Mission accomplished, return.

Except for the group of Gu Meng and Xiao Meng Ruan Yushu, other teammates are also doing their own solo tasks, but they are not in the same world.

Now they are all healing in the shroud of their own beams of light.

Six realms of reincarnation space.

"Escape from youth and deepen reincarnation. The next mission is a death mission, which will start in one year. Please be prepared."

"Death mission?"

Meng Qi, who had relaxed after completing the task, immediately raised his heart and asked the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation to reveal the time when the next reincarnation will start. This task is not easy. Everyone has to face the danger of death?

I hope they won't separate at the beginning like this time, let alone pick people to do the tasks in batches like this time. As expected, it feels safer to do the tasks together.

The Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation did not describe it further, but reported the mission evaluation and rewards of each team member without emotion.

Basically, they are average and average. Gu Meng gave it an excellent rating. In fact, Gu Meng did not explore much. He only killed an emperor and a prince. He was not an expert. However, this kind of evaluation was Lao Liu's unilateral evaluation, including The so-called random lottery rewards are also completely fixed, so there is no need to be too particular about them.

There is a reason to kill the emperor, which is enough. Maybe killing the dog emperor has immeasurable merit. Gu Meng will not count it as a good deed. Only a master can judge the value based on martial arts. For other characters, Lao Liu will say what he deserves.

The income from this mission is not too high for everyone.

The light beam disappeared, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, still immersed in the impact of the death mission.

"Brother Gu, do you know about the death mission?" Meng Qi asked Gu Meng, who seemed to know a little bit about everything and didn't know where he got so much information.

Gu Meng said: "Actually, there are some organizations composed of reincarnations in the outside world. I should have mentioned to you that there is an organization that wants to recruit me. I will go to find out what's going on in a while. In short, some information about the six realms of reincarnation space is not a secret. ”

Gu Meng first gave a specious reason, and then talked about the death mission:

"I've heard people say that when the overall strength of a team reaches a certain limit, it will start a death mission, such as letting a group of enlightened people survive for seven days under the pursuit of a location expert. However, the initial situation is not necessarily death. With luck, I can still survive until my return.”

"Some are being hunted, some are being thrown into a desperate situation, some are fighting against several forces in the half-step location, and so on. It is said that after surviving the death mission and the team can still retain half of its strength, it is difficult to reincarnate in the world. Both the harvest and harvest will be improved, and you may even come into contact with some ancient ruins.”

Meng Qi said with joy in his pain: "It sounds very difficult, this time I have to spend all my good deeds."

He glanced at Zhang Yuanshan and Fu Zhenzhen, and saw that they were very close and there was no barrier between their expressions, and he was immediately relieved.

When he looked at her like this, Fu Zhenzhen immediately blushed and lowered her head. Her hair was intact and had obviously been repaired with good works. Zhang Yuanshan nodded gratefully to Gu Meng, Xiao Meng, Jiang Zhiwei and others. Qi Zhengyan , Qi Xia, and Ke Bijun are a little confused. What happened?

Well, I’ll tell them this gossip later.

At the same time, Meng Qi was really envious when he looked at Fu Zhenzhen's hair... But he just thought about it. Every good deed he did was precious. He couldn't bear to repair his hair because it would grow naturally anyway.

I am such a stingy person! Mainly, it doesn't matter if he is a man, not to mention that Xiao Meng has started to grow his hair now. He used to have a bald head, and some people even kept their heads bald on purpose. It's just that Xiao Meng wanted to follow the route of a handsome young man.

Xiao Meng's evaluation of this wave of missions was average, and there was no lottery. He actually thought that he had not defeated a hidden monster, but in the end his evaluation was not improved - the hidden monster was Gu Meng's account, and it was impossible to improve his evaluation. .

Xiao Meng could only think that the weirdo had not been defeated and committed suicide, so he did not improve his evaluation. If he had won head-on, maybe he would be excellent... He was overthinking it.

The lottery tube appeared and landed in front of Qi Zhengyan and Jiang Zhiwei. This time he completed the task well and was rewarded with lottery, but he picked it up and shook it with an expressionless face. He was very unlucky and got two bottles of ordinary healing elixirs.

African chieftains are used to it...well, Lao Liu is targeting him!

Jiang Zhiwei's face remained as usual. She shook it vigorously, and the light and shadow rotated. Secret books, sharp weapons, elixirs, rare objects, etc. flashed one after another, and finally settled on a mask as thin as a cicada's wings.

"Disguise mask?" Gu Meng remembered that the newcomer who joined before was not a newcomer to the Six Paths, but a newcomer to Gray Mist, Gu Meng from the world of super mechanics. The props produced by the Han technicians there must be better than the disguise masks in the normal martial arts world. , but this is produced by Laoliu, so it doesn’t necessarily depend on its quality.

"Yes." Jiang Zhiwei picked up the mask and said, "The Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation said that the human skin mask can be lent to others, but unfortunately it belongs to a woman and you can't use it. Why don't you introduce her?"

She pointed at Ruan Yushu.

"Ruan Yushu, the daughter of the head of the Ruan family in Langya..." Gu Meng introduced briefly.

The person present who has the best relationship with Ruan Yushu and Jiang Zhiwei is probably Gu Meng.

Jiang Zhiwei chuckled and said, "I have long heard that Miss Yushu has outstanding vocals and is expected to practice the Twelve Langhuan Divine Sounds and the Song of Splitting Heaven and Changing Earth in the future. I never expected to see her here today."

Ruan Yushu responded calmly and calmly: "Jiang's sister was able to reach the top ten on the list when she first entered the world. Yushu admires her very much."

This guy just talks about people and ghosts, and he's not so polite to me!

Gu Meng cursed, picked up the lottery tube, shook it for a while, and looked at the pictures passing through the tube without any expectations.

He lacks nothing, he has peerless martial arts secrets and weapons. It is impossible to pay much attention to the version of the secrets given by Liu Dao. He can only refer to it. Moreover, this lottery is only limited to the exterior level, including elixirs, hidden weapons, poisons, He can refine or exchange rare items and other items himself if he really needs them.

After flashing around for a while, the two exquisite inner elixirs that finally appeared in front of him were introduced as inner elixirs condensed in the body of some special exterior monsters after training, and could be used to refine elixirs that improve various qualities.

"Fortunately, at least it can be used. I'll practice my skills first. If the alchemy is good, it can be exchanged for good deeds. The medicinal materials here in Liudao are quite cheap." Gu Meng thought without being disappointed.

He turned to look at everyone with a smile: "I wonder how everyone will gain this time. The mission of death is imminent, so we must work together."

Jiang Zhiwei said: "I had an adventure this time on my solo mission. Coupled with the training from my previous wanderings, I have already opened my mouth. The inner world has just begun to be formed. I have mastered the exterior swordsmanship derived from 'Sword comes out without self': 'Strike'" sea'."

This is a sword move recorded in the "Tai Shang Jian Jing". It is derived from one of the nine major killing moves, "Sword Out of Selflessness". Being able to master it shows that Jiang Zhiwei has improved in "Sword Out of Selflessness". Something gained.

As she spoke, she glanced at the Taiyue sword behind Gu Meng, which still had a hint of the edge of the heavenly sword, and a desire to fight flashed in her heart.

But he suppressed it. Anyway, the outside world is now together, and he can immediately verify his improvement again. After the fight, he can test the sword world separately. There is no need to waste time in Samsara Square to try the sword with Gu Meng.

She threw the two sharp knives and three secret books as trophies into the central light pillar: "Together with them and Shicai's rewards, I plan to exchange them for "Yi Swordsmanship", Shaolin Great Return Pill and two Baicao Pills."

Baicao Dan and Dahuan Dan are both medicines for injuries, and Jiang Zhiwei has given up on exchanging them for medicines that enhance his power.

"This kind of exchange is a bit strange..." Meng Qi and Jiang Zhiwei were also familiar with each other, so he asked if he didn't understand.

"'Yi Swordsmanship' is something I have taken a fancy to before. It is an aspect that my master told me to strengthen my practice. After hearing about the death mission just now, I planned to exchange it for the Great Return Pill and Baicao Pill instead of the Tianshi Diting Pill. Because there is still a year left, I plan to test the powerful enemy with my sword and open the eighth orifice on my own, without leaving any hope of retreat and relying on the elixir. "

Jiang Zhiwei's expression is resolute and resolute, and her swordsman style is fully displayed, which is so bright and beautiful.

Since he had to hone his skills without leaving any escape route and test powerful enemies with his sword, the healing elixir was indispensable, so Jiang Zhiwei exchanged it for the Great Return Pill and two Baicao Pills.

Zhang Yuanshan, Ke Bijun and others looked at Jiang Zhiwei like this and felt that she was so radiant, which made them and others feel a little ashamed of themselves.

Meng Qi was deeply impressed by Jiang Zhiwei's choice and didn't want to say anything more. Instead, he asked, "Which aspect of your cultivation did Senior Su tell you to strengthen?"

Because Gu Meng has been rumored to be at the top of the Earth Ranking, and Gu Meng has praised Su Wuming many times, he is particularly interested in the advice of Su Wuming, the current No. 1 "Heavenly Sword" on the Earth Ranking.

"My master said that I have gained the essence by moving from complexity to simplicity, but I have neglected the changes and have always been fierce and aggressive, so I was asked to practice the way from simplicity to complexity." Jiang Zhiwei did not hide anything.

She realizes that "the sword comes out without self". Unlike others, she has understood the principles of the law from the beginning. Every move is known for its momentum, sharpness, speed and strength. It coincides with the unchanging rules of swordsmanship, cutting the opponent's weak points directly, and using force. Defeat cleverness, defeat complexity with simplicity, defeat slowness with speed.

This can be seen from her self-created Yama Luo Tie, which is pure and condensed, with the death energy dissipated, a little bit of Dharma principles, and the aura that captures the heart, making progress without retreating.

Although the variety of her moves was better than most people at her level, it did not match her own level of swordsmanship. Therefore, Su Wuming asked her to carry forward the same rules and change from simple to complex to make up for the shortcomings, so she took a fancy to "Yi Swordsmanship" .

Gu Mengdao: "I happened to meet a pretty respectable swordsman in the previous reincarnation world. Not counting your magical skills, his level is higher than yours. I think his breakthrough was based on his own self."

He described the Sword King Realm as a case and gave advice from a high position.

Nowadays, Gu Meng's level is high and he is the leader of many families. He is definitely not inferior to Su Wuming.

Although he and Jiang Zhiwei were friends as peers, in fact they had gradually become masters and disciples.

It was only Gu Meng's deliberate act of being a good friend and cultivating an old enemy that prevented Jiang Zhiwei's attitude from changing to respecting her senior. Jiang Zhiwei also knew this.

Jiang Zhiwei said thoughtfully: "It's similar to what Master told me but slightly different. Could it be that all kinds of swordsmanship really lead to the same goal through different paths?"

“A swordsman ultimately doesn’t need to ask anyone else but your sword.”

Gu Mengru replied.

Meng Qi: He is so handsome! He is so handsome!

If you copy these words, you will be able to use them against others after you master your sword skills.

Gu Meng asked Meng Qi again: "How did you get it, and what do you plan to exchange for it?"

"I gained a lot, at least more than two thousand, but it cost me one thunder mark. This time, the weirdo was really difficult to deal with, but he actually had no ill intentions. In the end, he committed suicide and gave me all his inheritance... too No, if I hadn’t used my full strength with Thunder Mark, I might have been killed by him.”

Meng Qi said that his sharp weapons and secret books have not yet been exchanged for good deeds. The exact number is not yet known, but the rewards from the main and side tasks alone are more than a thousand, and there are still leftovers from the past.

He continued: "I also had an unexpected encounter during this mission. The golden bell was refined by the strange object on the strange man's body. My nose was opened, and my swordsmanship and knife skills were improved..."

Speaking of this, Meng Qi thought for a moment, and he took out another relic from the strange man, the evil king controlled by Gu Meng, a black strange paper, and spread it out for everyone to see: "I got this in this mission, it was left by the Demon Lord..."

This matter has been told to Gu Meng. Xiao Meng saw Ananda again and again during the period. The more he practiced swordsmanship, the more he became wary of Ananda. In short, everything in the future has been foreshadowed.

"It is rumored that Ananda passed away in the back mountain of Shaolin now..."

Jiang Zhiwei said suddenly, Gu Meng looked at Jiang Zhiwei and said nothing. At present, Ananda must be confident that Xiao Meng will not be off the Internet. He said that these problems are not big, and there is obviously a precedent of the Overlord...

Indeed, Xiao Meng is an unprecedented example. Who would have thought that he could go further.

Now even if you tell Ananda that Xiao Meng will be a son-in-law who devours the master in the future and rebels against Tiangang, I am afraid he will not believe it, thinking that people who sit and forget are bragging.

Gu Meng also used the weirdo and his own words to remind Xiao Meng in this mission, not to indulge in the power of Ananda's sword technique of breaking the precepts. No matter how powerful he is in the breaking precepts, it is fake, and he should walk his own way.

Meng Qi thought of the forbidden land in the back mountain, and thought of "love, kindness, and benevolence, do not enter this door", thinking about it, not knowing what to say.

Everyone discussed it for a while, but there was no gain, so they had to put it aside for the time being.

"In short, I have to use Ananda's sword technique of breaking the precepts less, and I must exchange it for another outdoor sword technique. I have the Thunder Mark, and I am interested in the 'Seven Strike of Purple Thunder'."

Meng Qi said in a deep voice, took out the long sword and the secret book, and was about to throw it into the central light column, but was stopped by Fu Zhenzhen, who took a fancy to the two swords that Meng Qi had taken from the fourth prince.

Fu Zhenzhen originally had a long sword given by her master, but it was not of high grade, so she immediately fell in love with the long and short mandarin duck swords, and read the seal characters on the sword with a peaceful and happy expression: "Bai Shou Xiang Zhi Jian, Bai Shou Xiang Zhi..."

Xiao Meng was a little moved, but Gu Meng sighed. He was destined to be a single dog, and there was no fluctuation in his heart, only feeling noisy.

To be honest, it felt like she was setting a flag, and even wanted to stay away. Showing affection will die quickly, don't take him with you when the thunder strikes.

Is it really good to do this before the death mission...

Okay, the above is a joke. After all, he is a teammate. If you can save him, save him and do your best.

If you can't save him... If you can't save him, wait until I become a big boss and reverse everything.

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