"Thank you for your tiredness."

"... did you see that?

Looking at you, Tallow, as I rested my body, the man who taught me magic, who worked me out, stopped by.

He taught himself enhanced magic, a friend of mine.

"It seemed that way to me, though."

"... right"

What a pity, what a pity. Right, does it look like that around you?

I know what she's capable of. As a magician, he's a pretty good user.

I'm confident I can win if I'm close, but I'm also pretty suspicious if I can get close in the first place if I'm far away.

She can't even spot that kid's strength. I don't know.

"I really tried everything I could. Until you do that trick."

"Well, you don't have to aim for a steeple for the last blow."

Yes, the last blow. That was good anywhere to hit from the start if you want to.

And to avoid enlightening it, all the blows to him have continued to be aimed at the blows he intends to prune his consciousness and the blows to the steeple.

And last I said. Avoid the steeple. To hit that one.

"I didn't mean to kill him, but at least I haven't hit him once like I care about his body. Including the first blow."

From the first blow, from that blow, I'm seriously hitting him.

It only took one blow to see what he meant. But the blow was also so light.

That thing won't come in while I hit it. He would have been a blow with nothing wrong with that magic user.

In fact, when he spoke "seriously," his footsteps were so firm that he found no damage or anything else anywhere.

"That's why I did everything I could, I meant to hit it, I hit it"

But that didn't happen. It wasn't completely avoided. He got me into his surgery halfway through.

You thought your attack was only an honest blow.

That's not the kind of move I made when I taught my men, I was really doing everything I could, like when I asked Master Graness to deal with me. I'm in trouble if you don't fit in.

But they noticed. I don't know why they noticed. Just because he was somewhat scared.

But that "somehow" can't be fooled.

He felt something when he saw his previous moves and the last of his attacks. So I thought it was dangerous. I thought it was scary. So I avoided it.

His insight revealed something different from his previous attacks. We have to get closer now.

How much stuff can you look at and do such a craftsmanship?

If you look at the cause of how much power, do you realize such a nuanced thing?

"You're saying your best didn't actually work?

"You'll see his move at the end. I don't know what would have happened if he had done it for real from the start. His moves are not just handless technology. In an instant, I was lying on the ground."

"But if you can't do it, it worked."

"Absolutely. It doesn't work."

He doesn't know his moves. I didn't know. Yet everything was handled.

After seeing it, it was all taken care of. My moves.

"Perhaps next time, it will be handled more sparingly. That's the difference in strength."

"I guess..."

She doesn't seem satisfied with her conclusions. Answer dissatisfied.

"Well, can you watch the first moves you see until they're serious, in their area of expertise?

"... oh, well"

She seems to have understood, too. The anomaly of what he did.

He does learn handless technology. I have been handled by Master Graness himself, and his skills are quite expensive.

But still, even so, after taking all of his attacks, he attached himself to all his specialties, at his best distance. Even though I have other technologies.

Without a doubt, he is stronger than he was when I asked Mr. Balf.

I had the impression I asked Mr. Balf and a different strength.

In such a short period of time, this. Is this the strength of man to try to keep up with the powers of the heroes?

"I regret it."

I knew he was strong. I knew I beat Mr. Balf.

The one who beat that strong guy. I didn't think I could win. But I didn't even think it would work this far.

"You don't look so strong. Do you have to believe what the captain said?"

She looks at him and says that. When it comes to her captain, Her Royal Highness the King?

"What did His Highness say?

"Even the power of witchcraft alone is comparable to me, or more. That enhanced witchcraft adds credibility. He, concentrating, had nothing to do with words, exercised magic as a matter of course, and maintained it."

Her eyes staring at him are as if to see a vendetta.

"I know I regret it, but I don't know about those eyes, Xenoseth"

"Because the captain recognizes you, him. I'd be jealous."

She admires Her Highness. I may have no choice but to feel that way.

No, to be honest, I'm sure I'm jealous of him, too. Take that man, the fact that he's the one who entertains that too strong a hero.

Then. No, that's why.

"You can catch up one day. I don't want to stop yet. Just like Mr. Balf, I'm not going to give up or stay"

"Even me. I'm definitely going for Graugineb. To be the kind of magician who can stand next to him, for His Royal Highness to acknowledge."

My motive for joining the Fist Fighters was not the purpose of Master Graness.

I also understand the greatness of that one, but I trained my fist path because I thought this was the only place I could help Master Stell.

One of these days I stopped in Lady Graness's eyes, and that one immediately got hands-on, and fell in love with the height of that power.

Heroes had the power to be heroes. Attracted.

I wanted to go for that, I thought.

"It doesn't arrive now. But I'm not going to mourn if it doesn't arrive by any time."

I can't use immortality for myself, but I can't do it for the people who inherit Master Graness in the true sense, but still, I have thoughts that I can't give way to.

Put that thought through.

"Turn it on. Honestly, it's creepy. Okay, can I cry to your sister?

"... I wonder why you are when people are seriously answering."

Until just now, he said he looked unusual and serious.

"It's terrible. I'm serious, too, right?

"It doesn't look that way. And your husband's gonna be jealous again, so stop that."

"Haha, that was hilarious then"

I remember her husband grabbing on to herself crying in an amazing shape at a time when she and I were alone training for sorcery.

Even then she was laughing at Kerakera. I remember it seemed funnyheartedly funny.

I can't tell by herself her nerves that burst into laughter when she sees her husband, who has been intruding in crying.

"I am grateful to you. Without that, I wouldn't have made it this far today."

"Oh, it's rare. Can I thank you more?

"... but I definitely hope you'll be a little more gentle with him"

Since then, I've been friends with her husband.

And often, I started to see her crying.

"Are you gonna be nice to me? Even though I have a job like this, I give it to my kids whenever I can."

I don't know what a woman would say about that.

"... that's not what I meant"

"That's what I meant. I love that guy. Whatever it is you want to expose."

I sigh when I see her that she loves her husband with a nigga laugh and I don't really understand the shape of this couple.

"One day even a woman who really fell in love would know. It's not rational. It's rational."

"Is that what it is?

"That's what it is. At least for me."

I think her conjugal relationship is a little special. Wouldn't that be helpful?

"Besides, do you have a good idea?


I didn't quite understand her words.

"He, Mr. Stell's fiancée. Without Master Stell's permission, I put my hands on him. I used that one on top of that. Now, are you ready for a good reason for Master Stell?

"... ah"

I was completely oblivious. I want to work with him. Not much, his position or his relationship was completely out of his mind.

Shit, what do I do?

As he solidifies in cold sweat, he laughs oddly when he just can't enjoy it.

"Puku, it's okay. 'Cause if you're gonna get mad at me, you're gonna be mad at me."


she says slightly. What the hell... Oh, you know what?

"Maybe when I found it"

"Well, let me report to you. Thank you, huh?

"Sorry, thanks. I really appreciate it."

"Um, at last. I'm not proud of you."

"Anything at all."

"Did you say that?

I feel anxious for her, who seems to regret the fact that she replied that she is proud of everything, but she will probably be fine because she thinks her husband will bring her along.

He shouldn't try to luxury something too unscrupulous. Probably.

"Me too, later..."

Her serious expression and grunt were not missed, nor did she miss hearing. But let's just say we didn't ask.

She is lost. Whether or not we should. Whether we should show our own hands or not. Then it would be better not to make an extra mouthful of it.

I hold my fist, and I see you, Tallow. The person who beat himself.

We have to get there first. Even if we go that far, we still can't win. I don't even get there myself, I don't end up dealing with them.

But someday, I'll show it to you.

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