My consciousness awakens with a nod, and the light enters my sight. In the morning.

Get your body out of bed and turn your shoulders.

Ugh... bodily weakness. I'm tired of boulders yesterday. Mr. Mirka is too well.

They ended up hanging out till midnight.

"Mmm... good morning, Mr. Tallow"

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you?

"Mmm, it's okay"

I stroke Sigal's head as she leans over and stretches out.

"Did you get some rest yesterday?

"I could rest, Mr. Tallow, but it's a lot, isn't it? You want to get some rest today?

"Well... I'd like to rest on a boulder."

"Well, let's take it slow today."

Oh, yeah, let's hear what I was going to ask Cigal.

"Sigal, why did you say it was better to do one thing at the Imperial Castle in the meantime?

When Sigal hears my words, she puts her finger on her chin and says, "Mm-hmm."

"Mr. Tallow, I know you're not aware of this, but there are things you don't really understand when you're around, so if you're clear about your position as a recognized person, it's easier to do it."

"... am I acting so crazy?


Right, do you? I wonder where, I don't know.

Well, look, I feel like I'm going to do it even if I'm careful.

"And I wonder if it would be easier for Mr. Tallow to spend. There have been some upsetting things for Mr. Tallow in this country."

"Hmm, but what can I do to the extent that I was there?

"At least you won't be able to do it in front of Mr. Tallow."

You mean the treatment center? Was that pissed off by the boulder?

Speaking of which, you might want to tell Mr. Mirka about the treatment center. You can't do such a nasty thing because you're not a human being.

"Yet, Sister Mirka, it was very early to come to Wang Du,"

"Oh, some Inai messed with Mr. Mirka's bracelet so he could come here."

"Uh, so what?"

Mr. Mirka can't transfer to a place he's never been because he hasn't stopped by that much magic.

I can use metamagic itself for once, but I don't seem to be very good at it.

"Hey, Sigal, didn't there happen this time when Sigal was in danger or something? He was so weak."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"My witchcraft arm was immature, so I failed my metastatic witchcraft and it was the recoil. I'm sorry I couldn't follow you."

"Oh, so you were so weak..."

You probably can't expect much enhanced magic accuracy in that state.

But there's nothing to be sorry for. I rather let him chase me. I'm sorry this way.

"Didn't you get attacked by demons?

"... I did. If Garabagh hadn't helped me, it would have been a little dangerous."

Seriously. Shit, yeah, but I'll thank him again next time. Awesome though.

Then you might want to have a weapon or something that can be used even when Sigal is weak.

... Oh, yeah. I left it at the tree sea. Let's bring that one.

"Sigal, hold this for a second"

"Uh, yeah."

Remove the bracelet and leave it with Cigal

"What's going on?

"I'm coming a little far. It'll come back to its mark, so take it."

"Mmm, okay."

Confirm that Sigal nodded, and I will migrate to the tree sea with a strong image of the house.

It is easy to transfer as much as 10% and stand in front of the house.

"If you do, you can do it."

Well, I think it's because I was able to exercise my image strongly in a familiar place.

I'm home.

I enter the house where no one is. That, that's beautiful.

Beautiful, as I don't think I've been free for quite a few days. Well, something that won't change in about January or February?

Well, no, for now, they said I could use it. Fish the storeroom for me, take out the box there.

"Well, can we go back?

Leave the house and draw my bracelet and cigar, and that inn room, strongly on my head, and exercise metastatic magic.

I don't know if it's because of the bracelet or because of Cigal, but it was easy to fly again this time.

"I'm home."

"Welcome home. Where have you been?

"A little at the Tree Sea House"

"... Mr. Tallow, did you go through the border gate?

"... ah"

Do it, I forgot.

"I'll apologize to Mr. Mirka later..."

"Yeah, I think it's better that way"

I did it. It's bad for Inai.

I can't help what I've done for now, so I open the box and make it look like Cigal.

"Were you going to get this?


"What is this?

Sigal listening with her neck tilted with cotton. Lovely.

"It's something I didn't want in the process of building a weapon that wasn't in this world."

Yes, apart from what I was originally trying to make.

So what was it you were trying to make? That's a gun. Ranged weapons.

Although I wanted to make it for now and made a trial and error, I couldn't make it work.

Something doesn't fly straight. Hard to build a gun muzzle. I hope it's close, but when the distance goes away, it's so off. That makes no sense.

And in the process of making it, I made a bullet that emitted the magic itself that was supposed to fly the bullet.

"It's supposed to be a mechanism to fly bullets with the power that exploded in this, but this isn't it,"

There's like a smaller version of Spirit Stone in here. I didn't ask Mr. Aroness to make it, so it might be original.

No, maybe it's already there.

It's just that once you can get it in, you don't have to control it, it activates exactly like that, so it's easy. Somehow Spirit Stone has to be controlled the same way it is when it exercises witchcraft. Because when you open it up properly because of its great power, the damage will come to you, too.

"Put this bullet in here, pull the trigger, hit it with iron, and the magic in the bullet will be released."

In the area behind the detonator, the magic is designed to be activated by impact.

When activated, it was made smoother than the bullet I made to fly the bullet, thanks to the image that flew in a certain direction so as not to break the muzzle or magazine.

The gun won't break on top of the fact that it's more powerful to unleash pure sorcery than to fly ammunition with gunpowder because the gun is halfway done.

Because of this, ordinary bullets were made by magic at first, but they are made properly with drugs from the middle of nowhere.

With the knowledge I learned from Inai and Mr. Aronez, I also learned some knowledge of the drugs that we have in this world, and I could make bullets out of them.

However, amateur craftsmanship does not allow the gun to fly well. Damn right.

But I made a rifle-shaped one once, and it's only a little bit on track, so I'm trying my best in that direction.

Well, when it comes to super distance, it doesn't hit me at all.

For now, aim. Slide automatic, but when will it be.

"Is this bullet disposable?

"You will. But if I make it first, I can use it immediately without chanting on the spot.

Besides, if you do magic with spiritual stones in a medium, you need some magic control, but you don't need this.

Ah, the rotation of the magazine is starting to react and turn at the same time as the magic crystal raises the iron shot. "

Blah, blah, blah, blah. I didn't really know how to turn when I raised the iron, so I took my hands off there.

I don't need much magic, I guess.

"Hey, Mr. Tallow. Mr. Tallow made this, didn't he?


"Mr. Tallow, you know this is the only way to get a fortune?

"Oh, yeah? But this is an unfinished product, right? I can use it for once."

"I knew you were a little off, Mr. Tallow"

Take the gun and remove or put on the magazine, Cigal says as he checks the bullet.

'Cause this is what I wanted to make, more, something that doesn't need magic for production either. I didn't make it.

"Well, for God's sake, hold this."

"What, me?

"Yeah, for when you can't use magic."

Sigal looks seriously at the gun modoki and his face starts to burn.

"Eh heh, thanks. I'll take care of it!

"No, use it when you need it. I'll refill the bullets."

The material of the bullet is made of easily available objects for the price, so it can be made immediately.

This is also why I could have made this before I could have made a regular bullet. It costs more to use the medicine.

Sigal hugs her gun as she nicks and looks incredibly happy. I'd have trouble if you didn't use it properly.

I told him to use it to try out what it was like once, and he told me that if I let him use it outside, it would be weird in power.

Well, it's powerful enough to knock down trees around it, so it's not for interpersonal use.

That's why I treated it like something you made out of play. But if you're a demon, you don't have to forgive me, and I thought possession for that would be good, and I still decided to have it for Cigal.

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