I am coming to the King's Capital today.

To meet the king of man.

In order to protect me, my mother seemed to want to hide the presence of me, but she changed her mind after the knights of the ship's eyes found out about this previous incident.

The knights of the ship's eyes would naturally have reported my affair to the Lord, the King, so that we could take the lead here before they pry from the other side.

He introduced me to the kings and stabbed them with nails exactly, like, "If anything happens to this child, the concubine doesn't know what kind of behavior she's doing herself," or "I'll tell the humans a lot about it there, because it's time."

I was heartily thrilled to hear my mother speak to the Kings in an orderly tone. I don't know if the Kings are used to it or if Mother is actually better, but I didn't get angry anyway, so I stroke my ho breasts down.

"But she's so cute."

The king stares at me with his face down.

My mother and I were put through to a large, luxurious room like a reception room, surrounded by delicate, elegant and slightly flashy conditioning, sitting in an elegant bench, facing the royalty. It's the king and queen and the prince at the top. The princes are already adults, and the kings are in their fifties, I guess. They are all blonde and sparkly. It looks very royal.

"Really. Looks like it'll heal just watching."

"Must be nice to stroke."

The queen and the prince go on to say, too.

Ever since we met, they had put out something like 'Aura I Wanna Touch,' but I didn't move with my body sliding half way between my mother's body and the back of my chair. No, I can't move. I'd rather not be nervous about the royalty in front of me. I was just a little girl in my last life.

The kings sitting across the street tilting their bodies gently in all three trying to see me hiding behind my mother. By the way, all the knights of the escort standing behind them are equally slightly inclined and a little funny.

"But it seems I was born in a very good time. It's rare to see spirits as young, isn't it? That too, snow and flame child, how dare you both"

The prince turned to the queens next door and told them to urge their consent.

"My son?

When I spilled my voice unintentionally on the word I cared about, everyone across the street gazed back at me hah. I was freaked out because this is the first time I've spoken here, and I said to the queen, "You can chat now! What a lovely voice," he praised. I can light up ~.

"Haven't you heard from Lord Snowlea? To the south of this country is the Spirit of Fire, and he has children, too. I guess I'll be your brother for about six months more than Milfiria."

The prince taught me politely with a smile.

The Spirit of Fire? A child as old as me? I have no idea.

I was a little upset when I peered softly into my mother's face. I don't think you really like Mr. Spirit of Fire.

"Stop talking about it. Rumor has it... What if he shows up?"

Oh, I knew I didn't like it.

The king was grinning bitterly at her mother like that, but when she moved her gaze to the window, she laughed and said again as if she was in trouble.

"Apparently, it's too late."

I turn to the one he points to, too.

Then there was a bright red fireball floating there, and I accidentally reversed the hair on my back a little. I thought it was haunting for a moment, but that fireball burned up and elongated in a bowl, swelling wide like a vortex.

I think the flames were out the next moment, and instead there was a man with brown skin standing on the spot.

Burning red hair, red eyes. Even from the flow of the story, I'm sure he's the Spirit of Fire.

Her upper body was naked, she had tattoos spread from her clavicle to her arms, and she wore gold ornaments on her neck and wrist. He is wearing loose trousers squeezed by his ankle and wrapped around an embroidered waistcloth. Kind of like Aladdin.

Even though my mother was a kimono, he had no Japanese element. I wonder if spirits are any different.

"Isn't that Snowlea! Long time no see!"

The big flaming Spirit gently raised his hand and gave his mother a crushed smile. Nice shiny white teeth.

I thought he felt stronger about me when it came to the Spirit of Fire, but he seems very friendly. But if I do, I don't seem to be able to get my hands on it, I don't even feel that way, and I feel a little hot and bitter about what it is in my first meeting. And then there's the big voice.

Stay away from my concubine.

The Spirit of Fire came very close to me, but my mother stood in a panic with me. Rarely cold sweating.

"Let me tell you for a long time to stay away from inadvertently! My concubines are weak in their" chi ". If you're close, you're going to melt."

That's what you say and you stare at them.

I also calmed down a bit and explored Mr. Spirit of Fire's 'chi'. Sure, this is a little...... it might be tight on us. It's like heat is emanating from his body. It's hot and I'm feeling kind of weak.

"Bad, bad! But you don't have to avoid it so much! I'm not used to your hissing 'chi' either, but I don't hate you that much!

Wahaha The Spirit of Fire laughed luxuriously, and now the heat wave struck. Gee, it's going to melt! Mother and two, stand together and endure. It doesn't seem as sensitive as we are because the human kings are not particularly different.

The Spirit of Fire... I also know very well what your mother tries to avoid.

It's not simply incompatible. Either disappear first, for example by bringing flames and snow closer together. That's probably snow. Because before the flames go out, the snow will surely turn into water. And even if the water then extinguished the flame, it was the water that beat the flame, never the snow.

I mean, flames and snow are not about five minutes. Flames are stronger.

"Oh, by the way, that little one..."

The flaming spirits who were laughing tilted their necks slightly and peered intriguingly at me, who was in my mother's arms.

My mother strengthened her ability to hug me so as to hide me from that gaze.

"My concubine! Stay away from me!

"Child? I didn't know you had a child!

"Because I just said it for the first time. To tell you to stay away!

"That's watery. Why didn't you tell me sooner? Due to the size of my body, it would be a year since I was born. The one with the" water ”? You refused to have kids with me!

"Of course not! I can't think of anything like hanging out with you. Hot and painful!"

"Both of you, such a story in front of your son..."

The king said the most good things. I mean, I, you don't really know how spirits make children. Do we do the same thing as humans to listen to our mothers talk? I mean, you had a father to me?

"Oh, you did! It's a quick story to make a child listen."

The Spirit of Fire showed his white teeth and laughed again, looking under his feet. I get followed and look at you too.

—— and find some sort of black little chunk there, staring unexpectedly.

"Well glad! It's a lovely day. I can't believe we can see two adorable spiritual children together!

The queen slaps her hand and rejoices.

Child of the Spirit other than me......


The black mass looked like an animal that looked like a black leopard, if you look closely. The body wrapped in lustrous black fur is toddlerly rounded and almost the same size as mine. The fat and disappointing limbs, though, gave a hunch of growth that they would be bigger in the future.

A small red flame is lit at the tip of the thin, long tail, creating a flaming spirituality. I wonder if it's not hot, that.

I've never seen a spiritual child other than me, but my thoughts run out of this one word.

"Wow, cute"

I was whining so loudly. Little black leopard is so cute. Kids are all cute stuff, but I personally think big carnivore kids are especially cute.

But my statement was hilarious, the Spirit of Fire laughed and said.

"I hear you're pretty enough, too."

The kings are all laughing, too. Is it indeed hilarious for a toddler to say "cute" towards a toddler?

But the spiritual children of unchanging age, I jumped out of my mother's arms wanting to get along with her.

"This, Mill!

"That's good. It's good to get along with kids."


My mother seemed worried, but the Spirit of Fire mocked me and decided to keep an eye on her for now.

As I advanced my legs to the little black leopard under my father's feet, I felt the gaze from around me as biscious. Only my mother seems anxious, and everyone afterwards - the Spirits of Fire and the Kings and Guardian Knights - have a bit of an exciting, fun vibe.

Don't get lost and observe if a child fox and a black leopard were trying to make contact in front of me too. Expect you'll probably see a cute sight to adore.

As a sign of no hostility, I approached the child as I waved my tail loosely. It's a little hot because it will inevitably get closer to Mr. Spirit of Fire, but I'll be patient. While hiding in his father's feet, the child stared warily at this one, roaring grudgingly. Your eyes are red as if you are hosting a flame.

"Kugarg, you must be a man. How dare you intimidate a younger girl!

His father scolded him, and his son--Kugarg stopped roaring. I had a prediction, but was it a boy after all? I would have liked a girl friend if I could, but, well, no.

"I would have taught that intimidation is what the weak do"

I said, "Don't do it!

Kgarg raised his voice in an attempt to deny his father's words. Fatter fangs than mine peek through my mouth.

The little black leopard waved the boom and tail to the left and right as he consolidated his determination - a wonder that the flames ahead were going to go away and not go away - and advanced a long time ago. My eyes are a little higher than mine.

Only the Spirit of Fire still seemed to have fever emanating from its body, but it was weaker than its father's because it was a child, and I was a little relieved about that.

"Hey, man!

Intimidating tone, but not very compelling because it's tongueless.

"I don't know what to do!

My nose was declared rough, but I don't even think you're weak or strong. I just think my little, fat legs are cute. Is the meatball black, too? Can I see it for a second?

"I'm tough! Look --"

I had a bad feeling about Kugarg saying that and lowering his posture.

And as that hunch suggests, he jumped at me. I can kick the floor, jump big and pack the distance all at once. Soon after I fled, I became the underside of Kugarg and said, "Kishan!," he cried pathetically.



But it was for a moment that I felt the weight of Kgarg, and soon we were separated. Kugarg was grabbing his roots and being held up abusively by his father, and I was in the limp arms of my mother. He tried to help me as well, and although the kings and knights were getting themselves out, his mother's were quick.

"Kugarg! You stupid son of a bitch! What is it that the Spirit tries to boast of his power!

"Hmm, which mouth says. I don't like to lose fights. My son looks just like that."

My mother abandons me to the Spirit of Fire who scolds my son.

"Mmm... but I won't raise my hand to the weak"

Mr. Spirit of Fire, excusing himself as Boso, was a little cute. I want you to try to look like a beast. Big black leopards would look good.

And as he caught him, Kugarg looked up at his father in a way he wasn't reflecting, and cared about the weird part.

"Father, put it down. He smelled good. I want to take another time."

Enough talking about being strong or weak? It was a bumpy Kugarg, but there was no escape from his father's hand. "No!" and is kicked over.

I just shrug my neck and solidify in my mother's arms. Let's just be friends with Kugarg after he grows up a little bit more and settles down mentally, yeah.

"Don't ever let that child near my concubine's lovely Milfiria again."

My mother raises her eyebrows and says.

The Spirit of Fire lowered his brow like trouble.

"Well, let's try to be nice to girls. But after that, you should have let them see you. There are no other spiritual children of the same age, and it's possible that the future will turn."

"There's no chance of that! Don't say anything horrible!

My mother turned bright blue and disputed. I don't know if it's a good time, but does that mean we're going to be lovers or a couple? I think I'm feeling a little fast.

But I'm glad my mother disagreed with me. At the age of one, I almost had a slightly abusive fiancée.

The Kugarg, as usual, stared at this one to eat in with red eyes, as he rammed with his father grabbing his roots. And "I want to smell it," he continues his perverse remarks. Glad you look like a cute black leopard. If I were an old man, I wouldn't hesitate to report it.

This day soon after this, my mother said, "My concubine is leaving now. It was hot and unpleasant," we said, returning to the snow mountain of our residence, where Kugarg showed up using his mobility technique a few days later.

They push me down and smell my scattered body —— it's kind of obscene to say, but this one's a kid fox, and the other's a little black leopard, and it's never pornographic for the purpose I saw. Whatever you say yourself, it's just cute--, Kugarg left me in a state of relief all of a sudden and went home with a satisfied face.

What the hell was that, that?


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