Two years after I was born, I was finally able to change into a human.

"Mother, look!

I showed off my humanized self to my mother, who was resting in a big white fox figure in a cave that was twisting.

Even when you're human, you're just about the size of a two-year-old, and your silver hair is long to the waist. Clothes are white kimonos that are very similar to what your mother wears when she humanizes them. It's just a short length, up to my knees, and I'm wearing a twitch on my barefoot leg, kind of like a snowboy. It's more of a Japanese snow monster than a western snow spirit. Even more perfect if you wear a snowflake or something.

"Oh, Milfilia"

Her mother turned to her face and opened her eyes gently.

"Damn, you can be human now. How adorable you look!

When my mother also looks like a person, she hugs my body all the time like she was impressed. Soft. Soft chest.

But when she let go of her body and looked at me again, her mother said this, leaking a dull and luscious grin.

"But it's not perfect. Your ears and tails are out."


When I checked my own ass hah, my faint white tail was shaking. Reaching over your head with a short hand gives you the feel of a fox's ear wrapped in hair......

"Wow, really."

Even if I rush to close my eyes and concentrate, I can't pull them in because it's so hard.

"Sai Aku!

I squeezed my fox ears down with both hands. Embarrassing!

Oh, no, you look like you're halfway there. Besides, it looks like you're after something, like just a fox with your ears and tail. Wow, you're bruising.

"Heh heh, there's nothing wrong with that. Isn't she adorable?"

My mother doesn't know Japanese for ”chemo ear," and of course she doesn't know that there is such an adorable genre, but she was pushed around with some bump in my current appearance, and I was hugged with a full smile. Even if the world changes, does it not change what makes people's hearts cum?

There's no mirror in the cave, so I can't objectively see myself.

After being stroked around by my mother for a while, I thought about something.

"Hey, Mother. Can your mother keep her ears and tail out?

"My concubine?

I look up at the beauty in front of me excitedly.

"Well, I've never done anything like purposefully giving ears and tails."

"Try it! Please!"

I wave my tail around my mother. I'm sure my eyes are glittering right now.


Her mother closed her eyelids quietly and, after just a moment of concentration, let her grow a stunning fox ear and tail. If you look that shocked!

"Ha, Mother......!

I accidentally lost my word.

Toddlers are all cute things, and with cute fox ears on them, 'cuteness' just doubles. When I was young, I became a Chemo daughter, and the amplitude was low.

But an adult woman with plenty of flesh, what happens when a seemingly cold looking ice beauty is equipped with fox ears and tails.

"Beauty" + "Coldness" + "Luscious Colour" adds even more "Cuteness".

That destructive power! Imagine that! I'm not impressed with cat ears for the first time! But what if that usually cool kid wore cat ears!

... I may have given birth to the ultimate creature.

"Ha yeah, wow... wow..."

My mother began to pull a little when she saw me beginning to tremble with excitement and emotion.

"Duh, what's wrong, Milfilia?"

I wonder if your mother can tell, this shock.

But I felt sick about my excitement myself, so I strayed my eyes from the fox-eared beauty in front of me and calmed my heart. I don't like toddlers who are excited to see their mothers.

"I'm sorry, it's nothing. I was just so happy."

I laugh and deceive innocently as I touch my grown ears on my head.

"Right, right, right, right."

My mother laughed happily and dropped a kiss in my ear. Uh, it's hard. My mother is cute and hard. I want you to stay that way forever. I want to take a picture and save it permanently. I like that he doesn't know how adorable he looks.

"Mother, I've been doing that all day!

When I told her to be sweet, my mother nodded softly, "That's good."

Yay! All day today, with the fox-eared beauty ~!

The next day I enjoyed my mother's adorable appearance, I headed to the fort to get a look at my personified figure. As usual, he flies for the day break and for the knight of the ship's eyes. The journey took a moment.

When I opened my eyes, it was the training ground of the fort, and everyone who had completed the training was in the process of returning to the building with their swords. You were in joint training. That's a good number of people.

In front of me stands the knight with the eye of a ship, but he's turning his back on this one, so he hasn't noticed me yet.

And talking to him next to the knight of the ship's eyes is my friend, Mr. Branch Leader. They were looking at the strength of their men's swords, their personalities, their compatibility in their current training, and they seem to be talking about "what to do with the next formation of the squad". I don't know.

I waited a few seconds but never noticed this one, so I pulled the hem of the knight with the eye of the ship's coat. The knight of the ship's eyes, who immediately turned around, dropped his gaze and found me, looking suspicious for a moment.

"Child? Where the hell did you get in from..."

Say it strangely, then halfway through the words. I could see the knight's gaze of the ship's eyes quickly observing me shifting to the color of his hair, his outfit, and the ears and tails that grew on his head. Apparently you've noticed who I am.

"... a mill?

The voice contained a slight surprise, although it was the expression that did not change only with a slight raised eyebrow.

I'm kind of glad the prank feels like a success. Smile and say.

"That's right!

The Shigeye Knight crouched into my front and smiled like a gentle father.

"Well, speaking of which, Snowlea looked like a person, too."

"But when I was three, my mother was able to fall in love with people. I'm only two."

Because I was human in my previous life, I seemed to be quick to be able to humanize. Ma, a year for the Spirit is like a day for humans, so maybe there's little difference.

But when I put my chest up so well, the Shigeye knight praised me, "Well, that's amazing."

"It would be ~. As a matter of fact, it's been a long time."

I'm glad I was praised, and I shake my boom and tail while I can.

"That's great. That's amazing."

The knight of the ship's eyes took his gloves and stroked my head. Oh, hey. Stop fumbling your ears in a stroking whirlpool.

While the two of them twisted each other, he looked behind the knight with his eyes, saying that there was also the captain of the branch, and he covered his face with his hands and shivered plumply. Hey, what's going on?

"Shiitake Cancer Kishi..."

Worried, the Shigeye knight confirmed forcefully that he was "okay" after checking behind him.


I don't care what you think.

Something a little bit like me looking at the mother of a fox ear yesterday and shaking with emotion?

"Deputy -! That kid, no way......!

The other knights, who were about to leave the training ground, noticed our talk and turned back here. It's Kicks leading the way. Right behind it is Mr. Tina, as well as the Kowamote knights.

"Oh, it's a mill"

"Seriously!? What's that look like? What a biological weapon!

Hiding behind a sassy-eyed knight as Kicks tried to stroke me around shaking my head. But a persistent kick came after me, so I went around the knight with two eyes.

"Let him stroke you!

"Kicks, I don't like it because it makes my hair tire"

"He said he wouldn't!

"I don't like it because my ears are clamped"

"He said he wouldn't!

"Hey, don't flatter yourself around"

The knight with the naked eye grabbed Kix's collar and stopped him, so he exhales in a ho.

"Oh no! Mill, you're adorable!

The next person to raise his voice was Mr. Teena. I'm letting my eyes roam like I'm excited and my cheeks are trendy.

"So cute! Oh, no! I'm gonna cum! Oh, my God! Wow, I hate it!

Oh, wow, I hate it!?

"Ah, chief of branch...?

Tina, who was in high tension, said, taking her gaze off of me. As always, Mr. Branch Leader, with his face covered with both hands, walked toward the building fluttering.

"Oh, are you okay? What the hell are you doing--"


Kicks and other knights stopped Teena, who tried to rush over to Mr. Branch Leader. They all say, with some kind of translation face, "I'm fine" in the same powerful tone as the knight in the eye of the ship earlier.

"You should leave it at ease now. 'Cause the captain's fine."

"Yeah, well, I guess it was just a little shocking"

"Looks like you saw the mill without any mind preparation. My personality is falling apart."

"Personality collapses!? That's not okay!

"No, it's okay, it's okay"

Both I and Mr Teena were worried about the chief of the support, but the others were pointing at the chief of the support who was leaving their raw and warm gaze. I don't know why.

Anyway, I was able to surprise everyone but the chief of the support team who was in the training area, and it was worth practicing humanization.

Besides, I still feel that the human body is more convenient in a variety of ways. For example, this finger. I grabbed the snow piled on the ground and circled it with both hands. When you grip it hard with force, you hit that snowball silently on Kix's foot.

"Whoa! What, all of a sudden--"

I grabbed the snow again and threw it silently at Kicks again.

"What!? Why is it just me?

Last year, I remembered a snowball thrown by a kidding kick hit my face critically. That hurt. Now comes the mundane rage.

"Last year, Kicks, you hit my cage with a snowball!

"Yes!? You still have it in your roots! So the first thing you do when you're human is get revenge!?

Kicks reopened instead of apologizing, so I made one snowball after another and shook it like a baseball pitcher and threw it at Kicks with all my strength.

"Hey, it hurts! It hurts a lot!"

Starting with the Shigeye Knight, everyone around me seemed to have no intention of stopping me or helping Kix, laughing as I stood up for "good, do more". Don't hesitate, then.

What a childish thing to do, I felt "fire" approaching here. I know this feeling because I've tasted it many times in the past year.

—— Kugarg is coming.

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