"The iron dumbbell itself can not master many skills, if memory serves, you can only learn the trick of impact in the early stage."

"But fortunately, as long as you evolve into a metal monster, you can master a lot of skills."

"Iron Dumbbell evolves to metal monsters, you only need to level 20."

"Even metal monsters have a certain combat effectiveness."

"Being able to help Xiaola take a lot of pressure off."

Peng Yun followed the wayfinding guidance in his mind while hurrying in the secret realm.

Peng Yun attaches great importance to this shining iron dumbbell, because for now, if the iron dumbbell is added, it can greatly enhance the strength of the team.

Strictly speaking, Peng Yun's team now has two elves.

They are the original elf Marula, and the unborn wife Lallulas.

But Lalulas is still in the state of a baby egg, and there is no combat power at all.

Even if Larulas hatches now, immediately, and immediately, it will not be able to form effective combat effectiveness.

Newborn elves, they are very weak.

It takes time for the body to grow and adapt to the world.

Just like when Marula had just hatched, it took more than half a month before Peng Yun took him to the secret realm to experience the first battle.

Moreover, before Larulas evolved into Chirurian, the combat effectiveness of the team did not improve much.

Chillulian, who has a race value of only 278, is still weak in combat.

It is only when He evolves into Shanado that He is at his strongest.

The iron dumbbell is different, as long as it evolves into the second form of the metal monster, the race value is as high as 420

Doesn't feel like that?

That chestnut ~

The Jani turtle in the Gozo family evolved into a Kami turtle, and the race value is only 405 points.

The Metal Monster has 15 more race points than the Gosanjia.

This is only compared with the powerful Gosanjia, if compared with other three-stage elves, such as the green caterpillar, walking grass, and Bobo series, then this value will be even greater.

Moreover, the giant golden monster has the strength of quasi-gods, but there is no quasi-god problem.

What is wrong with quasi-elves?

That's slow growth!

First of all, what is a quasi-god, the race value must reach 600 or above.

Such as Bangiras, Tyrannosaurus, Fierce Land Shark, Fast Dragon, Three Evil Dragons, these are all.

But this type of elves, they all have a problem.

That is their growth experience, which will be relatively long.

For example, in the Banjilas family, young Kilas evolve into Shakiras when they reach level 30, and become Bangiras when they reach level 55.

Like three evil dragons, that growth rate is simply speechless.

The single-headed dragon evolved to the double-headed tyrannosaurus, which required to be upgraded to level 50.

Evolve from a double-headed tyrannosaurus to a three-headed evil dragon, requiring level 64!

(PS: There was a time when I played a single dragon for pitch black, and I didn't understand it at the time.) After four days of the king of heaven and a week of the single-headed dragon has not yet evolved, and then I checked the information and found that it took level 64 to finally evolve, and almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

And the iron dumbbell level 20 evolves into a metal monster, and then the metal monster level 45 evolves into a giant golden monster.

It is the fastest growing elf among all quasi-gods.

... ...

[500 meters ahead, 5V iron dumbbells (flash) were found.] "


"It's 500 meters away!"

Peng Yun couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, and walked with Marula towards the guidance of finding the way.

After a week of searching, the distance between the iron dumbbell and the iron dumbbell was shortened from the original 31 kilometers to the current 500 meters.

Iron dumbbells are not far away at this time!

[300 meters ahead, find 5V iron dumbbells (flash). 【

100 meters ahead, find 5V iron dumbbells (flash). 【

50 meters ahead, find 5V iron dumbbells (flash). 】

... ...

Over a mountain bag, Peng Yun felt a fluctuation of super energy energy.

Looking at the source of the fluctuations.

A silvery elf floated like a dumbbell-shaped elf.

It was exactly what Peng Yun was looking forward to, flashing iron dumbbells.

[Elf: Iron Dumbbell (Flash)

] [Attribute: Steel, Super Power] [

Feature: Constant Pure Body (Its own ability will not be reduced due to the opponent's moves or characteristics.) [

Level: 18 (Normal Level

)] [Potential: Heavenly King Level

] [Personality: Defiant (+Speed + Attack)] [

Skill: Impact. 【Genetic

skills: None. 【

Individual value qualifications: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (30), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)


"Is the character defiant?"


"Just perfect!"

Looking at the distinctive flash iron dumbbells in front of him, Peng Yun swallowed his saliva.

Suppressing the excitement in my heart, I carefully observed my surroundings.

The surrounding looks like a mine.

In addition to the shining iron dumbbell elf, there were several north-facing noses lying motionless on the ground.

It seems that iron dumbbells live with these north-facing noses.

... ...

... ...

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