10 a.m., Ascendas Foods.

Ye Cheng formally signed a contract with the people sent by the three Lai Xun.

During this period, the other party also called the person in charge of the construction company for docking.

All three parties have talked very well, and everything is developing in a good direction.

After the three Lai Xun sent people left, Ida Wang also came.

Now she has become the deputy administrative manager when Ye Cheng opens her back door.

And also communicated with Rin Dong, saying that Ye Qi knew her, she was a talent and could help him a lot.

Rin Dong didn’t ask much and agreed directly.

In her cognition, it should be that Ye Qi knew the deeds of some people through the future, and then dug this up in advance.

Including Ye Cheng’s need to accept some retired special forces, soldiers and others to serve as security guards, she also knows.

Even she opened her mouth, as long as she is willing to go, money is not a problem!

Not only that, but you can also bring your family, and ensure housing problems and schools.

Of course, those in need must be a minority, they are veterans after all, and welfare is guaranteed.

Such a harsh winter is also very much in favor of finding an excuse to let them bring their families before the end of the world.

Columns such as the company organizes a large group celebration and so on.

Just at that point in time, the Golden Week holiday also arrived.

“What? Are you sure you want to do this? Is this just ‘staff dormitory’? ”

“Of course, I know that you have frequent earthquakes here, coupled with the fear of insufficient firepower unique to our Dragon Kingdom, I think these teaching buildings not only need to be renovated, but also thickened walls.”

All 240mm thick facades are added by 360mm.

Can’t increase?

Then find a way to increase!

All windows, all bricked and sealed, and then leave a few small windows facing the corridor above to ensure air ventilation.

Then, on the interior wall, make at least 30mm of thermal insulation and thermal insulation combined with thermal insulation!

Don’t ask why, ask is willful!

Money is not a problem, even more can be given.

Then, on the periphery of Kaohsiung Middle School, about 5 meters inward along the edge of the hillside, a wall 3.5 meters high and 1 meter thick was built to enclose all of it.

And the entire slope is covered with at least 30mm reinforced concrete to ensure that there will be no mudslides and flooding in the event of continuous downpours.

I’m a very cautious person.

I don’t have much else, I have a lot of money!

Don’t ask why you did it, just ask if you dare to do it!

No one?

Then recruit people hard!

What I want is 24-hour non-stop spinning!

What the?

Complaints from nearby residents?

It’s okay, I’ll throw money.

Build underground warehouses, water rooms and much more.

Including access to mountain springs in Kaohsiung Mountain.

After all these things were said, it was time for the afternoon.

This process is the time for lunch, and Ye Cheng also eats while gushing out the content that needs to be transformed.

This forced the construction company to send several engineers to connect with Ye Cheng.

Some of those who couldn’t do it, or those who really made a big move, were all thrown down by the money.

After that, Ye Cheng doesn’t have to care about this matter, Ida Wang is specifically responsible for this matter, and she will follow up.

In addition, as for the house on the rock wall, you need to go to the site tomorrow to see it in person.

Time, must be completed within a maximum of 20 days!

If it is not completed, the smashed funds will be halved!

And this halved, they counted, just earned a little, not much.

And Ye Cheng also said that under the premise of absolute quality assurance, if it is completed one day earlier, an additional 10% of the project will be added.

More than that!

This is just a staff dormitory, he will also buy land near Kaohsiung Middle School and build an industrial park!!

At that time, if the job is done well, the project of building the industrial park will be handed over to them.

Just this sentence.

Directly made their eyes red, and everyone became fierce.

If this is done, the whole company can not take on other projects for three years!

Ye Cheng gave too much!!

Or in that little place, there are too many things to do, so naturally more money is required!

And then….

When Ye Cheng returned to the apartment that evening, Madame Snow also happened to come back from a trip.

He also had some newly purchased clothes and some daily necessities.

“Mrs. Yukino, you are?”

“Hehe, hello, Mr. Ye Cheng!”

“Hello, Mrs. Yukino, don’t you know that you bought these items to send to your husband? And so much more prepared. ”


Yukino Shenfuyu nodded a little helplessly, but she had to accept the thought of hearing her husband’s excited tone and content an hour and a half ago.

After all, it’s all for this ‘home’.

In general, his company received a super large order!

Not only can the company make a lot of money, but their engineers, construction workers, etc., have directly doubled their salaries, and there are also huge bonuses!

So he, who had been working in other places, including others, was all sent to Kaohsiung Middle School to start construction.

Not only that, but also cooperated with other construction companies, borrowed several engineering teams at a large price, and so on.

The time is very rushed and the amount of work is huge.

Not only 24 hours non-stop work, but also to ensure quality, but also fast!

So naturally her husband would live there, and he would still be the kind who couldn’t leave anyway.

As a wife.

Xue Nai was naturally in the deep winter to consider his life problems, and bought him some daily necessities and sent them to him.

Because he had almost run out of everything he had carried with him, and because of the urgency of time, all the previous ones were left in place, and the whole person only ran to Kaohsiung Middle School with a few documents to start work.


“Congratulations, Mrs. Yukino, so that your husband may be on vacation in 20 days at most! Not only that, but you can also get very generous salaries and bonuses! ”

“Yes, but I’m also worried that he will not be overworked like this.”

Snow is a deep winter concern.

Ye Cheng patted her shoulder with concern and apology.

“Fatigue is inevitable, but now that he is young, he only needs to rest for a while afterwards to make up for it, not to mention, as long as he can get a lot of money, it is all worth it.”

“After all… Kaohsiung Middle School is the territory under which I opened my mouth. ”

“Where our company needs to build workers’ dormitories, including later building factories nearby.”

“Tomorrow, I will also go to the scene to see the situation, and then I will drive you along?”


Is that so?

It turns out that the project received by her husband’s company is related to Ye Cheng’s company?

Speaking of….

The day before yesterday, Yecheng really stood in Kaohsiung Middle School for a while, was it originally observing that middle school?

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