Day 30 of hospitalization.

Hanyu was finally discharged from the hospital.

Although the bandage on his body has not been removed, it is indeed no longer a big problem.

The reason for choosing this point to discharge from the hospital was not that Hanyu was in a hurry to become the acting vice captain.

But after Madara Kazume was discharged from the hospital two days ago, he was the only one left in Hanyu's ward.

Quietly recuperating this kind of thing, Hanyu Stringuichi really felt uncomfortable.


This time the boundary breaking accident made Captain Yamamoto a little angry.

Not to mention that there was almost a big problem in this world, the captain of the Jiufan team, Dongxian, was even more seriously injured.

The Technology Development Bureau of the 12th Team was criticized by the 13th Team of the Guardian Court, and then gave some painless punishment.

Of course,

this was mainly to cope with the central forty-six room.

The current Technology Development Bureau's status in the entire Lingting Court is still quite high.

The daily monitoring of the broken boundary, the balance of the number of souls in the corpse soul realm, and various studies on the virtual circle.

These are very important things.

Although Nirvana usually looks very perverted, he is still quite protective of the technicians of the Technology Development Bureau.

It's respect for technology!


Goban team building.

All the team members were summoned into the hall.

Everyone looked serious and stood neatly.

As the acting vice captain, Hanyu stood at the front of the team.

Lan Ran walked slowly in front of everyone, looked at the many team members and smiled: "Hello everyone, the Wuban team has not gathered like this for a long time." "

First of all, I want to thank everyone for a very good performance and not losing the face of our five-way team."

"Then, I'm going to make an important announcement."

"The third seat of the Goban team, Hanyu Stringichi, out of line."

Lan Ran looked at Hanyu with a kind smile at the corner of his mouth, and a relieved look in his eyes.


Hanyu replied, and then walked directly to Lan Ran's side.

Without dodging, his eyes looked directly at the blue dye.

This game has already begun, and the cards will also be played.

Lan Ran smiled slightly, not paying attention to Hanyu's gaze at all, and continued: "In view of Hanyu's excellent performance during this period, I would like to inform you that Hanyu Sinichi has officially assumed the position of vice captain of the Goban team, and I hope that he will continue to work hard and continue to dedicate himself to building the Goban team."

As soon as Lan Ran's voice fell, the hall broke into warm applause.

Everyone was congratulating Hanyu, and Hinamori was also a thief who slapped him, and the smile on his face was about to overflow.

At the same time, in Hanyu's mind, the voice of the system also sounded for a long time.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, the reward is being distributed......... Rewards have been distributed! 】Complete

body dissolution!

In an instant, countless information directly filled Hanyu's mind.

But Hanyu didn't rush to read the information, his expression was as old as if nothing had happened.

After getting along with Lan Ran for so long, some things may not have been learned.

But this acting skill has improved a lot.

At the same time, Hanyu Xianichi has experienced so much since leaving the True Yang Spiritual Art Academy, and his understanding of himself is also clearer.

Vision, temperament, are not the same self as before.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, and I have asked Captain Hanyu to speak."

Lan Ran raised his hand and pressed it, and everyone instantly quieted down.

In this five-way team, even if it was just acting, Lan Ran still convinced all the team members.

Hanyu took a step forward, first nodded slightly towards Lan Ran, and then faced everyone:

"From today onwards, I will be the official vice captain of Team Goban, first of all, I would like to thank Captain Lan Ran for his trust."

"Then, thank you seniors for your support and allow me as a junior to grow up to where I am now."

"In the end, I will still do my best to do the work of vice-captain as before."

"That's all I have to say."

As soon as Hanyu finished speaking, he bowed to everyone.


Warm applause broke out again.

Hanyu is in the Goban team, and his reputation is still there.

Coupled with his strength, no player has any opinion about him.

This is the end of the process-based promotion ceremony.

Although for Hanyu, the promotion to vice captain is of great significance, for the rest of the team, the past is also in the past.

After all.

The previous Hanyu was already the acting vice captain, and it was a matter of course to turn right.

What to do or what to do.

"Xianyi, congratulations!"

Hinamori patted Hanyu's back and said with a smile.

Hanyu nodded slightly: "Well, congratulations, I became the vice captain, and your seat can also be raised." "

Although Hanyu was the acting vice captain before, the third seat was always occupied by him.

Now that he is the official vice-captain, the third seat is vacated.

Before the next qualifying battle in the team starts, there are as many follow-up officers as they can advance one.

"Hee-hee, you're right to say that."

Hinamori said happily.

As soon as Hanyu looked at Hinamori, he always felt that he was a little too happy today.

"What's wrong with you, Hinamori? Seems to be very happy?

Hanyu asked strangely.

Hinamori nodded and said, "It's not a special thing, it's just that Captain Lan Dye said that he could guide me in calligraphy practice alone." "

Guiding Hinamori alone?


Or indigo dyeing!

Hanyu Xianichi's face suddenly changed, and this Hinamori didn't say that he had forgotten a little.

Lan dye's calligraphy has always been very strong, and it has been famous for a long time throughout the Lingting Court.

When Hanyu was still in the Shinyo Spiritual Art Institute, Lan Ran was a special lecturer in calligraphy and often went to teach.

Although calligraphy is elective, each class will be overcrowded, and there are even students standing in the corridor listening to the blue dye class.

Of course, at that time, Hanyu did not choose calligraphy at all in order to avoid blue dyeing.

For other compulsory courses that Lan Dye will make guest appearances, he can also take leave if he can ask for leave, and miss class if he can't take leave.

But not Hinamori, she is still quite passionate about calligraphy.

In the Goban team, Lan Ran also holds a calligraphy class once a month to teach students an introduction to calligraphy, although Hanyu has never participated.

It can be said that for those who love calligraphy, it is quite exciting to get individual instruction from indigo dyeing.

It's just that

this matter is not so simple in Hanyu's eyes.

Blue dyeing, this is going to deeply brainwash Hinamori!

But what can you do?

Just let Hinamori not go?

Obviously, this is not very realistic.

Lan Ran's image in the corpse soul world today was not established overnight.

Although Hinamori trusts herself, once or twice maybe Hinamori will listen to herself.

But it has always been like this, and there is no reason to convince Hinamori, it is just to push Hinamori towards indigo.

"Did Captain Lan Dye say when?"

Hanyu asked.

Hinamori replied, "Just next month, in the calligraphy practice room of Captain Lan Dye." Looking

at her happy look, I knew that this was a very pleasant surprise for her.

"What about next month?"

Hanyu repeated lightly.

"What's wrong with you, String One?"

Hinamori looked at Hanyu with some bewilderment.

"It's nothing, you prepare well, don't be embarrassed in front of Captain Lan Dye at that time."

Hanyu said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I have to hurry up and practice."

When Hinamori heard this, he also hurriedly slipped away and hurried to practice.

Looking at Hinamori's departing back, Hanyu's face was slightly gloomy.

Lan Dye this guy, seems to be guiding Hinamori's calligraphy, will he be making a move on himself?

Or is it just to brainwash Hinamori.

Next month!

It's really tight on time!

Hanyu let out a soft breath and left the Goban team's building.

His destination is the Twin Hills, or the Twin Peaks Execution Platform.

This is a place used to execute sinners in the corpse soul realm, and the number of times it is used is very small, because ordinary minor crimes will not use the double spear to execute at all.

If you want to be executed in Shuangqing, you have to deliberate and pronounce the verdict in the 46th Chamber of the Central Committee.

Once the order was given, even Captain Yamamoto had no power to object.

Most of the time, it's just a decoration, and no one runs this way without a problem.


, at this moment, Hanyu has already come to the bottom of the Twin Hills.

That's right.

He didn't want to come to see some double spear, and he didn't have any interest in this torture device.

He is just going to enter the secret underground training ground of Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shikaedein.

The former Kisuke Urahara had not yet left the Corpse Soul Realm, and even before he joined the Gotei Thirteen Team, he built this underground base together with Yoruichi Shikaedein, who also did not join the Gotei Thirteen Team at that time.

The two often discuss here to improve their strength.

Kisuke Urahara's swastika was also practiced here with the body of the god transformation.

Sneaky, that's no one except the two of them.

And now, Urahara Kisuke and Yoruichi Shikaede have been expelled from the Corpse Soul Realm, and no one else knows about this secret training ground.

After a period of searching, Hanyu finally found the entrance.

I have to say that Kisuke Urahara's means of covering up are more masterful, and it is basically impossible to detect it with the naked eye.

In addition, this is the bottom of the Twin Hills, so no one will deliberately search.

Confidential and secure.

Originally, Hanyu didn't think about coming here, after all, this is where Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shikaede do.

But just today, after being rewarded with complete understanding.

As soon as Hanyu was first established, he could only practice here.

The complete body solution reward, which means that the ultimate effect and usage after the development of the swastika is handed over to Hanyu Kenichi.

It does not mean that Hanyu can easily master it at this time.

It's like joining the Goban team, and the reward for this mission is the swastika solution.

In fact, in the previous complete mission of Hanyu Xuanyi, he had already been rewarded with spiritual pressure enhancement.

This allows Hanyu to use it directly as soon as the reward for the solution is issued.

Right now.

Hanyu also tried to cultivate and understand his complete body understanding.

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