"Son do you know, the flash elves are more precious than we think!"

"Even if it's an ordinary glitter green caterpillar, how about it, it's ordinary enough!"

"His selling price starts at least 3 billion!!"

"Moreover, this is only priceless!!"

"Spending 3 billion to buy a green caterpillar is exaggerated enough!"

"Who made him a flash elf!!"

"You 150,000, buy a flash elf!"

"It's worth it!"

Since seeing Shining Newra, Peng Jinhua has been popularizing the value of glitter elves to the whole family.

"Okay, okay!"

Lu Shuyan handed over a cup of herbal tea to her dancing husband: "You've been talking for almost twenty minutes, and your mouth is dry."

"Drink a cup of herbal tea to moisten your throat."

Gollum ~ Gollum ~

Peng Jinhua poured a full cup of herbal tea into his throat, and the bitter taste calmed him down.

Lu Shuyan took the dry cup from her husband with satisfaction, and her face was full of relief.

The bitterness in his mouth did not make Peng Jinhua stop chattering: "I didn't expect you to be so lucky son, the initial elf is an extremely rare flash elf!"

"If I had half the luck of you, I might be a great trainer now."

When Bibi Bird heard this, he was immediately unhappy.


Now think I'm weak, think I'm not a flash elf, right?



"It's not!"

"Bibi Bird, you are also great!" Peng Jinhua quickly comforted Bibi Bird.

The attitude is a bit perfunctory.

"Okay, okay, you guys go out!"

"The little one has just been born, it's time to rest, don't disturb him."

Lu Shuyan drove Peng Jinhua and Bibi Bird away.

... ...

Peng Yun can finally activate the system's probe function and take a closer look at his initial elves.

[Elf: Fura (Flash)

] [Gender: Female] [Attribute: Ice, Evil] [

Feature: Sharp Eye (Its own hit rate will not decrease due to the opponent's moves or characteristics.) [

Level: 1 (Novice

Level)] [Potential: Heavenly King Level

] [Personality: Sanity (+Speed + Attack)

] [Skill: Grab, Glare] [

Genetic Skill: High Five Surprise Attack. 【

Individual value qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (30), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)


If Peng Jinhua and his wife knew that Peng Yun's Newa was a 5V elf and a high-potential elf who could reach the level of a heavenly king, they would probably be even more surprised.

Peng Yun looked at Nura, who was lying in the palm of his hand, and spoke softly: "Little one, welcome to this world."

"My name is Peng Yun, and I am your partner."

"In the future, shall I ask you to be Xiaola?"

Nula opened her eyes vigorously and stared fixedly at Peng Yun's handsome face, as if to remember him.

After looking at it for a few seconds, he nodded gently.

He responded to Peng Yun's words, and then continued to lie on Peng Yun's palm.

Just now, in order to break the eggshell, he consumed a lot of physical strength.

"Hungry, huh?"

Peng Yun carefully moved Nula to the futon prepared in advance.

In response to Peng Yun, it was Nula who whispered: "La ~~!"

Seeing this, Peng Yun quickly took out a bottle of moo milk prepared in advance.

This thing, every hundred grams of protein contained in it, up to 9.0 grams.

It must be a large milk tank above the dojo level to produce fresh milk with such high nutritional value.

Peng Yun mashed the eggshell that Newla had just shed, and then mixed it into moo milk.

Take out the special bottle and bring it to His mouth.

"Come, drink."

Elf eggshells, like most oviparous animals.

Their eggshells are high in nutrients and trace elements.

Eating mixed eggshells together can effectively improve the physique of elves.

"Pull ~~!"

Newa's pink little paw held the bottle and sucked hard.

Soon, the little one who was full of food and drink, his stomach was slightly bulging, and his appearance was cute.

Peng Yun teased the somewhat sleepy baby Newa with his hand: "Little one, you can't sleep yet." "

Because right now, there's one more very important thing to do.

Peng Yun took out the red and white ball and aimed it at Nura.

"Later, I will put you in the ball, you don't resist."

"Pull ~~!"

Nula looked at Peng Yun with smart eyes and nodded slightly.

Peng Yun pressed the switch button on the baby ball, and a burst of red light absorbed Nyura into the ball.

The baby ball swayed slightly.



When the baby ball no longer shakes, Peng Yun and Newa's hearts both formed an indescribable bond.


Peng Yun pressed the baby ball again and released Newra.

"Pull ~~!"

Because of the establishment of bonds, Newla became a little closer to Peng Yun.

"What a cute little baby."

Peng Yun was so cute by the pink and tender Newla that she put him back in the futon and helped him cover the quilt.

With soft eyes, he said: "Go to sleep..."

Newla then fell into a deep sleep.

... ...

... ...

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