The words of the Spirit King revealed a great message.

Hanyu's crossing was never a stroke of luck.

Of course, if it is also a kind of luck to be noticed by the Spirit King, it is indeed good luck.

Everything after that was not just the operation of the Spirit King alone.

The outsider who could compete with the Spirit King for power was also manipulating the whole thing.

"Then can I think that your appearance is an accurate judgment of my strength?"

Hanyu asked towards the Spirit King.

The Spirit King replied, "No, I was able to appear only because Youhabach completely killed the body in my Spirit King's Palace.

"No, my will cannot be revealed on a right arm."

Ukitake Juro spat out a mouthful of blood again.

After liberating the power of the Spirit King's right arm, his body was already in danger.

Hanyu Xianichi frowned, "What kind of existence is the current Yuhabach?" "

From the time of the death of Kurosaki Ichigo's mother, Shinsaki Kurosaki, Hanyu has become aware of Yuhabach's problem.

At this time, the explanation of the Spirit King made Hanyu Xuanyi a little confused.

The Spirit King replied, "The body in the Spirit King's palace is me, the friend Habach is me, and at the same time, they are all that outsider.

"In the years of fighting for power, he and I have become one."

"In order to be completely separated from me, he took the lead in encroaching on Youhabach and isolating my will."

"He became Youhabach."

"Everything after that, it's what you see."

Yohabach turned out to have been transferred.

Hanyu was really quite surprised, according to what the Spirit King said, when he first met Yuhabach, Yuhabach was the outsider.

In the Invisible Empire, although he has not met with Youhabach much, he has always paid attention to Youhabach.

It's no different from memory.

Youhabach never showed any horse's feet in front of him.

If it weren't for Ichigo Kurosaki's appearance, he wouldn't have noticed any of Yuhabach's problems.

Yohabach is guiding himself.

Hanyu continued to ask, "Why me?" In this world, there are quite a few guys who can replace the body of the Spirit King Palace. "

Whether it's Ichigo Kurosaki, or Ranzo, or the soul made by Kisuke Urahara.

The future Tsunaya Shitan made by Shitan is a being that is enough to act as a "spirit king".

The Spirit King extradited himself to this world, and the outsider did not stop him.

There must be reasons for this that you don't know.

The Spirit King replied, "Because while he usurped my power, I also gained his power, a power that does not belong to this world.

"Without the power of outsiders like you, it is no longer enough to be a wedge in this world."

That's the real reason!

Hanyu looked at the Spirit King and said, "So, Yuhabach's purpose is actually to make me his replacement and keep this world running.

"And he can be freed from the shackles of the world, right?"

"As for you Spirit King, you don't care if I win or lose with him, the losing side will always become a wedge in this world, right."

What I've been through so far.

It is the result of the Spirit King and another guy playing together.


The Spirit King did not hesitate in the slightest and replied directly.

He himself is the embodiment of the will of the world, and there is no such thing as emotions.

His purpose is to keep the world going.

The purpose of the current friend Habach is not necessarily to be resisted for him.

The world continues to function, and that's enough.

"The answer is really decisive!"

Hanyu smiled and said, "So, what do you mean by being here now?" The Spirit King, together with him, made me into that wedge, and the matter was not solved very simply. "

If the Spirit King joins forces with the current friend Habach, can anyone stop it?

"Haha, Hanyu Senichi, you still don't understand?"

Lan Ran's laughter suddenly sounded, interrupting Hanyu's words.

He looked at the Spirit King and said, "Didn't this guy say it a long time ago, his all-knowing and all-powerful power has no effect on outsiders like you."

"So, he can't foresee what your future will look like."

"He doesn't know if he's winning or losing, so he can only bet on both ends."

Facing the Spirit King, Lan Ran did not have half a point of respect.

Or rather, he originally looked down on the Spirit King.

After learning that the Spirit King was just a vehicle for the emergence of the world itself, he despised it even more.

"Yes, that's right."

The Spirit King replied without emotion, "I can't see your future, and I don't know what kind of outcome will happen between you and him. "

Straightforward admission, quite crisp.

Hanyu was silent, and the thirteen teams of the Guardian Court who were listening to all this around were also speechless.

Lan Ran smiled and said, "Hanyu Stringyi, what's wrong, do you know the truth and have you been hit?" It's just a small thing.

"Beyond the world, there is a wider place, what an exhilarating thing!"

"Whether it's the Spirit King or Friend Habach, does this make you fearful?"

In the face of such shocking and explosive news, Lan Ran's performance was really very calm.

When he loses to Kisuke Urahara, the only weakness in Lan Ran's heart disappears.

In terms of strength, Lan Ran may still need to improve, but in terms of state of mind, he will no longer be hit by anything.

Hanyu said after a moment of silence, "I have one last question. Saying

that, Hanyu unfastened his blouse, revealing the jade embedded in his chest.

"Haven't you completely fused with Hongyu!"

Lan Ran was a little surprised when he saw the jade on Hanyu's chest.

According to the combat power displayed by Hanyu Xunichi, it should at least be the power that can only be completely fused with Hongyu.

Before completely fusing the jade, there is such a powerful force.

If fused, how strong will Hanyu become?

"This jade, whether it is you or he put it in my body."

Hanyu did not answer Lan Ran's words, but asked towards the Spirit King.

The Spirit King replied, "This is not what I did, when I extradited you to this world, he put this broken jade on your body. "

Not the Spirit King.

Hanyu's heart moved slightly, and he was not too surprised.

This "senior" of his own can even snatch the power of the Spirit King, and it is not difficult to put the jade in his body.

After all, he who had just come to the world of death was an ordinary soul who was defenseless.

It's just that since this Broken Jade was not placed by the Spirit King, why did he do this to the one who placed the Broken Jade?

Is this jade a must-have for making yourself a wedge?

According to the Spirit King, because of that intrusion, the Spirit King was also contaminated with the power of outsiders.

So, the new wedge requires the power of outsiders.

Similarly, the power of this world should also be necessary.

Collapsed jade is a necessary thing to give power to the original world.

Therefore, he did not choose to completely integrate with Bangyu, which is actually the right choice.

In the imprisoned world, Yueji and Honyu fused and used the power of Honyu to communicate with Hanyu String.

Hanyu did accept the power of the Moon, but he always maintained a certain restraint towards Honyu.

did not completely let go of itself, and Lan Ran was completely and completely fused with Bangyu.

His current power is the power of the sun and the moon.


Above the sky, a rumbling sound came.

A small black shadow appeared, which soon turned into a large black shadow.

The Spirit King Palace is finally going to fall to the Ling Ling.

"It's finally coming, it's funny!"

Lan Ran looked up at the sky with an extremely confident smile on her face.


At this moment, Ukitake Shirou spat out a mouthful of blood again.

His life is coming to an end.

"He has absorbed most of the power in my body, and my right arm will be absorbed by it soon, Hanyu Senichi, good luck."

The voice of the Spirit King sounded, although it was still emotionless, but it still carried a little blessing in these last words.

Although it is impossible to see the future outcome of the battle between the two, from the perspective of the Spirit King itself, it is still more inclined to Hanyu Shunichi to win.

When the words fell, Ukitake Shiro's body fell directly.

The black shadow on his body went directly towards the Spirit King Palace above his head.


Kyoraku Harumizu directly supported Ukitake Shirou, who was about to fall, and immediately sent him to Nirvana.

Although there is little hope, it is always necessary to give it a try.

Before coming, Kyoraku Harumizu had already met Ukitake Juro.

There were some things he knew very early.

The speed of the fall of the Spirit King Palace was very fast, from the black shadow to the clear visible, it was only a short time.

At this speed, if it is directly smashed on the Lingting, I am afraid that the Lingting Court will be destroyed by half.

"Xian Yi, you don't want the Spirit King Palace to directly destroy the Ling Lingting."

Lan Ran said with a smile, he didn't have much panic about the Spirit King Palace that was about to fall above his head.

"It's not necessary, this kind of means can't affect Youhabach."

As soon as Hanyu raised his hand, the black hole above his head contracted, and a repulsive force was released, and the target was the Spirit King Palace above his head.

Or it should be called the transformed Real World City.

Although the current Youhabach is no longer the original Youhabach, the things to be done are still done.

He's really serious about playing the role of Friendhabach.


The high-speed falling True World City rubbed against the atmosphere, and dazzling flames appeared.

Under the powerful power of Hanyu Xunichi, he actually stopped abruptly not far above the Lingting Court.

A power with the same breath as the previous Spirit King clearly appeared in Hanyu's perception.

It's just that it's too much stronger.

Hanyu stretched out his hand towards Lan Ran.


bang....... The seal that bound the blue dye was untied little by little.

"Well, Lan Ran, are you interested in taking a look?"

Hanyu asked.

Lan Ran got up and said with a smile: "Hanyu Stringyi, are you asking me for help?" "

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