Chapter 99 98. Divine Punishment

The surfacing of the Navy and CP ships marked the end of the first test of this battle. The news that Rawl defeated the Navy and CP spread to the world in an instant. This battle was also called the Deep Sea Lightning War. Rawl also announced to the world through this battle that he had the strength to challenge the World Government.

As the news of Rawl's victory spread to the sea, the carnival of pirates began. Most pirate groups held banquets to celebrate. These chaotic evils obviously made this sea more chaotic.

The Beast Pirates.

"Wuwuwu~ The Navy is so useless. It's over before I even got there." Kaido was very sorry.

The Three Calamities and the Six Flying Cells breathed a sigh of relief. From the news, that Rawl was a monster. They didn't want to provoke him. The Navy was also fully mobilized, and they couldn't provoke him.

"This battle will definitely not end so soon. That guy Sengoku can't give up." Kaido quickly regained his confidence and sailed towards Paradise, while his subordinates wanted to cry but had no tears.

Although Whitebeard is concerned about this war, he has no intention of intervening in it. Big Mom is not as brainless as Kaido. Fighting against the World Government, this situation of winning is very small. She still wants to establish the Ten Thousand Nations.

The fishmen of Fishman Island are full of joy and have started banquets one after another, while Roll is worried.

This war will not end like this. He knows this very well. He can't stay here forever. Moreover, the King of Heaven, one of the three major weapons, has not appeared yet.

He is stirring up the world and triggering a revolution. Now the effect is not very obvious. He needs to reveal more explosive news.

"Roll, how much do you know about history?" Robin saw that Roll was idle and asked directly.

"I don't know much." Roll didn't care whether the news he broke was wrong. As long as there was a little truth, the World Government would not come out and say that he was exposing false history.

"Huh." Robin turned and left. Before she asked, she guessed the situation.

Otohime came to Roll: "It's okay to do this, I'm afraid the world will be involved in this war."

Other more emotional mermaids also looked at Roll. They were not afraid of death, but they didn't want to implicate others.

"I will definitely do it." Roll nodded. How could he not know this, but he had to do it to achieve his goal.

The sea is indeed not calm. The pirates in the New World are fighting for the king, and the pirates in the four seas are rampant. Only the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line are keeping their tails between their legs. Although Roll won, the navy is not something they can provoke.

In order to suppress the pirates, the three admirals of the navy did not rest, but went directly to the seven routes of the Grand Line, clearing the pirates along the way.

The first half of the Grand Line was regained, and the pirates in the four seas did not make any waves because of the Revolutionary Army and the local navy.

In the past two days, another piece of news began to spread to the world, and the public looked at the World Government, waiting for the other party's response.

Holy Land, Marijoa.

The Five Elders looked grim. If Roll continued to spread rumors, they would probably have to clean up the world again.

"Heh, people with the surname Don Quixote really don't know how to be grateful." The God of Science snorted coldly.

"Fishman Island, there is no need to exist anymore." The God of Agriculture drew a cross on the map. In contrast, there was the Sabaody Archipelago on the head of Fishman Island.

The Sabaody Archipelago is no longer worthy of its name. All people have moved away from the archipelago. In that war, a tsunami of more than ten meters directly submerged the archipelago. People will not move back to live here before the war is over.

A room with vegetation, butterflies everywhere, and a wanted poster on the ground with a cross drawn on it and nailed up with a knife.

He has ruled for eight hundred years and must not fail at this moment, Joey Boy? No matter who Roll is, strangle the other party in the cradle. If the war cannot achieve the goal, then directly erase the other party's island on the map.

In an instant, dark clouds and lightning covered the Sabaody Archipelago. This scene was naturally observed by the nearby Navy Headquarters.

"What is that?" The Navy looked at the dark clouds.

"It is rumored that there are three ancient weapons in this world. Pluto and Poseidon are missing, and Uranus is controlled by the World Government." Crane was also worried when watching this scene. If the World Government did this, it would mean that all fish would be destroyed. Maybe this sea would have to be reshuffled again.

"Are you planning to wipe out Fishman Island?" Sengoku looked very ugly.

"What is this?" Aokiji's face was also not good, which reminded him of Ohara before.

Akainu had no expression on his face, but he strongly agreed with the World Government's approach. If the evil could be completely destroyed, an island would be nothing.

This scene undoubtedly brought a great shock to the Navy. The Hawks thought it was very good. This is how to eliminate pirates, while the Doves had different ideas. They began to doubt the justice they had always upheld.

Reporters went crazy. This news could definitely set off the world. They didn't care whether Rawl could survive this disaster.

The next moment, the punishment of heaven started.

The dense attacks fell on the giant trees of the Sabaody Archipelago. In a short time, the trees were destroyed at a very fast speed. Not long after, the attacks came to the ground and began to wash the Sabaody Archipelago.

It was like a doomsday scene, which brought a huge shock to the reporters in the distance. It seemed that there was some sense in the dark, and several attacks were sent to clean up the reporters at the scene. They were killed before they could send back the photos.

Only the photos taken from a farther distance were fine, but the sense of shock could no longer be reflected.

The island was quickly cleared, and these attacks began to attack the sea, seemingly never stopping until the goal was achieved. The islands in the Shampoo region did not withstand this kind of attack for more than an hour.

This island-destroying attack naturally alarmed the fish in the sea, and the information was quickly transmitted to Fishman Island. This attack was directly above them, and it would soon attack Fishman Island in the sea.

Roll immediately came to the position directly above Fishman Island. The dense attacks looked like a huge light column from a distance. Wherever they went, no grass grew. Even the sea had to retreat, and the sea kings had half of their bodies cut off.

"Hu~" Roll adjusted his breathing. He had not gone all out before several fusions. The veins in his arms bulged and he held Murasame in his hands.

Roll swung his sword after sword, and the speed became faster and faster. One after another, flying slashes flew towards the light column, and the slashes soon became very dense.

The warriors of Fishman Island below all stared with their eyes wide open. Roll's strength was beyond their imagination. Could a human slash at this frequency?

The slash and the light column began to come into contact, exploding directly in the sea, and Roll's slash also made the sea retreat, forming a space between the two.

These explosions caused the seabed to surge forward, and the tsunami on the sea rushed a hundred meters and began to swallow the surroundings.

At this time, Roll could not think about other things. He needed to swing his sword faster and with more and more strength, otherwise this attack could not be stopped.

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