"This is the latest radar bracelet that can detect your location in the secret realm in real time."

"If you encounter danger in the secret realm, you can choose to press the switch on the bracelet."

"Our command center, after receiving your rescue request, will send a rescue team as soon as possible."

"Of course, the secret realm is very large, and our rescue will take some time."

"So as soon as you feel the danger, please press the switch immediately, and don't press it again when you notice that the danger is coming."

"Of course, our rescuers charge a fee for every time they are dispatched."

"The specific fee is charged according to your area and the level of danger."

After explaining the radar bracelet, the customer service lady glanced at the computer and smiled even more.

He continued: "I took a look at your information, and it shows that you are going to the secret realm for the first time.

"Then I suggest you consider hiring our professional escort to accompany you."

"There are hundreds of professional guards stationed in our Baiyun Mountain Cheats."

"In addition to protecting your safety in the secret place, our guards can also act as tour guides for you and take you to appreciate the beauty of our Baiyun Mountain secret place."

"If you choose our hall-level guard, the cost per day is only 50,000 per day."

"The most cost-effective is our elite-level guards, which cost only 20,000 yuan per day."

"Do you think you need to think about it?"

Escort service, the cheapest is 20,000 a day!


It's so expensive!

Peng Yun directly refused: "No need, I will operate in the two areas of D and C level, there is no need to ask for escorts." "

The secret realms that have been explored are divided into different areas.

Grade S> A> B> C> D.

D-level, generally only some low-level elves.

C-level, haunted elves are a little more powerful than D-level, and some elves may attack passing trainers.

Grade B, elves are stronger, and most elves will actively attack trainers passing by.

Class A, the elves are strong and have a certain degree of danger.

S class, needless to say, is the hardest area.

Peng Yun's refusal made the customer service sister slightly disappointed.

So she retreated to the second place and did not miss any sales opportunity.

Maintaining a smile, he continued, "The C-level area also has certain risks for a trainer like you who is entering the secret realm for the first time.

"I suggest you buy some of our special energy cubes just in case."

"Our special energy cubes, with a large amount of sweetness extracted from the three bees, can effectively attract the attention of wild elves."

"When you're in danger, you can throw these special energy blocks to attract the attention of wild elves and have enough time to escape."

"The price is not expensive, each special energy cube is sold for only two thousand yuan."

Saying that, the customer service lady took out a walnut-sized energy cube and showed it to Peng Yun.

Due to the enthusiasm of the customer service sister, Peng Yun still purchased two energy cubes with sweet and sweet added.

After completing the routine of the Trainer Association, he can't enter the secret realm immediately.

It is necessary to sign a document called "Baiyun Mountain Secret Realm Protection Agreement",

the content of the document is also very simple, that is, you must not litter in the secret realm, and you must protect the ecology of the secret realm.

There are also some regular rules that wild elves must not be deliberately killed for fun.

But in addition to this, there is a rule in the secret realm circled in red letters.

[In the secret realm park, no elf is allowed to use earthquakes and trample on a wide range of skills, so as not to cause the mountain collapse in the secret realm.] This

is well understood, in case an earthquake destroys the geological layer.

It destroys the lair of the elves living underground, causing ecological imbalance.

In severe cases, it triggers landslides and causes a chain reaction.

The daimyo was signed on the document.

He sent a WeChat message to his parents, saying that he had rented a radar bracelet that could be located.

Then change into a storm suit, put on hand pads, knee pads, and waterproof hiking shoes on your feet.

A small half-bottle of insect-repellent divine water was sprayed on his body.

Peng Yun, who was ready, entered the door of the secret realm.

Many of the trainers who entered the secret realm with Peng Yun were veterans.

They would not choose to linger at the door, and they released their elves and walked towards the depths of the secret realm.

If possible, ride a flying elf, or ride a large elf like a wind speed dog, and leave quickly.

If there are no conditions, take the eleventh bus and go deeper quickly.

Peng Yun also followed the main road, heading deeper into the interior of the secret realm.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer trainers passing by.

Confirming that there was no one around, Peng Yun turned into a path and released Furla.

After all, his Fura is a precious heterochromatic elf, in this wilderness.

It's better to be careful.


Fura who came out of the treasure ball, his smart eyes stared cautiously around.

The character is a sane Fura who quickly enters the state in an unfamiliar environment.

"Xiao La, let's go!"

"Go find 'Liekong Zai'!!" Peng Yun greeted the pink fura.


Fura followed Peng Yun's side step by step.

... ...

... ...

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