On Wednesday, October 16, I went to "Field First Aid Knowledge" during the day, went to training in the afternoon and evening, and returned to the dormitory at 10 o'clock.

On Thursday, October 17, I took the class "The Secret of Attributes" during the day, went to training in the afternoon and evening, and when I left the Trainers Association at nine o'clock in the evening, I met Song Ying by chance and went back to school with her.

On Friday, October 18, I went to "Elf Skill Detailed Explanation and Elf Battle Simulation" during the day, went to training in the afternoon and evening, and when I left at night, I met Song Ying again.

Saturday, October 19, no class today, went to run in the morning to warm up and exercise, and then went back to the dormitory and Jin Xingxue played elf glory for an hour, that kid's level is too poor, after playing for so long is actually still in Xingyao, really a rookie, took a nap at noon, went to training in the afternoon and evening, but after this training, I didn't see Song Ying.

Sunday, October 20, running during the day, went directly to training after breakfast, finished at 9 o'clock on time, and did not see Song Ying.

On Monday, October 21, I took "How to Identify Elf Emotions" during the day, and I didn't see Song Ying in class today, and I sent her WeChat to ask her, it turned out that she went back to her hometown Longjiang a few days ago and will come back tomorrow.

Training in the afternoon and evening.

On Tuesday, October 22, Song Ying returned from "The Art of Elf Command" during the day, still went to training in the afternoon and evening, and saw Song Ying again when she left.

October 23rd....

October 24th....

Time passes slowly in class and training.

A month passed quickly, and there were still two days to go, and the Pengcheng University intramural trials were about to be held.

Trainers Association, inside the gravity room.


Peng Yun sat cross-legged, constantly condensing the power of superpower.

In front of him, a 10Kg dumbbell floated in the air.


Peng Yun drank, and the dumbbell was thrown into the corner by the invisible force.


Larulas clapped his hands excitedly on the sidelines.

The emperor did not pay off, trained hard for a month, and finally had results.

Now the total amount of super power in the body has doubled.

Although it is said that it is impossible to organize a group of mental power to attack like an elf, it is barely possible to bend a spoon like Hudi.

"Xiao Lu..."

Peng Yun rubbed Larulas' head with a smile, got up and walked towards the two elves in training.



Marula and the metal monster both gathered in front of Peng Yun.

"It's time to take stock of everyone's growth."

Peng Yun smiled and said to Marula: "Xiaola, you come first." "


Marura nodded seriously.

"Use the sword dance."


Marula pops out the hooked claws and dances constantly, activating the cells in the body.

After using the sword dance, Marula's momentum became very different.

Those red eyes became sharp, and their claws glowed with cold light, becoming aggressive.

"Use the electric flash attack!"

As Peng Yun's words fell, a white light suddenly appeared from Marula's body, and she quickly rushed towards the test target.

The sharp claws directly cut through the thick test target.

"Nice job!!"

Peng Yun did not hesitate to applaud and encouraged Marula: "Xiaola, good job!!" "


Marula withdrew from the sword dance state, calmed her breathing a little, and smiled in response to the trainer's affirmation.

"Okay Xiao Tie, it's up to you." Peng Yun turned his head to look at the metal monster.


The metal monster is full of fighting spirit and looks very energetic.

"Lightning Fist."

With Peng Yun's voice, the metal monster also began to act.

The energy in the body flowed rapidly, and the two metal claws quickly formed a fist, and a nourishing electric current appeared from the fist, swinging towards the established test target.

With a bang, the test target was obviously dented, and the current passing through quickly flowed into the ground.

"Flame Fist, Frozen Fist!"


The metal monster shouted, and his brain ran quickly, directing the energy in his body to quickly form two kinds of energy, ice and fire, with opposite attributes, on the two iron fists.

Then blasted towards the test target!


In the practice room, there was an echo.

The two different energies of ice and fire caused the hard test target to shatter and split in half.

Half, covered with a layer of frost, the other half, turned red.


Peng Yun gave a thumbs up to the metal monster, and after only practicing the farmer's three fists for less than a month, he had already achieved the double fist of ice and fire, which was already very remarkable.


The metal monster with a rebellious personality is a bit arrogant and sprinkles water.

But the excitement in his eyes cannot be hidden.

"Xiao La, Xiao Tie, this time has been hard." Peng Yun looked at the two elves who became stronger with satisfaction.

Although in terms of level, there is not much improvement.

But the sword dance that Marula had been practicing for a month had completely integrated this skill.

And in terms of speed at close range, the explosion is also much stronger than before.

The metal monster, on the other hand, mastered the farmer's three punches, greatly increasing the strike surface.

Overall, it has been greatly strengthened.


Larulas heard Peng Yun praise Marula and the metal monster, and also tugged on Peng Yun's trouser leg and pointed at himself with his little finger.

"Xiaolu's performance is also great."

Peng Yun bent down and took Larulas in his arms, tickling him with his fingers.



Larulas let out a pleasant cry.

Gradually, Larulas also began to grow up and could fight and train.

... ...

... ...

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