"I didn't expect to see you from there"

"I wasn't sure what to do either, but I thought we should talk about it."

Quiet, but undoubtedly responding to women my age who make and smile, myself make and smile.

This person doesn't need to do this personally, but he has eyes around him.

I'm only a civilian, and I can't take a bad attitude towards royalty.

However, only this time, it is normal.

Let me make a slight deviation this time.

I have no power whatsoever, and no authority whatsoever. I'm just a little girl.

But I have connections that I don't personally have.

"So, what's the story?"

She asks me with a grin that would have guessed what she was talking about.

I wonder what your time has come to do.

There are two reasons why she's strong.

One is simply and unequivocally not knowing my powers.

And you know I'm a civilian.

At a time when Mr. Toledona isn't here and Mr. Feviema isn't here, and he hasn't left his escort right beside him to see me, he's totally licking me.

No, normally it would be a distance to rush over. An overpowered person is here now to escort one little girl.

I know that this in itself is also an act to make me constrict.

My little girl said she knew what to say.

She clearly places this environment in the consciousness that she was hostile to anyone I liked.

I wonder what you can complain about.

Probably going to cut this guy, and in some cases my incompetence, and attack him.

So behind that smile, there will be something inside that I look forward to from the bottom of my heart.

I was wondering what I would do.

I wondered what kind of fool my little girl would stand in front of the royal family, noble as she was emotional.

If you cut him to death because of this little girl's disrespect, he might even wonder what that guy would look like.

Well, isn't there a end to the boulder? Then she will be hated by her brother.

But, no doubt, it should be used as an excuse to blame him.

- Do you think so?

"First, could you look at this?

I lay down my table and put a booklet on the table.

She moved her eyebrows for a moment into the action, but responded with a smile.

"... we will see"

She tells me quietly, takes the booklet, and looks inside.

It was only at first that I kept smiling and reading, but I can see my eyes open gradually.

"... this is"

"That's a secret that your father knows about. No, it's a secret that no one outside the country knows, except your father."

One of them is what he has done so far. No, it says many things that could have been accomplished by his presence.

His name does not exist in the actual report or in the information that flows.

But the booklet says his name firmly.

The various businesses and benefits that arose from his presence, which I didn't know, are also described there.

"... why are you doing this? No, before that, you wouldn't have known. You don't have to know."

"Forgot? My position. Though not a namesake, there's no way you don't know it."

It's a little harsh.

Much has been taught since the consultation and direction was set.

Even if my position on the boulder is strange, there's no way I know that.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the purpose, don't tell me that because I'm scared.

"Some of you probably didn't know what kind of credit a person would have when you said you'd get your hands on it.

So I'm here to talk to you out of kindness. You should stop. You like your brother, don't you?

Chuckle, that's already, with the thought of doing it, turning a smile to her, Princess Valena.

If you move poorly, your brother will be in a bad position.

He said that's the kind of opponent he showed the will to attack.

Above all, she was "pushed" by the fact that Umr's surveillance was attached.

But she only lifts her mouth and opens her mouth as she stares at this one with her not laughing eyes.

"But so what do you say? After all, he will not be in a position to assume that responsibility. It's easily truncated."

I guess there will be a half-opening. She said it without any confusion.

That Umr would easily crush him if he became a disadvantage to the country.

Dark, with the thought that I intend to.

Of course I don't talk about that here on a boulder.

"So, because you're a civilian, because you're not in a position to take responsibility, and you think Umr will ignore all that merit, above all, His Majesty the King?

In response, my mouth is as good as ever, but my eyes are sharper. Maybe I thought His Majesty the King was a complete hatchet on the boulder.

I'm a civilian. Even though you have ties to Inai's sister, there's no way such a person would know how to truly be His Majesty.

Unless this is a normal country and Mr. Tallow is not Mr. Tallow.

"Are you okay with slapping such a big mouth?

You sound like you're speaking His Majesty the King. Do you understand what it means, for example, for a daughter of a civilian to speak in front of a royal family in another country, as if she were the king's will "?

Her words like I did. It is a crime of disrespect on this occasion and a threat that we can also cut it off in place of the nobility of this country.

I even distort my mouth to her words like that. She seemed to notice the change right away, but it was too late now.

You sold me a fight. I'm sure you didn't see it in your eyes.

But you did, clearly, sell the fight.

He sold a fight to my loved one in front of me.

At that point, I'm already ready. Such a threat, it's later now.

"Of course, Your Majesty, it was immediately proven. It's not my word. You don't mind if I check with you, do you?


It must have been unexpected that the boulder had been spoken to by His Majesty the King himself.

I'm unexpected, too. After consulting him, His Majesty eventually came out.

My haste then is not her ratio.

Even though it was a short time, I also had time to speak one-on-one with His Majesty.

I'm glad I had him or your sister before, but I didn't feel comfortable with the boulder myself.

However, the intention of His Majesty this time is not just to care about Mr. Tallow himself.

What everyone cares about is definitely Inai's sister.

At the end of the day, everyone in this country likes Inai.

So when it comes to matters where harm goes to your Inai sister, it does everything in its power.

However, in this case, it was also significant that King Umr was being consulted by King Gubduro, who is also a personal friend.

Nor would she of boulder have thought that the kings were in consultation with each other that would be a disgrace to such a country.

So I get up and walk slowly beside her. But along the way, an escort poked a sword at me.

It's supposed to be right as an escort. Whatever you think, my conversation with her didn't look soothing.

But we're not talking about it here.

In the booklet at her disposal is the name of the heavy town of Umr.

I, who brought that confidentiality, am also here in response to the words of His Majesty the King.

By doing so, I am temporarily in a position where it is not strange to be treated as a national guest.

Without first telling him that, I asked him to set up this place without telling me that he had come to see me under His Majesty's word.

That's why.

He kept his mouth shut to make sure that the guards he didn't understand would see me lightly.

Good, caught.


Before she releases the word to retreat the sword, a human dances into a single universe.

The armor is crushed, massively slammed against the wall, and the guard is unconscious as it is.

The surrounding guards looked at it with incomprehensible eyes.

I have heard from Mr Toledona about the strength of the soldiers in this country.

It's been confirmed that no one can come about my double reinforcement.

The truth is, like right now, I can't praise the way people blow up attacks. But it's perfect for performance.

So I deliberately scattered the power and blew it to the wall.

"I didn't know you had your sword pointed at you and your husband wouldn't stop you. I will report this to Your Majesty."

I tell her off, still in a back fisted position.

"You intend to sell the quarrel to the Umr Kingdom," he said, reporting to the state.

"Hey, ah, you...!

That's where I realize she was set up.

That's what makes her talk about her intentions, going through her will and trying to make me non-existent.

This would strengthen her restraint with a great deal of fatherhood.

And it also acknowledges Umr's public surveillance of her.

Because she originally had her father worried about the madness, too.

"Damn, I just want to be beside your brother, and yet everyone and everyone is like this...!

I can't even afford to make a smile, and when I look at her smugly and trembling, my chilled thoughts are in my mouth.

"I, too, just want to protect my loved ones. You'd know that, wouldn't you?

Turn off your smile and say it with a true face.

"It's the same thing that's frustrated but boiling back," he said.

"If you complain that he doesn't care about you personally, I'm sure I didn't move. It's only natural for someone you love to be jealous of someone else than you are."


She finally, finally, looked at me there.

Not a civilian daughter, I saw Cigal Studlers.

"But you got the wrong idea. Your words, which you understood your position well, strangled you. If you'd just wrapped up your will a little more and chosen your words, this would have been avoided."

Her words and actions, which Mr. Tallow told me, were undoubtedly words that he intended to make the most of his position.

I can't believe she was just trying to turn herself around.

"I saw the possibility that a loved one could be looked down upon with obvious hostility and, above all, attacked by irrational power.

What would you do?

Killing him is not enough.

Her words to my inquiry were harsh in itself.

I don't know about boulders, but I think I might learn from my words and try to make things a little better.

Still not enough?

"Her Royal Highness. I didn't have any particular grudges against you personally. Rather, the feeling itself is very understandable." I'm sure I am, "so I can understand.

I seem to show understanding and not. I was just convinced that they were 'Inai Stell'. Because I like that guy. Because that man is great.

If I made a mistake, it would have been "I'm Your Lady."

She was listening to me and her eyes were gradually glowing.

He said he found the same person. He said he found a comrade.

He said he found someone inside him who had the same madness as himself.

"Can you forgive her?"

"I love him. And he loves us. Then I, too, love those he loves. Isn't it?

Smile and tell her.

If you want to be beside a loved one, you must share the thoughts of the one you love.

Even if it's "Don't Feel Heartfelt". If my decision is not there, and his heart is set, then so be it.

If that's all you can do, you can sacrifice all sorts of things and resonate with those thoughts.

Deep down in its heart, while pushing something drooling.

"Only the external enemies of the beloved should be directed at that madness. If you can't do that, stop loving people.

Throw away halfway sight, like attacking the most available people. If you really want to be beside that person from the bottom of your heart, there's more you can do. "

She makes my words shine even more. [M]

To the words that I should 'use' my loved ones to make myself beside the ones I love.

This man, after all, said he was one of a kind.

"And Master Sigal. If you don't mind, would you let me call you your sister?

I didn't think so.

These brothers and sisters, they look alike in strange places.

"... call it what you want"

"Yes, sister!

Answering with a slight sigh, she responded with heartfelt delight.

I think I only figured out a little bit about Mr. Tallow's feelings.

"Now let me tell you everything I need to tell you. Excuse me, sir."

"Yes. Your sister. Well, I'm sorry."

"I don't think that's what you should tell me."

"Yes, I understand. But I wanted to tell you."

Give her a thank you for her words and leave the room.

The last time I saw her, her eyes were the same as that Mr. Toledona pointed at Mr. Tallow.


"Yeah, thanks. It's over."

Respond to Huck for waiting for me outside the room.

"Well, I have to go and thank you."

"Where's Bulbe?

"Your Majesty, of course, but for those of you who let me have this."

"Is he the one who says caragra or something?"

Nod to Haku's words and proceed with your steps.

Her Royal Highness will live under strong surveillance from now on.

Still, I'm sure, she won't give up on Mr. Toledona. That'll figure it out.

Because she's me.

Yeah, it's kind of like being a parent or a child where you don't like it.

That's why I can't be nice to your father.

Because I'm definitely holding the same madness as that guy.

I've inherited something that I don't want to resemble your father and mother.

I think it was a little calmer before I liked Mr. Tallow, me.

Um, if I keep this up, I'm really gonna be like your mother. Be careful.

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