the cold air around it to form a flowing wind, spreading out around like an air conditioner.

The classroom, which was originally a little hot, immediately became cool.


In summer, there are ice elves such as mini ice, and air conditioning is saved.

What a magic for elves!

The counselor turned to everyone in the classroom and said, "Okay, everyone knows me."

"I don't know you yet."

"Then simply, please introduce yourself to me."

"Tell me what your name is, where you come from, and what your hobbies are."

"In this way, it is also convenient for everyone to get to know each other."

One after another, the students whose names were drawn by the counselor all came to the stage to introduce themselves.

Jin Xingxue, a roommate from Gui Province, was the most annoying: "Hello everyone, I am from Gui Province.

"My hobby is playing Elf Glory, and my best position is against the road."

"It's a 93-dan opponent."

It's a pity that he didn't cause any storms.

The whole process of introducing yourself is a bit boring.

Peng Yun only remembered that the black and straight beauty was named Song Ying, who was from Longjiang.

Other students, sorry, I really don't have any memories.

After a round of introduction, the counselor also returned to the stage and said to the students: "Everyone has introduced themselves, as a counselor, I have a few words to say to you."

"The trainer profession, which looks glamorous on the surface, is actually an extremely dangerous and expensive profession."

"As a trainer, you have to fight against other trainers and face all kinds of dangerous secret realms."

"The mortality rate of trainers, up to 30 percent!"

"And cultivating elves takes a lot of time and money."

"It's not something the average family can afford."

"I know that some students chose our major because of their passion."

"But I want to say, are you really ready?"

"If you feel that it is not suitable, you can tell me as soon as possible, and I can arrange for everyone to change departments and majors."

The counselor scanned the circle and found that the students present were not unusual, and continued: "In a week, military training will be held. "

The location of the military training is in the secret place of Meteor Waterfall on the outskirts of our Peng City."

... ...

... ...

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