At the Northern Fort

Mr. Rekka's Mystery (1)

The day after Woodbaum came to the fort, I was sitting on the ground in the shade of a tree, having a relaxing conversation with him.


When I pronounce his name in a child fox, Woodbaum in a stag shakes his head gently to correct the pronunciation.


"Wood balm?"

"Yeah, Woodbaum"

"Woodbar...... Woodbam"

"Too bad. Woodba, W., M."

"Ba, u, m!

"Yes, Baum"




No, I'm back. He rolls with regret and moves with a noose as he rubs his body against the lawn. The weather is nice today but my skin is cold and the temperature is pleasant for me.

Woodbaum looked at me making strange moves laughing for a while, but eventually said with his eyes down.

"That's cute."

Pepper licks my forehead like it's intolerable. I wonder if the deer will get hairy too.

"Kugarg was cute yesterday, too. I'm a tree, I'm a deer, and I'm a little scared when I grow up, but I'm still small."

Kugarg is a fire, and he's a leopard.

"I was wondering if I should have a child, too. But I guess it's still early. I don't know many spirits. If I ask you, will Snowlea help me make a child?

"Huh! No, you can't."

gets up and says.

"My mother is my mother. Besides, my mother has a father."


"Yes, Father of the Water"

When I explained about my father and told him that I thought he was like my real father, I knew Woodbaum was as surprised as the other spirits.

"That's a funny way of thinking, but that's funny"

But she seems to have given up on her mother already, so I feel safe sleeping on the ground again. Then just at the tip of his nose, there was a bottle of weed growing with lots of elongated leaves.

When it wobbles in the wind and tickles my nose, it itches slightly and stays asleep "Kush!" and I sneeze.

It was the little white ball of light, or my fairy, that jumped out of my mouth in that momentum.

The fairy flies through the sky like she's happy to be free to move, slips through the ground, and circles around me.

"Good for you..."

I've learned that I'm used to my fairy's vitality, and I can never calm it down, so leave it alone. Do whatever you want.

"Wow, you just gave birth to a fairy out of your mouth?

Woodbaum was looking at me with his eyes round.

"Yeah, when I sneeze, I come out. Not always..."

It's not a very well-dressed way of putting out fairies, but Woodbaum says as impressed.

"Well, I've only created it out of my hands."

That's how when I changed into a human form, I lifted my right hand and looked at my palm.

Then from there, a ball of dark green light, bigger than my fairy, slowly emerged. The light is cloudy and dark because Woodbaum is suffering from the disease.

"Woodbalm, you're weak, but you better not make it."

Fairies are created by dividing the power of the Spirit. The more you make it, the less power the Spirit will have.

"No, I wasn't going to make it - wow!?"

Two, three, four, cloudy balls of light continued to pop out of the bewildered Woodbaum's palm.


"What can I do......"

In the end, by the time Woodbaum held his fist and stopped releasing the fairies, twelve fairies were up. Woodbaum is ill now, although it has no major effect on the body that adult spirits have created ten or twenty fairies. It seemed like force majeure, but if you make a lot of fairies, you're set to get tired for that.

Woodbaum blued his face and fell to the ground.

"Woodbalm, are you kidding?

"Yeah. I think if I rest for a while, I'll recover..."

"Okay, then don't keep it up. - Hmm?

A green light like Marimo fluttered on my cheek talking to Woodbaum.

"Woodbalm's fault? What?"

When I looked back to see if I needed anything, the rest of the eleven fairies stuck to my body, and I looked crazy, like I was equipped with a glowing marimo all over my body.

The fairies don't speak the language, but I see you have a crush on me. 'Cute, cute' feels stroked.

Woodbaum sneered as he fell asleep and looked tired.

"You're like me because you're my fairy. Looks like she wants to be cute about Milfiria."

I'm glad to hear that, but I'd have a little trouble being surrounded by so many fairies. It's hard to move.

And then my fairy goes, "What are you doing? Oh, my God! 'He joined me all the time, wandering around, so I decided to fight the thirteen fairies alone against the lone army.

But running and running doesn't frighten me that he immediately chased me and strained me to my body, slapping me in the pen with his forefoot.

I was wondering what to do, and all of a sudden the Woodbaum fairies left me and flew off somewhere at great speed at once.

My remaining fairies rush after everyone too.

Nothing. You don't have to follow me!

"What's the sudden matter?

Woodbaum also says surprisingly.

But the fairies quickly understood their purpose. As they flew away, there were two knights walking.

The Woodbaum fairies are attacking their knights with pockmarks.

"Whoa, what the fuck!?"

"Ball of Light? Fairy. But it doesn't look like it's Mill's...... hey, face!

One knight is being focussed on his face as to why. It's like cotton wool hitting me and it doesn't seem to hurt, but it's definitely depressing.

"Oh, here! What are you doing? No, you can't attack me!

Woodbaum stood up nicely and headed that way.

"Woodbaum? Do something about it."

The knight says in a calm manner, even though he gets hit in the face with a poke, because it doesn't hurt. I think I could panic a little bit more.

"Wait, I'm going back to my body now"

That being said, Woodbaum pointed his palm at the fairies.

Then they suck in there one after the other, and the twelve marimos disappear. Looks like it absorbed well.

Me too, when Woodbaum's fairy disappeared and stormed her own fairy flying by herself, she caught him with her mouth and swallowed it. Cold light spreads through my throat to my body.

Retrieving his strength, Woodbaum breathed in a ho.

"Good, get it back on track. Sorry, knights."

"It was funny, that's fine"


The two knights gently lift their hands and leave.

"I wonder why I attacked you. Until you get better, you can't even get the fairies out of the way."

Woodbaum sighed and I noticed. At the end of the line of sight, the roots of the trees are shallow and dug back.

When I went closer and smelled the dirt, there was still the smell of Woodbaum and the smell of dongles.

Speaking of which, isn't this where I buried the squirrel?

"Woodbalm. What's going on here?

"Huh? Ah... uh"

Woodbaum let his eyes swim.

"Maybe, you ate it?

"... yeah"

Saying that he buried it for the squirrel, Woodbaum made an excuse to go backwards after returning to the appearance of a deer.

"Sorry, I'm kind of hungry"

"Are you hungry? It's a rarity, though."

Because I still have common sense when I'm a human, or I'm free every day.

"Is it because of the bickering?

"I think it probably is. Maybe even eating is trying to regain some strength. I tried so hard to keep the woods rich, but I was hungry and ate dongles. Even though dongles are like tree children."

"It's a good idea. Woodbalm beat up the falling dust every day, so it stays in the trees."

Now it's okay to start with dongles, so it's important to get nutritious.

"Yes, by the way, a lot of it hasn't fallen like a forest, so I'll go ask Woodbalm if he can get us some dinner too. I always get lunch."

"It is. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm coming with you."


That's how the two of us walk out. At first it was going slowly alongside Woodbaum, but I ran tough on one of them.

Let me cut my breath and go for about ten meters and I'll wait looking back at Woodbaum walking in later. And when Woodbaum catches up, I run and go ahead again and look back and wait again.

Repeating that, I tried to find the chef and go to the cooking place.

You're feeling better. Woodbaum also runs lightly, and the red leaves that grow in the corners fall flashing with vibration.

"Oh, wow!

But when the two of us came to the back of the fort having fun running, the iron door that was in front of us suddenly opened.

I stop surprised and suddenly, as does Woodbaum, who was running a little behind me.

It was Mr. Rekka who came out of the door with momentum.

In defense or because the back door is made smaller, Mr. Rekka's height is too much to rub his head off.

Mr. Rekka has no heart or a blue face. It's like I ran into my aunt inside, and she's hurried out.

Without noticing us, Mr. Rekka started squatting at high speed for some reason as soon as he went outside.

What the hell?

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