At the end of a metastasis that fell into a rift in dimension.

They will tell you about the ruins and the children!

"Well, where shall we talk from"

Inai sits in a chair in her room as she says. Mr. Ena has already returned to work.

But clever, isn't it? Mr. Ena, how are you moving this? Inai is.

Well, from where,?

The first thing I wonder is what Inai knows about this kid.

"Yeah, well, first of all, you know who this kid is? It was like that, though."

"If you say you know, you know, but if you say you don't know anything, it equals you don't know anything"

What are you talking about?

You can't handle that kind of hardship on me!

Yeah, that's not what I think is great.

"What do you mean?

Sigal questions honestly before me.

Right, nothing. You just have to ask normally. Yeah.

"First of all, I've been relative to the people who slept just like this guy and the people who came out. But I know very little about them."

The same people you slept with?

I guess that means there was someone sleeping in that ruin, just like this kid.

"I wonder if that feels like it has something to do with the ruins where this child was"

"That's right. I came out of the ruins just like this guy. No, I came out of the coffin. We fool around with the magic when we come out. I've never heard of a boulder."

I see, is there someone else out of the coffin?

But I don't know, from that reaction of Inai, I guess it's not friendly.

I'm a little scared about this kid, too, honestly. That black scare. Awesome scary.

"Tallow, have you ever heard of a demon who creates a dimensional rift?

A demon that creates a dimensional rift?

Um... I think I heard it somewhere...

Oh, yeah. I just got here, Mr. Mirka said.

There were demons that used to create dimensional rifts.

"From Mr. Mirka, a little"

"Right. Well, considering how you got here, you must've heard it from someone."

Inai nods, continuing his words.

"He came out of the coffin of a ruin similar to this one and tried to kill the man who was there. But when Lowe happened to be there, he cut and threw it away, and it was over."

Do you wake up and suddenly attack people? Well, if that's what happened, I know how to be vigilant.

But it's also a disaster to have Mr. Ubburne at the scene. I wonder what Mr. Ubburne was.

Isn't that weird?

"Oh, if it's over there, what are we talking about earlier?

"Don't worry, I'll explain it there."

"Oh, yes."

I was flabbergasted by the answer.

"I thought the case was over there then. The country where the ruins were, and us. But it wasn't the end.

The guy showed up again a few days later. He ravaged the country in the same way he did before Lowe hit him.

He killed, destroyed, and deliberately created a dimensional rift, swallowing humans, buildings, and the land itself.

By the time I realized it, it was too late. One country was on the brink of doom. No, it was in the same condition as it was already doomed.

... in just one day. "

"A day!?

What kind of monster is it that the country dies in just one day?

There's this world magic, and there's people like Inai, right?

You can't destroy your country in one day in a world like that.

"I know you're surprised, but that country wasn't that violent, and if you saw his power, you could understand that, right?

Inai gives a child with her chin.

"This guy is unusual, but even though the others are inferior, they didn't make it like they were breaking paper."


If you do exist like this kid, it could be easy.

To be honest, I don't feel like I can beat this kid. I'm seriously scared of this kid.

This kid hasn't attacked me, and I'm relieved now.

"And the dragons in that country are similar if the country is small. When you destroy someone, you destroy them."

"... you're right."

Subdragons. Their powers are certainly tough on normal people.

I know Mrs Lynn and I can fight because of those people working out, but I guess I can't normally.

Me, too, would have been dangerous if we'd met in that out of magic state.

"Well, let's get back to it.

We were still in that country at the time, but in the second battle, it opened a rift so we couldn't attack it.

The boulder lol would be dropped in the rift if he got close too, so he became a runaway hand.

At that time, the blubber was in danger... well, let's put that away.

I'll skip the details, but I managed to crack the gap and destroy him. At that time, Aroness's spirits realized what it was like.

Apparently, he doesn't exist in brackets as a normal organism. "

Unlike organisms?

I mean, spirits?

When I was in the Tree Sea, Mr. Aroness taught me that spirits are like chunks of unwilling power to dwell in things, can you talk?

The more I hear, the more questions I have from the next.

"So, as a way to deal with it, I decided to seal a chunk of that power in this"

That said Inai takes out the demon-induced crystal on hand.

"I hope I can find a way to wipe it out soon, but I haven't found it yet."

I've only seen those before, but I haven't made them yet.

To be precise, I tried to make it but it was going to fail and it was dangerous, so I stopped it.

I was scared because something was about to burst of magic along the way.

"I purposely leave the contents of this empty and seal the power of the people. They were the hands Aroness used when he could obey a spirit stronger than himself at that time.

It seems troublesome to keep it in shape and empty, but we've also made spares, so we can deal with it as long as it doesn't show up all of a sudden after three clicks. "

Mr. Aroness is amazing.

He's good for everything, too.

I mean, that would have been pretty bad if Mr. Aroness hadn't been here.

It's just that, officially, the mutant demon who could do that did it.

"Oh, really? Isn't it dangerous if we don't get the facts right?

"I don't know where you are. A ruin that I don't know where it is. Coming out of it, there is also a presence where dragons can be slaughtered.

You shouldn't be wasting your time worrying the people by telling them that. I can't deal with them, and I don't know where to run.

Right now, it was a small country on the border, wasn't it?

A small country on the border?

What is this? Could this be it?

"This was more than a war?

"Oh, I'm sorry. You forgot to tell me. Yeah, I was just a young man, too. I miss that blubber was half crying"

You remembered the sight of the time, Inai laughing when you came around.

Is that guy half crying? I can't imagine.

I feel like a moderate dependable brother, and cool when the king is doing it.

"Well, Burbe himself was in danger, and the search for ruins is a top priority. Of course it's a story that only the upper echelons of the country know.

Now, the people below have a hobby that combines the benefits of Aroness, which makes sense. People who are practically moving like that. You're in business with Aroness.

Nevertheless, as soon as I find it, I will report it to Aroness. I'm sorry about the catastrophe. If you break it, the National Alchemist will be fired. "

National Alchemist. Here comes a new word.

I'm a national engineer. How many positions do you hold in the national service?

"And after the war, several ruins were found in the land that became Umr State.

And the like men came out of the coffin, and they were sealed in this as well. It was just a bunch of people attacking me without asking questions.

I still don't have a good grasp of everything in the country, so I keep searching for ruins. "

"No questions asked? Couldn't we just talk like this kid?

"I don't know if I could have done it, but I've been attacking you no matter what you say. We have to fight."

"That, like that, Inai was on the spot too?

"Oh, a few times."

Well, there was a hell of a lot of stuff coming out of that ruin, and I've fought it many times before.

Then I'll look at this girl like that if I tell her the circumstances.

"Asking them something hardly gave them a decent response. There's not much I know.

One of the few things they know is that they think they're demons, and they think they're making up stories about the mythical Hudunador. "

What's a hudunaddle, demon king?

Has a real demon king existed in this world? I mean, isn't the demon too obvious?

"Well, it's all from their crush, and I don't know how far it's true. That's why there's something I'd like to ask him that we can talk about..."

So our eyes gather on the children.

The child takes it and tilts his neck.

"Though I've followed you, I don't think I can hear what you're going to..."

"Uh, yeah, right. That feels different."

Even so far, this kid didn't take any action.

I rather slept like that.

"... hmm? Fudu, na, dollar... hmm?

But the child began to worry about something with the word hudunaddle.

"Hmm, do you remember that name?

"... like there's... there's no..."

"Whatever, anything?

"... Hudunadr Valhaul?"

"What, that. It's Valhaul."

Kids spin words like names so hard to remember something.

Inai asks the child if he wants any information.

"... um... I don't know. Something came out."

"Oh well... Valhaul, huh? Sounds like a name, but isn't that the name of the mythical Demon King?

Really, it doesn't make any sense, does it mean "demon king" later? No, a demon king is a hudunador, and that's synonymous. "

Something started Mr. Inai discussing bumps. Wouldn't it be better if I didn't interrupt?

But the mythical demon king, right?

I really didn't know there was such a thing as a demon king in itself.

"Well, shall we put that behind us? But what, so far, I thought it was inconvenient that you didn't have a name."

"... Nah?

"Ooh, you don't remember at all?

"... I don't know"

"Right, so you don't mind if I put it on over here?

"... yeah!

A child who nods heartily and joyfully at the remark of naming Inai.

Name, I wonder if you wanted it.

"Bye, Tallow. Make up your mind."


Oh, what, isn't Inai going to decide?

"You're my father. Think about it."

"Yep. No, uh."

Isn't your father just reading on his own?

"... father, name..."

A child looking up with sparkling eyes as he pulls my sleeve around.

Damn, that's cute, this kid. I don't think it's a boy.

"Ugh, name, the, uh..."

I don't have any sense of naming.

Uh, I'm gonna use this one, the black one, and, uh.

But it's usually white, but no, uh.

"Black (Kroto)?

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

'Cause I didn't think of it!

"Kroto, is that okay? Then your name is Kroto from today on."

"... yeah!

A child who nods with great joy and hugs me.

Something like this, I feel sorry for you.

But I'm happy, okay? It would have been easier when I named Haku.

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