"Mm, okay. I'll get everyone together."

Get a report from Ena and answer to gather the people who have dealt with the case.

"Oh, I'll be right over here, too. We're good here, right? 'Cause they're coming with me."

In this case, I am referring to her body, Sister Inai.

And the boy in question and you, Tallow, are with him.

"... yeah, some of the flying gear is better, and no one else messes with it poorly. Just in case, it's easy to deal with"

"Got it. And never mind. This is just the exception. Until now, there was nothing I could do."

I am spotted stuck in words for a moment and put on words of comfort.

That's not appropriate. I look really closely.

"Well, I'm still working on it."

"Yeah, please. Later."


Ena leaves the room.

If something I don't know about her qualities listened to the conversation earlier, I'd say she worked disrespect for me.

But since there are soundproofing tools in this room, no one is to blame for what Ena said or did earlier.


When I made sure she left, I sighed.

There was a man who spoke plainly.

Among those who came out of the ruins, a plausible being came out.

"... don't think about it, I was,"

Those who came out of those ruins have, until now, attacked us without exception.

I have not added, subtracted or condoned anything because I know the threat of that power.

The more I was in the past, the less I could afford to add or subtract.

But somewhere, somewhere in the corner of my head, it's not like I've ever thought that if I worked hard, there might have been someone who made sense.

Sweet idea, I know.

Until now, without exception, the questions almost made no sense, only those who attacked this one.

So until now, I've been able to kick that idea out by shaking my head.

"... there was no mistake in what I did?

Always, I think.

I've been drilling ever since that day I decided to fight.

I regretted that I couldn't do anything in front of them, that I was protected by the woman I loved, and I honed this move.

The move led me to slaughter them.

But with them, there was their doctrinal claim.

It is inevitable that there will be more battles than there are incompatibilities there.

But always, when I take my life with this hand, I always think.

I was wondering if maybe I could hold hands with them, too.

When it's a stupid story, I understand it's a worry that comes with a smile.

The act of hatred against men, and the means by which those who have spoken and acted are the opponents of the present, is determined.

We are not willing to enjoy ourselves being killed and destroyed.

The same goes for those who fought against the people of the kingdom of Geena.

I shouldn't have hesitated to wave my sword more than I had to fight.

Still, I always think.

I thought there might have been more lives I could have saved.

I was wondering if there were more people who could have taken my hand.

"Your Majesty"

Lowe, who had refrained beside me, calls this one with a caring voice.

I can tell from years of dating that that short word has many meanings in it.

I know. I can't help it.

I know this is just an exception.

"I'm sorry, you said something I couldn't help but say. Thank you, Lowe."

"No, I'm sorry"

I apologize if I said anything unnecessary, Lowe.

But I've always been saved by him. Ever since I was young.

I have always lived saved by someone.

To Lowe, to Lynn, to Sister Inai, to Aroness, to Cell, to Grud, even Arne.

Mirka was especially supportive of everyone.

I don't know how much the presence of a sister named her inspired them or me.

Though she hates it and seems to have begged Inai to teach.

It has been supported by many more people since the country began to stabilize.

Yeah, a lot of people's lives, I keep them.

Then you can't hesitate to protect it.

You must not act to drop off a decision. We just have to choose the best on the spot.

Even if you feed on regret, you can't be imprisoned for that regret.

"Well, then, everyone won't be able to, but let's speak up for the key faces"

Speak up brightly, as you switch yourselves.

"Ha. Immediately."

So do what you have to do now.

If your child is someone you can talk to, you might get some new information from there.

Now you take precedence over your own regrets.

When Lowe responds to my words, he leaves the room immediately.

There is a communication device on this flight that connects to the castle's important communication machine.

From there, we will contact the country and gather here those who can use metastatic magic.

Probably what Cell will do.

"Well, I wonder what kind of kid he is. As far as I can tell, he seems like a big boy."

I think I missed Sister Inai and you, Tallow, and I'll ask them for surveillance.

If you want to be honest with them, you better be.

But in the unlikely event that the child turns his fangs off.

"At that time -"

Don't get lost.

Never, never get lost.

I am the king. The king.

You can't get lost.

Even if the other person is a child.

"- With this hand, slay"

Grab the love knife and decide to be ready.

Be prepared to stand on the battlefield.

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