Chapter 62 62. The Broken Cat

As Crusch became a sleeping beauty, the others at the scene had no power to resist. Roll turned around and left, leaving the scene to Lei.

"Where are you going?" The remaining survivors knew that they could not let Roll chase Felix, but they could not remember whose order it was. They only knew that Felix went back to find support.

"Why are you ignoring me? I'm still hungry and haven't eaten enough." Lei looked at everyone.

The others looked at the miserable situation around them. Although they didn't know each other, there was no doubt that this miserable situation was caused by these two archbishops of sin. Looking at Lei approaching step by step, they were a little scared.

Roll ignored the one-sided battle and rushed to the Watergate City. He didn't plan to participate in these events anymore.

On the way to the capital.

"I need to find Reinhard, to help... who? Who? There should be someone very important." Felix kept running, but his memory was wrong. The contract was still there, but he couldn't find the person to whom the contract was signed.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost the meaning of living, and didn't know where to go, but an obsession made her continue to run away and go to the capital to find Reinhard for help.

Only Felix knew about the attack of the Witch Cult, and the others became sleeping beauties, and no one remembered them.

This is also the reason why the Archbishop of Sloth is the most catastrophic to the Witch Cult. Other major sins can more or less remove themselves from the incident, while Sloth is directly unscrupulous.

Reinhard followed Felix to the scene, looking at the mess on the scene and a dozen unknown people who were sleeping, and fell silent for a while.

Witch Cult, Reinhard had contacted Roll, that was a great sin archbishop. He didn't know what he was in charge of, but his ability was very troublesome. He couldn't kill him, and even if he was, he couldn't do anything. But this was enough to prove the horror of the Witch Cult.

Now there are two more great sin archbishops, Greed and Gluttony. The Sleeping Beauty here is undoubtedly related to them.

Felix looked at the sleeping people at the scene, searching one by one, but he couldn't remember the person he had agreed with. When he saw Crusch, the contract was sensed, but he still couldn't remember.

He betrayed the contract, which made Felix unable to forgive himself. His expression became gloomy and he was no longer as lively as before.

"Felix, are you okay?" Reinhard looked at the broken Felix with some worry.

"It's okay." Felix's eyes were depressed.

Reinhard didn't know how to comfort him. The contract was undoubtedly a very important existence in this world. Some elves could stick to the contract alone for four hundred years, and some were willing to give up their lives for the contract.

The actions of the Witch Cult soon spread throughout the Dragon Kingdom. Natsuki Subaru, who was in the Witch Cult, also learned the news. For some reason, the others forgot, but he remembered the sleeping candidate for the King's Choice, Crusch. This was an opportunity, and Natsuki Subaru planned to accept Felix.

He was also a man of action, and he set off as soon as possible. In order for Emilia to become king smoothly, he then went directly to Roswaal and asked him to provide information about Crusch's camp.

At this time, Roll had returned to the Watergate City, and his residence was well cleaned by Rem. As for Ram, he was hungover, and looking at the girl lying on the bed, Roll sighed.

"Lord Roll, you are back, burp~" Ram greeted while lying on the bed, and burped, obviously drunk a lot.

"I obey you, sleep well." Roll left Ram's room.

"Lord Roll, my sister..." Rem was a little embarrassed. She was originally under the eaves, and her sister made herself like the master.

"It's okay. Rem will be the one to take care of the family." This was the only comfort for Roll, receiving a capable maid.

"Yes, Lord Roll." Rem smiled, feeling a little happy to be praised.

Roll returned to the room, thinking of Natsuki Subaru's appearance, frowning. The other party had already used power as a means. There was no doubt that he was the most difficult person.

Even if he had set a trap for the other party, it would be easy for the other party to destroy the city he had worked so hard to build, and there was no need to confront him directly.

"Bishop Roll."

Roll sat up quickly, and a beautiful girl stood not far away in the room, wearing a piece of cloth.

"Lord Pandora, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"He has been summoned, and the progress of the world will be accelerated next. Bishop Roll, who is similar to him but not similar, what will you do?" Pandora looked at Roll and smiled.

"Sure enough, Lord Pandora, only because of my special origin, will you like me." Although Roll had some guesses before, he was relieved to hear Pandora confess.

"You were chosen because you are also suitable for it, the perfect pretense bishop, but this is indeed one of the reasons. Bishop Rowle, your choice, your approach, your direction, I am all interested in it, and I am moved by it. I will always watch you." Pandora's eyes were filled with tears, and she seemed to be really moved.

Rowle was speechless, he didn't know how to answer Pandora's words.

"He is about to take action, he is aiming for the great sin, Bishop Rowle, what will you choose? I am very interested." Pandora came to Rowle's bedside.

"Lord Pandora, what is your purpose?" Rowle asked anyway, he still couldn't figure out Pandora's purpose.

Pandora just smiled at Roll, and her figure gradually disappeared. Soon, the room was as if this woman had never appeared.

"A mysterious woman." Roll sighed. The more this happened, the more uneasy he felt.

The following days were calm, and almost no accidents happened until Anastasia came here.

"Mr. Roll, the king's election is not good." Anastasia sat on the sofa and sipped tea.

"What do you mean?"

"Emilia has defeated another archbishop of sin, this time it is the Archbishop of Wrath. According to the activity trajectory of the Archbishop of Wrath, its authenticity has been confirmed." Anastasia said more seriously.

"Anna, from now on, it seems that you have no chance of winning." Roll narrowed his eyes.

"At present, the possibility of reaching an agreement is extremely low, which is tantamount to negotiating an impossible deal, but the possibility is not zero, isn't it." Anastasia looked at Roll and said.

"When did the businessman become a gambler?" Roll narrowed his eyes.

"But merchants pursue profits. As long as the profits far exceed the market, merchants will want to try no matter how low the probability is, right?" Anastasia was not panicked.

"Hahaha, Anna, I found that I like you. Yes, I will fully support you next time." Luo Er laughed loudly. Anastasia is very consistent with his temperament.

"Thank you for your kindness." Anastasia's mouth corners rose. Why did she do this? It was to bet that Luo Er would fully support her.

"Anna, in the current situation, who do you think has a greater chance of becoming king?" Luo Er looked at Anastasia.

"No matter what kind of achievements Emilia has made, Firut, who has the support of the Sword Saint, has a greater chance. As for Priscilla, she seems to have given up this king election." Anastasia expressed her own views.

There is no doubt that her analysis is not wrong. As a businessman, she has a keen sense of smell.

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