Chapter 83 83. War Game (I)

The game is very simple, it is a word chain. Whoever fails to continue within 30 seconds loses. If she wins, Luo Er tells her everything. If she loses, there is no punishment.

"Word chain?" Jibril heard of this kind of game for the first time.

"Well, I'll give you a sample, for example, the top of the mountain, the peak, something like that." Luo Er said with a smile.

"Oh, okay." Jibril said to come on.

In less than ten minutes, Jibril was a little skeptical about her life. In these ten minutes, she actually lost three times.

"I won three times, so there is nothing to say now. I'm leaving this time, so don't catch me again." Luo Er turned around and planned to leave.

Jibril did not come to catch him, but she followed him all the way. She didn't understand why the Lord God of War would expect the weak to fight.

"Well, can you stop following me?" Roll turned his head, a little embarrassed. He didn't have a brain as smart as Rick. From the beginning to the end, he believed that the other party could end this war. If Jibril followed him all the time, wouldn't his words have no reference?

"You haven't told me yet." Jibril didn't say anything.

"You lost the game." Roll had already given a hint.

But Jibril obviously didn't realize it, just followed Roll all the way.

"Damn, I won't really prove it to her." Roll was very headache. He knew one thing very well, that is, the races in this world believed in their gods. He changed the other party. If there was no reasonable answer, the other party might not be willing.

Jibril followed Roll to a remote place, where there were mountains and food. Seeing the other party grabbing food that was not covered with black ash and stuffing it into his mouth, she really couldn't understand why the Lord God of War would care about such an existence. If he didn't eat, he would die.

Soon, Roll found another shelter, a small cave. After arranging the entrance of the cave, Roll began to open a bed inside.

After being busy until the evening, it was finally time for people to move in. Roll reached out to Jibril and said, "Give me your glasses."

Jibril took off her glasses and gave them to Roll, which surprised him a little, but he didn't care. He began to read the books of the Flügel seriously. He read these books to know himself and his enemy.

Jibril quietly observed Roll from the side. The other party had a busy day. In various senses, he read books, ate, drank, and defecated. Roll repeated these actions.

"Ah, Jibril, I really lost to you." Roll was also a little crazy. How could he follow me to the toilet?

"I'm just observing your behavior pattern." Jibril answered very seriously.

"Come, follow me outside." Roll dressed tightly and took her to the jungle.

"Jibril, we need to cut down a tree now, and we need to cut it into complete sections. How can you do it?" Roll motioned Jibril to demonstrate.

Jibril didn't reply. She took out a sickle and instantly cut the tree into several sections. This is how she did it.

"My race is weak, and we don't have any tools now. I'll show you how we did it." Roll handed the glasses to Jibril.

Jibril put them on and watched the big yellow machine start cutting trees, peeling them, and dividing them into sections. It was done in one go. People only needed to stand in the yellow machine to operate it.

"What is this?"

"Jibril, you don't need to know what this is, but what truth you understand from the two." Roll looked at Jibril and asked.

Jibril thought for a long time, still not knowing what the meaning between the two was.

"The strong sharpen their claws, and the weak sharpen their brains. This is why I read books every day." Roll felt that he had made it very clear.

"You mean to defeat the strong with your brain?" Jibril couldn't believe it.

"My race is alive, but have you seen any traces of their lives?" Roll looked at her.

Jibril shook her head. She had seen the orcs, but it was the first time she had seen someone like Roll who was completely unaccustomed to the Elf Corridor.

"Did the strong destroy us with their claws? Jibril, how about we play another game? The bet is that the losing party cannot reveal all the information of the winning party." Roll said with a smile. Since Artosh responded to him, the initiative came to him.

"Okay, in that case, let's add a bet. The losing party must unconditionally become the property of the winning party."

"Are you sure?" Roll was a little surprised.

"Yeah." Jibril nodded.

"Okay, you can decide the game, but it must be one that I can participate in." Roll was naturally afraid that the other party would propose a game that he couldn't play at all.

"War game, extract all my elf corridors to make a simple game." Jibril answered very seriously.

"Okay, are there only two races in this war?" Roll asked.

"You can add two races, but the sequence must be lower than mine." Jibril said.

"Okay, then go for the Dwarfs and the Elves." Luo Er thought about it and said without hesitation. The reason for not choosing the Mechas was simple. They were all-in-one machines and it was not easy to fool them in the game.

Jibril became smaller directly, obviously using all her strength. The two of them quickly joined the sandbox game. They all got a single room and looked at their own sandbox.

Luo Er looked at the little people in front of him and began to try to operate, but clicking on them did not work. The little people were still hiding in the residence.

"Since it is a war game, and it was imagined by Jibril, it should be the same as reality. Is the operation method to write letters?" Roll looked at the letters not far away.

[There is food here. ]

As Roll delivered it, the little man quickly moved to get the food.

[There may be intelligence here. ]

The little man walked slowly over and collected some intelligence for a long time.

"So that's how it is. The little man's own needs will also affect the action." Roll quickly made a series of attempts and basically figured out the basic gameplay of this sandbox.

Afterwards, Roll sent several pioneer teams to go out for exploration. Because Jibril's power was limited, there were only goblins and elves outside, which made Roll's game much simpler.

"In this game, the strong sharpen their claws and the weak sharpen their brains, so Jibril's approach is very simple, controlling the Flügel to sweep the war." Roll quickly figured out the essence of this game.

He is a hide-and-seek person, while Jibril is a ghost who catches people. While he relies on his brain to avoid the other party, he also needs to borrow the other two tribes to defeat her or delay her, while Jibril needs to find him who is hiding.

After controlling it several times, Luo Er also found that the character of the little man in this game is regular. It is probably because Jibril reproduced it through scientific glasses, which is a good thing for Luo Er, and he can control it much easier.

Soon, Luo Er sent another small team to explore the foggy map, collect food, wood, and water, and bring them back to the camp, and then start to open up a more hidden residence.

Luo Er directly started to speed up the process at four times the speed. The population increased and resources progressed in an orderly manner. Luo Er delivered letters frantically.

Some letters said, don't go here, but there was a team going there. This kind of little man is rebellious and curious. Enthusiasm can also increase the completion rate and reduce the sacrifice rate.

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