"What about the trade unions?

"As stipulated, if you promise that your country will remain the same as the union, the union will not place any constraints on your country. and."

"As always, it's an organization that has trouble deciding if it's humane or not, over there."

While I laugh bitterly at my men's reports, I'm relieved for now that turning them to enemies doesn't have to turn troublesome organizations to enemies.

This civil unrest, there were also many mercenaries hired through the union. Of course, some of the people I cut off at the royal castle.

Originally, he fought as a rebel and lost to the country. If so, as a country, we will talk about punishing the people who belonged there, but when we go through the union, the story changes.

The fact that he was hired as a mercenary through the union is not a crime of national treason, but a mere existence that was treated as a force of war, and that all responsibility belongs to the person who hired him.

In other words, even if you participate in the rebellion, you will not be punished for only the work you have been unloaded from the union.

But instead, it's not all good. Participation as a mercenary means that it cannot be a delicious place.

Instead of having no disadvantage when the organization itself has played, there is also no benefit when it has won the great victory. It means payment only at the time of the contract.

"All the mercenaries who participated this time, it seems pathetic. I'm sure you thought you'd be able to finish the job safely."

"Will Your Majesty, who cut and killed you, say it?

Subordinates who respond to my whining, grinning bitterly. I think so, too, but there was no reason to hesitate or add or subtract on that occasion.

There are times when both union mercenaries are intermingled with something extraordinary. There was no such thing this time, so I was only able to make a single fast forward or something.

Of course, it was a single assault because of the presence of my men. There were more than one of his men lurking there.

If you're not stupid enough to storm a boulder without any insurance, you have no power. I know I'm stronger than I am, but I don't think there's any way I can stop myself.

"Mitze, what's the report from Keneregev?

"You haven't. Whatever it is, won't it be back for a while? No matter how good he is, there are limits."

I entrust one of my men with the task of crushing the remnants of the rebels in the country.

To be precise, it is an investigation into the work of spreading the King's unusual touch throughout the country and whether the rebels follow it. Even so, if you don't obey, you just crush it. Does he take long to rock?

I just want him to stay as an escort. But I can't move anything other than him. Don't stay.

"If he's not around, you're nervous."

"Then it would have been better for the others"

"Let it go. I can't move it alone right now, except for him. I trust you guys, but I can't just trust you. I'd be in trouble if they died first."

"I'm jealous. Wouldn't that help us?"

"That's what you call an idiot. There's nothing I can do without you. No matter how much force I have, what can I do alone?"

My men say they'll be jealous of the other men, but for me, you guys don't have to be here either. These are my men I can trust.

It's like we're still not abandoning this country because these guys are here.

Unlike my father, I understand my abilities. Above all, we know that humans cannot do anything alone.

"I'm here because you guys are here. With you, I can do it without this country. Don't go down there."

"It doesn't change. That's the place."

"What will change when you become king? If I hadn't been for my mother, I could have abandoned my country with you guys. It might have been interesting to destroy this country."

"But do I do more than I inherit?"

"Naturally. Rights have obligations. I'll show you that I'm not the same idiot who doesn't do his duty and wields his rights."

Show the people that you are not like your father. First of all, in order to rebuild the country, it is necessary to know who can move and what the income is.

After that, I don't need the nobility that was the breath of my father. Most of them have been killed by rebels, but some of them must have survived. That elimination is also necessary.

Later, we also pull out people who seem to be able to use them from the rebels. Having insurgents is not a hobby, but it's understaffed. If you obey too much, you'll have to crush it, but use whatever you can.

"I owe it to the union."

"Right. You won't be able to turn it around in your own country for a while. Nevertheless, I have no difficulty paying"

"I have money, but I only have money. My father is a real fool. You could still have fought with that."

"When I saw that amount too, I sighed..."

Speaking of which, even during the civil unrest, it was the funds of my father, who was not spending them. It's a trick from taxes, but I didn't even use it where it was supposed to be, so I hid it as my own asset.

Put that enormous sum of money around the soldiers and you would still have been able to fight. He's a big idiot, that father lord.

I don't have any trouble with the money for the time being because of that, too.

"Nevertheless, I'm not going to crush it. We can't keep paying the union forever."

"I know."

"What will you do next?

Please. My men's gaze asks which direction I'm going in the future.

Do you live boringly in the country? Make this country bigger?

"Nothing. I don't like contention. If you're challenged, I'll smash you, but not from here."

"I thought you'd say that. For the moment, it's dedicated to rebuilding the country."

"Oops. But I don't hesitate when I do. Please say hello then."


Honestly, I don't care about the country, but if you think these guys are going to create a place to be comfortable, you're still motivated.

That's why it's a pain in the ass to wage war from here, and it's no use.

War is only a victory after being waged. That's better to hear and reward.

For now, Father, how long shall we keep it closed? It's an absolute hassle to get it out, so you don't want it out.

Wouldn't it be nice to keep him locked up for the rest of his life? When I think of it, my mother's crying face flickers.

... Let's keep it by the time my mother gets back. Thank my mother, you stupid father.

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