It's a beautiful day. The children's lively voice echoes in the corner of the city.



"Give it a roar - ooh!

"They're gonna take me. - Oh!

"I don't want to hear bad things." Damn! "

I'll run. I'll go after Huck and the kids.

If I seriously chase him, I catch up with him as an A except Huck, so he runs with some addition or subtraction.

"Gotcha! Yikes!"

Catch one of the closest girls after him, throw lightly on top, and catch.


I'm saying Ka, but it sounds like a lot of fun.

"The canadal has been captured!

"You little hobby!

"Toddler hobby -!"

"Get the soldiers!"

"Call it!

"So don't say bad things about people! I mean, why even hack!?

It's not a hobby! Where do you guys learn to say that?

Adults around, let's think of some more words to teach.

"Yes, sir. Let's all take a break. I've got some water for you too."

"It's cold water. And fruit."

If you were tossing and playing after the kids, a woman and cigar with a tranquil atmosphere with laughing wrinkles that make you feel the depth of the years would bring water and fruit.

"Ah, Dean!


Thank you, Sigal.

"Thanks for the water."

"Mother's stuck -!

"Fruit -!


The children all laugh and go to Cigal with the woman who brought them water and fruit, the director of the orphanage.

I'm in an orphanage today. Recruitment of able-bodied adults to play with the kids has been around for a long time, and we got it.

The people who said they wanted to see our work looked sorry, but did they find out?

The lady at the reception asked me many times if I would really take such a low class extra request. Fine. I'm out of it. I know how little it pays.

"Thank you, Master Tallow. I can't go that far with those kids."

"Everybody's fine."

"Yeah, they're all growing up bright"

With a calm, motherly smile, the dean sees the children.

"But I never dreamed that Master Tallow would take the request.

Wasn't the reward for this request like it didn't exist for Master Tallow?

"No, well, I said at the reception that I wanted to take it if I had any requests left, so you didn't see the forehead, did you? I was wondering if Cigal and Haku would enjoy it."

The dean laughs with a gentle face after opening his eyes slightly to my words.

"Really... you're really abnegation"

"It's not abnegation. I'm just prioritizing what I think is fun."

Yeah, it's nothing abnegation. If I were abnegation, I'm sure this hasn't happened.

I'm like coming to this country as a result of being honest with my greed.

"Still, don't you have any adults to hang out with, even if you don't bother to ask the union?

"Not if you can afford that much. Even if you do, it won't be a day."

"I see. Then we have to stick it out today."

"Hehe, thank you. I even had trouble providing the fruit even though it was on the requesting side."

Dean tells with a slightly troubled smile.

You must have asked Sigal to buy the right fruit just now.

I bought a few other things, but I didn't give them that big.

"The price of what you bought is higher than the fee for the request to Master Tallow. I wondered what was going on."

"Oh, haha, well, never mind"

Did you exceed the request fee? Yeah, well, no.

Whatever Haku is, Sigal didn't come in, and you don't have a problem with it.

In the first place, I understand you say it's a penny or so reward. There can't be any extra money in the orphanage.

"And you can say," Dear Tallow, "too. I'm not that big of a person."

"I think you're the only one who thinks that, right?

"It's true, hey..."

I'm not the kind of person to be treated like that.

I just saved the city as a result. I just defeated Aaron with self-satisfaction.

As a person, there is no such thing as tiny.

"So... Mr. Tallow?

"Yes, so"

"Hehe, yes, I get it"

Dean grinning. Nice smile. Had a good year, nice face.

I'd love to be such a wrinkled grandfather when I get older, too.


When I was thinking about my future self, one of my children called me.

"These are Mr. Tallow, aren't they?

"Uh, but I said it would be nice."

The dean scolds the kid who dumped me, but the kid tells me he got my permission.

Yes, I'm sorry, I got it out.

'Cause if I didn't, it wouldn't have seemed like a fun kid to play with.

"Haha, sorry. I said."

"You can't help it anymore. But you can't, can you? We need to make sure we give it a proper name."


"Mm, all right, all right."

To the child who answers well, the dean strokes his head with a soft smile.

"So, I guess."

Hey, is your head a chicken? Well, no. Me and the Dean laugh bitterly and listen to the children's stories.

"You're strong, aren't you?

"Well, I wonder if it's there"

"Uh, aren't you strong?

"It's not weak, is it?


I've obviously been made to feel sorry for. I wonder what it was.

"Guys! Tallow, he's not very strong!

"Uh, but the old man in the neighborhood said he was really strong, right?

"But he says he's not strong."

"You're a fool, you've decided you're nervous."

"What's that?

"... what is it?

Two girls walk in from the back of the orphanage on the hit that the kids don't understand the conversation any better.

One doesn't think he's a kid yet. Tall. I guess he's got about 170. Whether it's 13 or... I envy him.

But my face is still childish, and it feels very unbalanced. Words seem a little stubborn.

Was the other 14,5? He said he was helping the orphanage while making some money in the city. Though I couldn't tell you what I was doing. There is a slight feeling of being quiet and I feel like the dean.

They both grew up here from a small age, and now they're burning everyone's care and helping the dean.

"You idiot."

"Haha, isn't that cuter about being a little stupid?

"So what if I piss him off? They're gonna crush this orphanage."

"Um, Tallow, I don't think your brother would do that."

"Because you're the kind of guy who gets the job."

You two are talking about me while the kids stop making noise.

I can hear the whole thing.


Huck calls me as he chews the fruit. Eat and then talk.

"Hmm, what's up? Let's just drink it down in our mouths and then we'll talk."

"Ngu... Tallow's strong!

"... what have you done?

All of a sudden, this kid comes up with something.

"Haha, Haku doesn't like to say that Mr. Tallow is not stronger than he is"

'That's right! That makes me look weak!

"Uh, I see. That's the thing."

I don't mind if I put it on. I don't mean to be weak, but there are a lot of people stronger than me.

I look at the kids wondering what's wrong.

"What did you guys want to do when you asked your brother about that?

"Get them to work out!

"You have to teach me how to use the sword!

"I was wondering if I could do some sorcery?

"Ohka-san, I'll protect you!

"Haha, I thought that would happen. It's okay. Okay, when you can do what you can."

I see. Is that what you asked me earlier?

Speaking of kids who grew up here, why not now? Let me ask you something.

"What is the child who grew up here doing now?


Dean knots his mouth together. And open your mouth with a sad face.

"There were a lot of kids who lived in a hurry. And the kid who was safe, probably in the meantime."


Shit. I stepped on a mine.

"This orphanage hasn't been around that long. It's something I started about thirty years ago. Because there was no orphanage in this city.

I knew I couldn't expect state subsidies either, but I still wanted someone to save me, and I put out my personal belongings and started.

You used to be a good merchant there, didn't you? The money was there, so it was okay at first.

But it was hard to say I was raising a child, and I needed money... and it was really hard. "

I also needed the money and it caught me laughing a little self-derisive at the place, but I listen quietly.

There was just one thing I wanted to keep in mind. Are there no subsidies from the state? If I had a chance to ask the princess a few questions, I'd ask.

"The children I had raised at that time were some who became union members and some who became merchants... and some who went to the back family business.

They're all going to make money for this orphanage. But you don't know what life has.

It was an accident, it was an illness... it was this subdragon the other day.

All those who were independent have died. All the kids I raised so hard. "

Dean speaks with a spicy face whose serene face until earlier was like a lie.

I didn't think so either, I was holding hands.

I lost my child. The child I raised. How spicy is that?

Even I've never been a parent, and I know very well that she cares about her children. I love you, I know.



A handknife that is suddenly swung down on the dean's head. Of the two just now, she's a verbal child.

But Dean, you're so cute.

"What are you doing, Sarah?"

"I won't be Uzi forever. My brothers lived hard! We're fine because of that! That's all right."

"Yes, yes. I'm sad he died, but I think we'd all hate it if he dragged it."


Oh, are these two Sarah and Unella?

And now we can work for your brother.

"Yeah, yeah. That's why you have to stay everyone's mother."

"... yeah, thanks, both of you"

He still looks a little sad, but he laughs happily at the two of them.

"That's why we're offering you a fee."

"I was only going to take care of the kids, so they gave me the ingredients, and I had to clean the orphanage, so I had a little trouble."

"Well, I'd love to. I'm not giving it back."


These two aren't too hesitant. No, well, that's easier for me, too.

"Never mind, it's what Haku came hunting for when it comes to meat. Other things, well, if we could all eat them deliciously."

'Whatever, they'll hunt again!

"Wow, really?

"If you can have it, I'll have it."

'Okay! Leave it to me!'

This, you know, something freshly hunted into a whole orphanage every day, right?

"Haku, that much, right? Even if it's too much, it's annoying, right?

'Okay! Let's do it after we ask if we need it!

"That would help."

"Thank you, Mr. Huck"

We both smile and say thank you to Huk.

"Now I'll put my share of the food together. Pretty much seems to float the cost of food."

"It's going to go a long way towards repair costs. I took the fee for your request."

These two are very strong. But maybe it has to be about that.

"You're both comfortable"

"... yeah."

The dean laughs happily. There will be no loss of grief, but the children who are still here will make her smile.

I ended up hanging out with the kids until the sun went down, and the meal waved my arm and left the orphanage behind.

There were a few kids connected to Haku and Sigal who said, "You can go home," but I ended up saying, "Well, you should," or "I'll see you later."

Something, I regret.

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