I was trying to explain what it was like to the guys coming over here, and there was something going over my head making a lot of awesome noises.

That went pretty far over there and then came U-turn and stepped down beside us.

"Hey, hey..."

Garabagh is surprised and wolfed by its existence. Or I'm freaking out.

No, well, are you usually scared? I saw that old dragon the first time, because I know Mr. Lynn.

"Haku, welcome home"

Get down in front of us and speak to the giant white dragon who looks down on us. Looking at it this way, you look cool about Haku's Chenglong. It's white and beautiful.

"I'm home! Looks like Sigal's safe!

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern."

'You're welcome!'

Haku speaks to Sigal, while returning to his original appearance, by the side of Sigal.

Are you hurt?

"Haku, are you hurt all over your body?

'This is proof of my vows!

"... I don't know what that means."

"I like cigars!

"I don't know any more"

I have no idea what Haku is talking about. Mr. Translator, I don't think you're working.

'I hurried back, but were you worried too much? Tallow would have been fine. At all, trying to keep me from going to Cigal, etc...'

Hmm? Could it have been too late for Haku to come back because the old dragon was holding him back?

Have you been shaking it off for Sigal? I knew these two were close.

But Haku's thinking is wrong. Sigal is in danger because of my stupid behavior.

"Haku, I'm sorry. I hit bad this time. I combined Sigal with a dangerous eye."

I don't know if Haku had the trust that I would be fine. But you didn't have to worry if you were with me, that's what I thought.

I have not lived up to that expectation.

"... Hmm. But Sigal's not hurt, is he?

"Yeah, I'm fine. Because he helped me."

Sigal answers Haku's words and urges Garabau to gaze at Haku.

'Right! Thank you for saving my friend!

"Ha, ha, hi"

Garabaugh responds ambiguously, not knowing how to respond to Huck's momentum.

I also feel that it is because Chenglong has gone from being a dragon to a dragon, and he is talking in a dignified way with a small wingspan.

'Let's thank you for something. I don't have any items right now, but if I have what I want, I'll do what I can. "

"No, I don't mind... Oh, yeah."

"What is it, what is it?

Huck puts his face so close that his nose seems to hit Garabagh's face that he doesn't tell him to tell him to hurry up.

Garabagh, surprised by it, lags behind.

It looks like the dragon and the wacko are screwed.

"No, the monsters are attacking the king's capital, so I was wondering if you could go and help. That was fast, wasn't it?

"Hmm? Wang Du? He came through, but he just had a little more hyena left, and he seemed like he could handle it, right?

If I did something, the strong one was rampaging on the ground, and you were flying in my direction of progress because you blew it up, okay?

'Cause we don't have proper humans involved.'

Hyena. Were you on your way to King's Landing? What kind of name is that? Probably because I'm the translation of the perception that I'm the big one in the hyena.

But was there also a demon in the king's capital? I knew my judgment was a complete mistake. I'll stay with you unless there's someone who can absolutely protect Sigal next time.

"Then this whole thing is over, and I guess it just means cleaning up..."

'Is there nothing else?

"Not particularly now."

'Well, if you can think of one, you can say it!

"Oh, oh."

I feel like Haku is weirdly tense. I wonder what's wrong. It is usual for tensions to be subtly high, but I feel particularly high today.

"Oh, yeah, Tallow."

"Mm, what?

"I'm gone!


"All the dragons but the old ones came here, so they stopped coming back!

"Oh, hey, seriously, what happened"

'I have no regrets about that. So make sure you have proper kids and grandchildren so you can have fun after Tallow dies! If you're a child of Sigal and Inai, you look strong!

"I'm talking too much. Before that, my grandson can't help me, and we're talking too much ahead."

"Oh, so is that."

Hahaha laughing hak. But it's gone. Is it okay?

Could you care about that and force yourself to behave like that?

"Huck, are you okay?

Sigal seems worried about such a hack.

'Mm, I'm fine. Satisfied.'

Now Haku is a dragon, so the expression is hard to understand, but I felt like I laughed a little at it.

Well, if Huck says so, is it okay? If you're in trouble, I'll give you a hand then.

"Yeah, good. I'm glad Sigal's okay."

"... yeah, thanks, Huck"

Apparently happiness prevailed over apology for Haku's words, and Cigal thanks again with a smile.

Huck strokes Sigal as he narrows his eyes. You're clever even though you're in a dragon state.

"Oh, it looks like you're here."

Garabagh finds something to gently raise the cigarette and tells us.

Perhaps the knights and soldiers have come. I don't use enhancement, so I can't see it clearly, but I can see a horse and a luggage truck that let something like a dog pull it off.

It's wacko. There is a wok.

"Your people are pulling their bags, but don't you have to help?

"You, come on, really good, huh?

Apparently, it was a little too much. Unlike earlier, he seems seriously angry for what he did.

The atmosphere is slightly different.


"... what, no, you honestly apologized"

'Cause it sounds like you said something really pissing me off.

It's not good to say something that really pisses me off about boulders. There are things I shouldn't tell anyone.

To this guy, that looks like it now.

"... you, you know that."

"But I won't stop you."

"Bad personality. Before you!

Garabaugh solves the beastification as he complains.

"Is that back to normal?

"Oh, I don't know what they're gonna say like that, and make it hard."

"... oh, right"

I'm not fooling around because this guy is not human, but if you look at him from the side, does he look similar?

Let's be a little careful. Let's just say that to this guy when there's no one around. Yeah.

You noticed this presence, or the population that was coming at that speed there, seems to be slowing down a little bit.

When you get to our side, you stop completely, and someone in the almost leading vehicle takes the knight's hand and comes down.

The princess, who still doesn't even remember her name, walked over here.

Hey, I'm surprised. I didn't think she'd do this. I might need to change my perception a little.

But the knights of this country will surely end up ravaged. I wonder if I can buy a little time. I wonder if you've come to understand that.

"Dear Tallow, you're swinging for a few days. You look fine and most importantly. Can you explain the current situation, if you don't mind?

After lowering her head to me, the princess said with a nickel and a soft grin.

Is it okay if the royals bow their heads in front of this number of soldiers?

I don't know what to do with that. Explain it. I guess I have to.

I briefed the princess on the upside, feeling really bad about the tragedy. If Sigal hadn't held my hand, I might have thrown up again.

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