Chapter 40 40. Fur Tribe

Zou was on the back of a giant elephant. Lesa was shocked speechless. The fur tribes were very happy and could finally go home. Rolle fell asleep for two days in order to fulfill his promise. They said to Rolle Already home.

After the boat was parked, everyone climbed onto the elephant's back using their special skills. The only mermaid was carried up by Luo Er. All the fur tribe members were very strong.

"I'm finally back." The girl from the dog tribe stretched her body.

The island on the back of the elephant, this world can always bring surprises to Rolle, and he never gets tired of it. The outside world calls him the Rolle Expedition Team.

After all, he is a famous seafarer, and it is impossible for the world government to put a bounty on him. Even if he does do something like a pirate, he still will not be put on a bounty.

"Lord Luo Er, please come with us." The cat tribe girl said respectfully.

Soon, they came to the entrance of the town. The buildings here were also very strange. They were obviously designed for elephants to spray water.

"It's Wangtuo."

"Yes, I'm back." Wangtuo rushed into the other person's arms.

With the introduction of his own clan, Rolle was treated as a distinguished guest and entered Zou. Here, Rolle saw Zou's warriors and various orcs.

"Don Quixote Roll, thank you for taking care of them." Inuarashi was very grateful to Roll.

"Well, I don't like to beat around the bush. I'm interested in the fur tribe's fighting power. This time I come here because I want the fur tribe." Rohr said directly.

Inuarashi looked at the tribesmen who were being well cared for, and saw how they wanted to excuse Luo Er. Naturally, he would not stop the tribesmen after he went to the sea.

"Mr. Luo Er, if my tribe is willing to go to sea with you, I won't stop you." Inu Arashi said with a smile.

"Would you never choose to go to sea again?"

"Well, I have retired and will not go to sea anymore. Come with me, everyone. This is not the place to talk." Inuarashi led a few people towards the residence.

"Brother, how is the world outside? Is it good?" A young dog girl looked at Luo Er and others curiously. The wagging tail meant that she was very curious.

Rohr squatted down and rubbed the other person's head: "Little guy, what's your name? The world outside is not a beautiful place."

"My name is Wanda, I am thirteen years old." Wanda narrowed her eyes slightly and her tail kept wagging.

"Wanda is so cute." Rolle patted his head.

Wanda licked Roll's palm as a gesture of kindness.

Everyone came to a living room, and Inu Lan sat opposite Luo Er and others.

"First of all, thank you for your help to the tribe."

"I came here mainly because I want the fur tribe. You have also been to the sea. You should have news about me in the recent news. You can confirm my attitude from it." Luo Er said in a friendly tone.

Zhan Mei Luo Er said it right. In this world, his XP seems to have changed. Different races are collected. Of course, the main reason is that the fur people are natural warriors.

In fact, he knew about Rolle's fame, because there were fur tribes on Rolle's ship being photographed in the news.

"Wangtuo and the others will definitely go to sea with you. When they went to sea, they also had certain strength. Aren't they enough?" Inu Lan pointed out the key question.

"Now Fishman Island is mine."

Rohr's words made the fur tribe present look grim. The other party's purpose was self-evident.

"Your Excellency has helped the fur tribe. I will treat you as a guest. If you mention it again, please come back." Inuarashi's tone was no longer gentle.

"I'm more direct, but don't worry, I will provide land for planting and livestock breeding." Luo Er said with a smile. At first, he really didn't know how to conquer these fur tribes, but the glasses Ke Xue Luo Er gave him last time It worked.

Inuarashi's tail wagged, one thing was certain, there was not enough food, and then he said: "If your charm and ability can make them pursue you, I don't care."

"Okay, there should be another person. I can sense the other person with my knowledge."

Inuarashi introduced: "The fur tribe also has a group of nocturnal tribes. They go out at night and are sleeping now."

"Okay, I'll excuse you then."

"Please." Inu Arashi asked the tribesmen to help him clean up his room.

After arriving in the room, Luo Er looked at the guard: "Can I contact the person who can manage things in the underground world now?"


"Get in touch together and hold a meeting for them." Rohr ordered.

Soon, everyone got in touch, including Stussy, who couldn't reveal the identity of the other party.

"Everyone, I think you should know me. I have appeared in the news. Likewise, I know you hate me deeply. After all, I have caused you heavy losses."

"Haha, Saint Luo Er, if that's the case..." Transportation Emperor Umit wanted to smooth things over.

Rohr interrupted directly: "No need to compliment me, do you need me to mention what role you played in this? Would you feel good if I made you make less money?"

The phone bugs at the scene fell silent. Yes, except for Morgans, everyone else was involved, including Stussy. Once you work in this business, you will find out how profitable this business is.

"Of course, I am here to contact you today, not to tell you this, but to inform you that I am protecting the fur tribe on Fish-Man Island. If you have evil thoughts, you will be just like those two people. No matter where you are, I will protect you." Wherever I seek refuge, I will chase and kill them.”

Listening to Rohr's domineering speech, no one at the scene looked down upon him. As people from the underground world, they knew that the World Government had deep roots in all parts of the world, unless they found a hidden corner and never went out again.

But it is impossible for people like them to retreat directly. Besides, the other party only protects Fishman Island and the Fur Tribe, not directly attacking the slave industry. It is just to make less money, which is not unacceptable.

Stussy spoke first: "According to Saint Luo's speech, I will strictly implement it."

"Saint Luo, what are your plans recently?" Morgans asked. Luo has made a lot of money and traffic for him, which can be said to be a hot topic in the news.

"I don't have any plans recently. I will stabilize Fishman Island and the Fur Tribe first." Luo thought for a while and said.

Others immediately understood that during this period, Fishman Island and the Fur Tribe must not be touched. As the two spoke, others expressed their opinions one after another.

Luo Er reminded: "In addition, if any of your subordinates do it, I will also hunt you down. It's not enough to just kill them. Please explain this to your subordinates clearly."

"Yes, we will do it right away."

Now no one wants to provoke Luo Er, the plague god. It doesn't matter if he is strong. At most, they don't provoke him. As a result, the intelligence system is still strong. Who can resist this? They all picked up the Den Den Mushi and started to contact.

Luo Er waited quietly, while the staff member Leisha let him lean on his breasts and gently pressed him until the Den Den Mushi calmed down.

"It seems that everyone is clear, so I wish you all great fortune." Luo Er immediately spoke and hung up the phone directly.

With Luo Er's withdrawal, the people at the scene found a reason to go offline one after another. Now they want their subordinates to control their hands and not bring them huge troubles.

Luo Er knew that this move of killing the chicken to scare the monkey was very effective. In the past one or two years, the enslavement of mermaids and fur-bearing people must have been rare, but it did exist. Later, Luo Er asked the guards to contact the person in charge of the auction and put pressure on him. It can be said that the auction of mermaids and fur-bearing people was eliminated.

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