It seems that in addition to the level, the wisdom is also very high.

Swept over the pretending unconscious expression.

Tang Cheng took out a thumb-thick nylon rope from the space and tied the other party's legs.

There is a distinction between mutated organisms.

It is also a mutant beast of the LV2 level.

This mutant hen is a far cry from the mutant crocodile in terms of strength.

Of course, it is not excluded that it is safer to have forces from other sides, or to restrict the opponent's movements.

After making sure that he had collected all the loot from the zoo, Tang Cheng went to the parking lot outside.

The previous heavy truck has been damaged, and there is no need to recycle it.

Take one out of the copy space again.

These are all things that Tang Cheng specially asked the other party to leave when he was transporting logistics before.

In the roar of the engine again.

The heavy truck is like a wild beast, rumbling into the dark night that seems to open its bloody mouth.


The first day of the end of the world.

Everything changes.

The zoo and the farm are both suburban and relatively close to each other.

This time Tang Cheng didn't waste any time on the road.

Pinned to the chest, the instrument used to check the integrity of the farm's metal mesh has made an increasingly rapid whistle.

The last layer of defense is being rapidly destroyed.

And when the red light will completely dim.

Thorn -

Huge tires rub against the asphalt floor and emit smoke when they brake suddenly.

Without waiting for the heavy truck to stop completely, Tang Cheng grabbed the LV2 mutant hen on the co-pilot.

Quickly stepped into the farm.

The appearance of the originally neat farm has changed greatly, but the other areas are okay, and the tens of thousands of ducks and geese purchased by Tang Cheng are all very small cubs.

The same is true for fry that are raised in ponds.

It has not yet reached the point where it can cause damage.

The damage to the metal mesh of the farm is mainly concentrated in the broiler area.

Dozens of broilers are not satisfied with the space they live in now, and under the increase of doomsday energy, they have been promoted to LV1 status, and every time they use their beaks to peck, they will leave a twisted mark on the steel plate.

On arrival in Don Town.

They have just broken through the last hurdle and stepped out of the broiler breeding area.

[Whether to use the drawing "Frame Solidity"] "

Yes. After

taking out the drawings, Tang Cheng directly decided to use them.

The next moment.

Centered on the location of Don Town.

A three-dimensional view of the farm was presented in front of his eyes.

There are also hundreds of acres of land around the farm, which were originally intended to be used for ranches and farmhouses.

At present, it is still in an empty state, so naturally there is no need for a stable structure.

Tangcheng selects only the breeding area of the farm and the living area in the rear.

As the drawings unfold thoroughly.

The misty streamer flowed on the surface of all the buildings that could be seen in Tang City.

Stored in temporary warehouses, tons and tons of all kinds of metals are quickly consumed.

The metal mesh, which was also visible to the naked eye and was originally destroyed by broilers, is automatically restored with extreme speed.

When the streamer finally disappears.

The strength of the entire farm itself has risen to an extremely considerable level.

[Expansion completed

] [Consumption of 500 tons of metal iron, 150 tons of metal copper, ...... of metal aluminum]

"This is considered stable." Tang Cheng untied the ropes from the hen's claws and threw it into the flock of mutated broilers with a bewildered face.

It's another call out of the golden dragon in the pet space.


As soon as the golden dragon that was already the same height as Tang Cheng appeared.

He rubbed Tang Cheng with his head very affectionately.

"Watch for me, and if something unexpected happens, don't leave your hands behind. Tang Cheng said.

Solid framing only strengthens the defenses.

It's not inevitable that all accidents will happen.

The golden dragon with dragon blood is actually a very good caretaker.

"Uh-huh. The

golden dragon nodded his head very obediently.

Even if it is only LV0, the wisdom it has is not weaker than that of young humans.

After all this was done, Tang Cheng returned to the rear living area.

He immediately took off his clothes stained with all kinds of blood.

I went into the bathroom and took a shower thoroughly.

Today, the electricity in the farm is supplied entirely by diesel generators 24 hours a day, and both daily water and drinking water are prepared in advance.

It has not been contaminated by the zombie virus.

After coming out of the bathroom, Tang Cheng was draped in a white bathrobe.

Lying on the first-class massage chair placed in the living room, worth hundreds of thousands, enjoy a full range of gentle massages.

The air conditioning in the house adjusts the temperature to the most comfortable level.

The happy water that is steaming in the air conditioner is placed on the coffee table on the side of the massage chair.

Tang Cheng had only advanced to LV1 just a few hours earlier, and after that, there were various high-intensity battles.

Even with double attributes, he felt a wave of exhaustion.

Turn on the TV.

Satellite signals are still available.

However, the soap operas or commercials that used to be aired are gone.

Instead, there was a solemn announcement from the hostess in the OL uniform.

"The world has changed dramatically, please don't go out casually, wait patiently at home...... "

There is no nutrition.

The so-called "experts" still think that this is only a temporary change.

Completely unaware that humanity has embarked on the path of total extinction.

Don City turns off the TV.

Log in to the local forum in Tianhai City instead.

The forums weren't banned, and all sorts of posts were popping up.

Obviously, the people in charge of management have either joined the discussion army, or they have been killed by zombies and cannot be sealed.

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