Hanyu looked at Ise Nanasu, who was seriously injured in his arms, and was also quite admiring.

Such a serious injury, I didn't even shout.

If he hadn't come over in time, I'm afraid that his bones would have been crushed.

What a tough woman!

"Who are you?"

The feminine voice sounded, with curiosity and a bit of doubt.

The tail that had just grown was cut in an instant, and the cut surface was extremely smooth, and the void did not even have time to react.

This Grim Reaper is not simple!

Hanyu put down Ise Nanasu and turned his head to look at the void on the opposite side.

Even if Hanyu has seen a lot of voids, this void in front of him is definitely ugly.

Seven weird tails don't need to be said, the body is lying there like a big toad, two eyes protruding, even the virtual face is prominent.

On the mountain-like body, there are many sarcomas.

There is also spiritual pressure, this strange spiritual pressure, it is simply disgusting.

Seven or eight different spiritual pressures are mixed together, you have me, I have you, like a pot of stew.

"Just cut off your head, oh no, it's a tail, why did you forget."

Hanyu said calmly.

The sun has long been solved, and it can attack at any time.

When he had just rescued Ise Nanasu, Hanyu was sure that the guy in front of him was the culprit of all the previous incidents.

"It turned out to be you!"

The feminine voice seemed a little annoyed.

He has been catching experimental materials in Flowing Soul Street for a month, everything is extremely smooth, and he has never been caught.

Just now, there were some accidents.

As soon as Hanyu heard this voice, he squinted and looked at the void in front of him.

He was sure that although this voice came from this virtual body, it was definitely not this virtual voice.

"The guy hiding in the corner who doesn't know what it is, if he has the ability, he will come out and talk."

Hanyu directly deceived him.

For the virtual one in front of him, he guessed that it was most likely made up of multiple virtual sewn together.

The shape of the body is not the point, any strange appearance is possible.

But this mixed feeling of spiritual pressure cannot deceive people.

As for whether this void was naturally devoured and fused or operated by an external force, Hanyu Stringone could not be determined.

But this is really not something that ordinary guys can do.

"Haha! You better take care of yourself. This

feminine voice did not mean to reveal his identity.

Hanyu is not surprised, a brainless guy can't do such a detailed thing.

"You're my fodder too!"

The feminine voice sounded, and the tails of the six snake heads were raised high, and they instantly rushed towards Hanyu.

"Light Shielding Sword!"

Hanyu's backhand was a lightsaber, galloping directly towards a snakehead.


The light-speeding lightsaber instantly pierced the virtual surface of the snake's head and directly penetrated.

However, the other five snake heads did not stop, but continued to rush towards Hanyu.

The spiritual pressure seems to have increased somewhat.


It's just enhanced!

Hanyu Xunichi keenly sensed that the tail that was killed by himself was rapidly declining, and the speed of decline was somewhat abnormal.

At the same time, the spiritual pressure of the other five tails was enhanced.

The spiritual pressure of these tails can be transferred and used by each other.


The five snake heads directly smashed together in the position where Hanyu Shuichi was.

A huge force kicked up a puff of dust on the ground.


The feminine voice laughed loudly, incomparably joyful.

Although I can't see it, Hanyu's spiritual pressure has indeed weakened a lot.

Unfortunately, his laughter only lasted for a few seconds.

A pillar of light suddenly shot out from the dust and rushed straight into the sky, like a laser sword, cutting down.

The dust was instantly separated, revealing the appearance inside.

Hanyu swung the sun with one hand, or a huge lightsaber, and easily cut off the five snake heads.

"Sure enough, it is the product of forced fusion, and the intensity is really low."

Hanyu shook his hand, and Hiyo returned to his bladed form.

The trick just now was also his comprehension after cultivating complete body understanding.

That's right.

The practice of swastika can also promote the progress of initial solution.

Injecting its own spiritual pressure into the sun can extend the length of the sun blade body in the photon state.

Of course, this requires certain skill.

However, Hanyu has already mastered the transformation of his spirit body into a photon state, and the transformation of spiritual pressure is not so difficult.

The current Hanyu String, the limit can extend the body of the Sun Blade to 100 meters in the photon state.

The main reason for limiting the length is that over long distances, the ability to control spiritual pressure will gradually weaken.

One hundred meters, in the initial solution state, is already very long.

"Damn fellow, he actually destroyed all my traps."

The feminine voice uttered angry words.


Hanyu was stunned and looked at the snake heads that had been cut off by himself.

If you think about it this way, in the cases investigated before, all the residents of Flowing Soul Street who were attacked and devoured were directly devoured.

There was no physical separation, and no blood was left at the scene.

Sure enough

, the other party did not want to hunt down the residents of Flowing Soul Street, but only to capture them.

This aligns with the material mentioned earlier.

The guy behind it must be a scientific researcher.

Indigo dyeing?

No, not like.

Although indigo dyeing will also study some strange things, such an ugly and stitched thing is not like something that indigo dye can make.

And the only purpose of indigo dyeing research is actually only one.

That's stronger!

If he thought about it like this, a figure appeared in Hanyu's mind.

Later Eighth Ten Blades, Sal Apollo Glanz.

he is a virtual circle scientist who is passionate about biotechnology research.

Why say later, because Sal Apollo Glanz at the beginning was not the eighth Ten Blades.

In the beginning, Salapollo Glanz was also a Vastod-level void, but in order to study the "conception notification" to become a perfect life, he split his body into two parts.

That's right, Sal Apollo Glanz is one of the only self-splitting Vastod-level voids in the void circle.

(The content of the official follow-up novel is not made up!)

Unlike Stark's situation, after the split of Salapollo Glanz, his power degenerated into Yachukas.

The other splinter is his brother.

From here, it can also be seen that Stark's strength is the self-division of the Vastod-level Great Void.

After the Stark split, it was still Vastod-class, but after the Sal Apollo split, it became Yachukas.

Of course, these are all afterwords for the current Hanyu String.

At this moment, Sal Apollo Glanz is still a complete body, a real Vastod-level void.

At the same time, he is also now the number 0 ten blade.

After determining the identity of the other party, Hanyu also knew how to deal with it.

"It's really an ugly guy, the guy who made it must also be at the level of a half-hanger."

The corners of Hanyu's mouth raised slightly.

What could be more appropriate against a scientist than to suppress his work?


Sure enough, Sal Apollo was instantly enraged and asked: "Stupid Shinigami, how can you understand what kind of existence my work is!"

"Dare to despise my work, I will make you into a specimen and display it in my laboratory."

Just one sentence easily made Sal Apollo angry.

"Just with this kind of thing, are you underestimating me too much, or overestimating your own skills?"

Hanyu said with a faint smile, and continued to maintain contempt between his words.

In fact, his left hand had already held a small device and pressed it.

"What an arrogant fellow, let you understand and despise my price."

Sal Apollo said angrily.

The five snake heads that were cut off on the ground suddenly squirmed, and the snake head that was penetrated by the Light Shielding Sword did not move.

After losing connection with the body, they did not slowly dissipate into reiko.

At this moment, like a zombie, he rushed directly towards Hanyu.

Although it is squirming, the speed is quite fast.

Hanyu wanted to raise his hand to shoot through with the sun, but he felt the spiritual pressure of the rapid fluctuations of these five heads.

"Seventy-three of the Bound Dao, Fallen Mountain Crystal!"

An inverted triangular defensive array directly wrapped Hanyu Stringichi and Ise Nanasu on the ground.

The five heads also collided.

Bang bang bang!

A wave of five explosions, the powerful force blew all the surrounding trees and gravel, and a huge crater was formed on the ground.

"But that's it."

Hanyu looked at the void and said.

Fortunately, his reaction was quick, otherwise with the power of this explosion, I am afraid that Ise Nanasu would not be able to leave unscathed.

It's not that Hanyu's speed is not enough, but Ise Nanasu now has many fractures in his bones all over his body.

Hanyu must keep his movements gentle enough.

"Blocking this move makes you so complacent, Death, bear my wrath."

Sal Apollo yelled.

I saw that the one opened its big mouth, the red light was condensing, and the spirit son was being highly compressed.


It was formed in an instant, but it was not released.

A big slimy tongue stuck out and dragged this virtual flash, and then the next virtual flash began to condense.

However, in the blink of an eye, five virtual flashes condensed and formed.

"Go and die!"

Sal Apollo sneered.


Five virtual flashes were released at the same time towards Hanyu.

This posture does not mean to leave Hanyu at all.

Even Ise Nanasu, who was lying on the ground, looked ugly, but she didn't say anything.

Hanyu came to save himself, and he couldn't ask for anything.

"Eighty-one of the Bound Dao, Break the Void!"

As soon as Hanyu raised his hand, it was a broken void blessing that abandoned chanting in front of Ise Nanasu.


And he himself passed through the void in an instant, and flashed towards the five voids.

"Otherwise, it's called a laser sword."

The corners of Hanyu's mouth raised slightly, and the sun in his hand instantly photonized, and then extended into a huge long lightsaber.

Gently sweep.

The light blade easily cut through the first virtual flash, and the white light separated the red virtual flash.

Then comes the second, third, fourth, and fifth lanes.

There is no resistance at all.

Because the sharpness of Hanyu's sun depends on Hanyu's pair of reiko, or the degree of compression of light.

A virtual flash is a ray flash that highly concentrates spiritual pressure.

The same high-density laser, Hanyu's sun is obviously superior.

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