Time flew by, and a week passed in the blink of an eye.

The freshmen of Pengcheng University's trainer major have basically accepted their initial elves.

And our protagonist, Peng Yun, has also continued to go deeper into the depths of the secret realm over time.

Now he is in the middle of the C-level and B-level areas, and is heading towards the B-level area.

Over a hill, Peng Yun was a relatively flat piece of sand in front of him.

But at this moment, Marula, who had been following Peng Yun, made a warning sound.

What followed was a dull roar.


A four-legged beast-shaped elf with a gray body stared at Peng Yun who 'invaded' the territory with a bad face.

This elf is the one-horned rhinoceros.

[Elf: Unicorn Rhinoceros

] [Gender: Male ] [Attributes: Ground, Rock] [Characteristics: None ] [Level: 25 (Elite Level

)] [Potential: Elite Level] [Personality: Slow Swallowing + Special Attack - Defense)

] [

Skills: Impact, Angle Collision, Ghost Face, Trampling, Heavy Pedaling. 【

Individual value qualifications: HP (31), attack (8), defense (10), special attack (0), special defense (15), speed (20)


Peng Yun saw this unicorn rhinoceros who wanted to expel them, and his face showed a slightly excited expression.

"It is worthy of the junction of Area C and Area B."

"The elves that appear here are stronger than the ones they encountered before."

All the way from Area C, the elves basically encountered were some small fist stones, pangolins and the like.

The level is only about 15.

Perhaps for rookie trainers, level 15 is already a strong opponent.

But for Peng Yun's Marula, these pangolins are completely rookie chickens.

Basically, one move is a second, and few can carry two moves.

Because of the weakness of the opponent, even if you defeat it, you don't have much experience to gain.

It's been a week, and the level has not improved.

Therefore, Peng Yun will choose to move to the B-level area.

"Xiao La, prepare for battle."


Marula stretched out a sharp hook.


The provocation of the red fruit fruit!!

In the eyes of the one-horned rhinoceros, the other party is challenging his dignity!

Invaded their own territory, and with such fanfare!

It's really uncle can endure, sister-in-law can't bear it!


The nose spewed out two white gases, lowered his head to reveal the sharp sharp horns on his head, and made a unique move of the unicorn rhinoceros family's signature trick, horn collision!

Straight towards Marula.

Although the one-horned rhino's speed race value, only a measly 25 points.

And covered in rock armor, he ran quite powerfully.

Because He is heavy!

With a weight of 300KG, he runs like a small car.

Each step that hits the ground can cause a small puff of smoke.

It's just a pity that the bulky tank met the nimble Magula, which simply could not be reached.

Peng Yun spoke without hesitation: "Xiao La, use ice gravel to attack your opponent." "


Marula quickly condensed sharp ice gravel with ice energy and threw it towards her opponent.

Bang bang~!!

The sharp ice gravel crashed into the unicorn rhinoceros' armor, causing damage to him and slowing him down by the way.


After being injured, the unicorn rhinoceros burst out with greater force, gritting its teeth and attacking.

"Xiao La, use the metal claw to fight back while dodging the impact of the opponent."


Marula deftly flashed to the side before the unicorn rhinoceros attacked.

The one-horned rhinoceros' weight, as well as his short legs, simply cannot adjust the direction of his attack in a short period of time.

Only Marura could easily dodge the attack.

It was also at this time that Marula swung his paw with a faint white light and slashed towards the unicorn rhinoceros.


There was a harsh metallic sound.

On the armor of the unicorn rhinoceros, deep scratches were left.


The unicorn rhinoceros, which could not hold back, could no longer carry it, and its legs were weak.

Hit a rock directly.

Whether it is ice gravel or metal claws, it is an effective attack.

The repeated blows made the unicorn rhinoceros turn its eyes in circles and lose its combat effectiveness.

[Ding, your Marula defeats the opponent Unicorn Rhinoceros and gains experience 3300

.] [Marula level increased to Lv.24 (20/13824

)] [Elf: Marula (Flash)

] [Gender: Female ] [Attribute: Ice, Evil] [

Feature: Oppression (Gives the opponent a huge sense of oppression, causing the opponent's attack and the speed of releasing skills to slow down.) [

Level: 24 (Elite

)] [Potential: Heavenly King

] [Personality: Sanity + Speed + Attack)] [

Skills: Grab, Glaring, Provocation, Electric Flash, Metal Claw, Ice Gravel, Split, Malicious Pursuit, High-Speed Movement, Frozen Wind. 【Genetic

skill: High five.】 【

Individual value qualifications: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (30), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)


"Defeat high-level opponents, you have more experience!"

"Xiao La has finally reached level 24!"

In terms of skills, Marula also learned another skill of the ice system, the Frozen Wind.

"Meteor Waterfall Secret Realm, most of the elves living are ground and rock."

"This is a unique advantage for Xiaola."

"Rooted in cultivation in Area B, maybe before the end of military training, Xiao La can reach the level of the Taoist Hall!"

"As long as Xiao La can reach the level of the Taoist Hall, he will also have a certain combat power!"

"At that time, Xiao La can be revealed in front of people!"

... ...

... ...

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