At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

Is this a little meeting between the masters?

"Lynn, did you really show Tallow?

Mirka asked abruptly as she brought the meat. Cell's eating something sweet.

The three of us happen to have the right time today, so we're dining together.

I showed you the real deal. But just one swing. Cell and Mirka are serious enough to deal with it.

The cell can't react, but there's a way to deal with it. Mirka can react, and she has the art of fighting back.

"I just showed you the steps, though."

"I wish I'd let you defend me anyway."

"Tallow's gonna kill you right now."

Cell says impotent. I can only count people who can defend my blow.

No, there's only one, to be exact. That woman. Only Geena.

Other Ments cannot be defended precisely. [incomprehensible] Deviate. Anyway, whatever it is, but avoid taking it decently.

resent Aroness and Arne for making swords that can withstand my earnest sword triumphs. It's all bad for them.

That sword is going to be a corresponding strength when I decide to seriously wield it. I don't know the principle. I don't know.

All I know is that the metal itself is incredibly strong. I remember being surprised because I didn't crack a beating for real.

I hear Aroness added something to it, but what you explained fell from right to left.

Just that woman can take my sword straight from the front. I can stand my true sword, straight from the front.

I couldn't believe it when it stopped me. I even gave up taking Rowe. I took my sword. I was the first person I thought I was scared of from the bottom of my heart.

I thought it'd be a little fun, but that's, well, let's put it away.

"Well, sure, there's nothing I can't seem to react to."

"Even cells can't react."

"Instead, I have the arr..."

"That is, cunning. Really, cunning."

Mirka complains when Cell makes a statement about his wife who can take my attack.

I think that one is cunning, too. The first time I was hit, it was too unexpected to eat a cell attack.

It's just that when Mirka first saw that one, it was a boulder. It was instantly determined that it was prevented and vividly moved on to the next operation.

I guess that speed of judgment should be apprenticed. I am inferior to Mirka in my judgment.

I'm just winning at the rate of reaction since I saw it, and I guess the skill of pure combat is actually higher in Mirka.

"I want you to take two shots, and you'll be the one who broke through."

Then I went in and forced him to disable it. I did it pretty hard, but it worked and the cell stuck after that.

"Still, we can't get there."

"I can't do magic in the first place."

Says Mirka can't imitate, but I can't do more. Something you can't use magic on.

I don't think it's possible to reach cell technology where it could be most used. If you're simply referring to sorcery warfare, Aroness and Guldo both have the ability to be close to the cell. But I can't imitate the same as the cell.

Seljes fau graugineb um. That's why I got there, one point of reach as a magician.

"If you say that, even Mirka..."

"I, that's it, am not unscrupulous"

"No, Mirka. I think it's pretty lame at a time when no one but Mirka can do it, huh?

Cell argues against Mirka, but says Mirka is better than Cell.

But I don't think I can get through that. Mirka's array is probably the same.

"The magic barrier, the junction, the physical gear, the cursive gear aren't terrible moves to unleash a blow that ignores everything?

"Lynn, it didn't work."

"No, because you did, didn't you? It hurts, doesn't it?

"Normally it hurt. I'm sorry."

Mm-hmm, Mirka looking at this one with a stubborn face. I want to persevere. This way. I was in a rough pain.

The pain runs enough to make it numb and difficult to move if it is prevented by the arm. The pain runs on the body without worrying if it is prevented by the sword. For some reason, the pain runs even though it should not have hit me.

To be clear, I didn't know what that meant. So I already ignored it and attacked it.

"The most irrational thing is, Lynn. Hey. Ruin it all from the front and smash it."

"That's for sure."

Two people call me an unreasonable chunk. Somewhat aware.

"I can only wield my sword..."

I still wish I could have been honest and done all sorts of things like everyone else.

It's not like I don't like to wave my sword. I don't hate polishing sword moves either.

But sometimes I wonder if something different could have been done.

"Speaking of which, did you two teach Tallow that?

"I won't tell."

"I'm not teaching you."

The vibe of the bright chatter just now disappears.

"I'm still active. Not enough to entrust everything and pull in, cut it off, nothing.

That's, that move, everything I got there. When I teach Tallow that, when Tallow gets to me. I'll show you then. Release. Not yet, you can't lose. "

Mirka sees when she really fights Tallow. With everything Tallow has, challenge Mirka, have a day.

And Mirka's gonna beat that tallow, for real, for real.

So I won't show it. Even if you can't beat me with that, it's usually a special move that can be a blow.

They were supposed to be the moves they polished to beat me and Geena, too.

"I, before the Tallow Master, am one fighter. I can't give up here."

Um, Mirka, that sounds like fun. He looks more like he's looking forward to feeling like he can take me down.

Ah, I wonder if the bulf will get stronger soon.

"I'm still not willing to lose, either. At least if you thought your stupid brother's moves would work for me, smash him to the full.

If you rely on that, you can't reach me. The essence of my power is the opposite of my stupid brother.

I regret it, but I'm not as talented as my brother. Instead, I have something that I can reach.

If I can't get this far, if I can't at least see this world, Tallow, you can't beat me. "

Unlike usual, the cell is serious. Even when I was in the Tree Sea, I used to talk about Tallow's magic.

I'm sure those eyes are looking at the 'world' that doesn't look like me and Mirka right now.

A magician named Celeste is the reason why we arrive in a world where what we see comes true.

"Tallow, you see the same thing as I once did. Then you can do the same. If you can't, that's it, but still, I'm sure he can. If you can't, it's because of your stupid brother who did something you didn't want to do."

Cell faces get tough. I really don't see how this sister and brother can do it anymore.

We don't get along till hours. They're both betta sweet on Inai and Mirka, even though they look alike whether they like it or not.

We were both seriously going to kill each other when we decided which one to name.

If I had taken a wrong step, Guldo would have died. I've always been safe.

"Well, that's it, Mr. Tallow, because you're cute, and I don't mind if you skip it."

dust and return to the usual cell in an instant. As usual, my best friend is frigid.

But it's not acting, this is just the vegan of the cell. When I'm nervous, I see other sides.

It's just because of that, this vegan state is so frigid. He is also conscious, but is not willing to fix anything. As a royalty, I've been told that it's convenient in a way.

"Well, it's time to go."

Cell stands up while he wipes his mouth.

"Me too, uncle, I have to go"

Mirka stands up and says something unusual.

"Uncle, Uncle Gatekeeper?

That's the only person I can think of who says Mirka is an uncle who can get involved with.

"Yeah, he said he was coming with me."


"Lynn, you didn't hear me again, did you?

Apparently, there was an explanation. But I don't remember it at all. When did this happen?

"Fair enough. Lynn, you'll never shake it."

"Well. It's better than it used to be."

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I can do a little work, too."

Answer with a little obstinacy to what you two say.

"A glimpse with the royalty of another country. A fine mix of how to deal with future countries. Census arrangements. A grand grasp survey of the types and numbers of domestic products. Review of the deployment of soldiers. Review of soldier training in the first place. An investigation of the grasp and perception of the territory of the nobility and of the life of the people of the land. Survey of the extent of domestic technology. Demon Damage Tone"

"I'm sorry. No more business."

I can't stand to state what Mirka is going to do to roll up and bow my head.

Mirka nodded satisfied.

"I still have it, but I don't do it all at once, and it's not something I can do right away. In the meantime, I'm gonna go get my eyes on it."

"Well, is it your top priority to find someone who might be able to use it over there first?

"I depend on my uncle. That man's eyes are not insulting."

"Oh yeah.... Speaking of which, how old is he now?"

"Wasn't Uncle Caglue there for sure forty?

Uncle Gaglue. We've been soldiers since we were kids, and everyone said Uncle Gatekeeper.

Uncle Caglue had settled in when he noticed. Aside from us, all the children who knew Umr's soldiers at the time called him Uncle Caglue.

But I'm really your uncle now, and I'm not uncomfortable.

Speaking of which, I haven't trained with Uncle Caglue in a long time.

"Stop. If you fuck that guy, Lynn, you're gonna be serious."

"'Cause if I'm not serious, I'm not gonna hit that guy."

"Haven't you stopped because the damage was terrible until it hit you?

"Ugh. Ah."

Uncle Caglue is pretty good when he turns to defense only. Better than Rowe. It stops hitting me at all, and when I realize it, I get upset.

It would still be different if you attacked me. It mostly ends with my physical victory.

"Well, be careful"

"Mmm, thanks."

Mirka nods gently and walks away.

Even if I told you to be careful, I don't think there are many people who can do anything about Mirka right now.

"I'm coming too."

"What about the cell?

"I think it might be enough to go back to my territory and finish this arrangement so Mirka can do it again."

Cell said it was hard, but there seems to be a lot of work to be done.


Cells disappear with metastases as a matter of course.

It's convenient, that.

"Well, I have to go back..."

I go back to where I belong in heavy footsteps.

Not now, but now I'm a dress. Besides, it's a flashy one with very little lace.

Oh, I don't want to go back. I can't be polite or anything... I was desperate just to make a knight...

No more. I don't remember this for marriage anymore.

... All right, let's get out of here.

"Dear Refine, I couldn't come back after hours, so I looked for you."

I was found the moment I tried to escape.

"I'll be there. I won't tell you to remember them all, but at least I'll make sure the way you walk is natural."

"Oh, no, no more."

You drag me with one hand when you sloppy me, old stock lady in the castle squire.

I don't know his name. I've been calling you for a long time.

She's a beautiful woman who hasn't looked the same for a long time. Probably not a human race.

"Hey, I can't do this anymore. I can't do it."

"If you give up, that's where it ends. People don't give up, they make something."

"What can you do with courtesy?"

"You can be the woman you deserve to stand next to your majesty"

I'm sure it takes a lot of standing and behaving to be a queen.

"But I'm a knight on top of that!

"Yes, yes, that's right, I'll go"

Everyone will think this man is the strongest man here to drag my waste properly.

After a while, the voices of me and the woman who scolded me in the aisle sounded wasted.

Oh, I don't want to get married...

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