At the Northern Fort

Be the first to see me, here we go!

From now on, I will live fine by myself without relying on my mother or the knights of the ship's eyes.

Sometimes I almost forget myself, but I think you're a solid person because you were human in your previous life, and you can do enough!

I don't know I've been saying I miss the knights of the ship's eyes ever since, and I won't let you stroke my stomach again!

I'll make you independent at three!

With so much bravery in my head, I was walking slowly down a uninspiring street.

The fairy is flying forward a little to lead me, but if I'm a little late, he stops and waits for me.

Turning around, neither the northern fort, nor the laid-back township that spreads a short distance from it, had yet disappeared from sight.

I meant to walk pretty well, but it looks like I haven't been able to get out of the area yet.

The neighboring town also seems to be a small settlement, so I don't see anyone coming and going down this street that leads there.

I guess getting closer to the bigger city and the king's capital would be busy, but so far there are just potato fields spreading around.

Nice weather, but quiet and lonely......

I found a small chunk of snow that had survived by the side of the road, and I tried to mess it up on my stomach, but I don't feel good.

I have no choice but to move forward as the fairy twirls around to say 'Don't stop by'.

"Something to chat about."

I talk to fairies because I think the solo journey is boring, but it just flashes like trouble.

"Ah, look! There!"

It was the meadow that was spreading to the front left that I turned my nose to.

I know because I've been there a few times. That's the pasture for the army horses in the fort.

In a fairly large grounds, the horses eat grass and run pleasantly.

I don't have an Irax or a leader right now, but I'm totally familiar with the other horses and they're close.

In the meantime, forget one loneliness and say, "Wow!" and ran toward the grazing land. A fairy tries to lead me down the street saying, 'It's not that way,' but I decide to ignore it.

I've got plenty of time, just give me a minute.

The fence for the horses was too high for me, so I eased through and joined the horses.

When the cum rings and says hello, the horses also turn their noses and reply. The horses who were far away also approached, 'What the hell?'.

After about three “ minutes, I spent as much time with them as I wanted. Rubbing your body against the ground with you on the meadow, or rushing over and losing by a huge difference.

Irax cares about me with short legs. He even rushes to lose, but he's not here today, so it was a total loss.

The starting dash is quicker for me, but they'll be outrun in no time. Besides, I'm desperate. It's moving, but I'm not serious. Running beautifully.

I saw everyone running like they were having fun waving their tails, and I thought, oh, I want to keep sitting here looking casual like this.

When the horses return to the fort, they want to go home with us.

For a moment, I came up with a proposal to pretend to go grab it and hide in the stables for a while, but the letter entrusted to my mother must be important, and I knew I would have to go to the King's Capital.

I exhaled small and bid farewell to the horses.

It's time to go.

I wondered who would follow one or so of us, but they didn't.


When I tried to leave the grazing land, the fairy sat like Dafu on the fence. They gave up on bringing me back from the way in and waited for me.

"You're welcome."

When Pong and I finally got round to it, the fairy started leading me again.

Walk on hard ground with meatballs as you rock your rabbit backpack.

I had been going on for a while, but I finally couldn't stand the fairy flying in front of me, and I was stuck with it.

It's shaped like a ball, it's just about the size of a ball, and the movement was fascinating and I couldn't restrain myself. I get a tingly cold temperature in my tongue.

And, as the fairy vibrated out fine with Boone as angry, I opened my mouth and let him escape.

Yes, yes, I'm sorry.

When I was interacting like that with a ball of light who couldn't even speak a word, I felt the flame and I looked up.

In the air with nothing, a pop of small fire lights.

I'm so used to this sight already that I took a step back and waited for his arrival.

The fire grows to swirl and changes black where it has become as much my body. And it quickly turned into a little leopard and gently stepped down to the ground.

Is it the difference between the feline family and the canine family, your body is softer and more supple in movement than mine?

"Oh, Kugarg."

The ill-eyed black leopard looked at me and came this way with a long tail up.

He lowers his head and punches his head in my fluffy chest.


It's pretty shocking, so I get my butt on every time, but the head poke seems to be an expression of dearness, so I put up with it.

Kugarg rubs his head against me as it is, and he returns to his original position satisfied.

"Milfilia. Hmm?... here, where?

After happily calling my name, Kugarg finally turned his gaze around. He blinks at a different view of Mount Snowlea and inside the fort, and looks surprised to notice the fairy as well.

"Kugarg, it was there!

I also got my tail up and welcomed it. I've probably never looked forward to his appearance so much.

I am certain.

If it's Kugarg! He said that Kugarg would surely follow me to the King's Capital!

"Have you been waiting? Me?"

Kugarg's red eyes shine.

I explained to him that I was going to visit Wang Du, and asked him to come with me.

"I miss you alone, let's go together! He said," Get on the road every time ”!

Japanese proverbs inclined me to the neck, but Kugarg said to my favor, "Okay. I'm going," he nodded in two replies.

That's Kgarg!

"Yay! Happy!"

This eliminated the finesse.

When I express my joy with an extraordinary smile, Kugarg turns that way in the light.

"But the fire on that tail might have to be broken."

At the tip of Kgarg's thin, long tail, there is always a red flame on. People who know nothing about this would be surprised to see it.

I was trying to figure out how to hide the flames by putting my head around them, and this is how Kugarg came back at the time.

"Okay. Then turn it off."

"Turn it off, how?

Looking at me tilting his neck, Kugarg shook his tail wide to the right.

Then how dare the flames that had burned red earlier disappear?

"Huh!? Can you turn it off? Can I turn it off?

I asked upset. Because I thought to myself that when the flames on my tail go out, it was only when Kugarg dies.

But it seems that the flame of Kgarg's tail was not something else lightning of life. Kugarg shook his tail wide to the left to revive the flame, then to the right again to turn it off again, saying as if it were nothing.

He said he turned it off.

Was it? Surprised.

Then let's have it turned off discreetly during the journey.

"Well, stay put, please"


"Okay, well, sooooo much! Gamburrow till later!... Ooh!

Nori's bad Kugarg didn't respond to the hanging, so I'll give it back myself.

Kugarg is also still a child, so he feels like 'If anything happens, I have to protect him', and he can't be as distracted as he is when he is with his mother and the knights of the ship's eyes.

but my footsteps were much lighter than just now. I hope you have a traveling partner besides a fairy.

Might be getting a little fun.

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