"The body is covered with thunder, and there is a thunderbolt inside. Heavenly Master, it's not bad!"

"Not bad, this punch is powerful enough!"

"Old man, take a punch from me too!"

"Today, I will save the future generations on my behalf."

"Sure enough, he is a good old man."

"Since I'm helping you, I'll help you to the end."

"If you can't dodge this punch, I'll revive you and come again!"

"Haha, this sword doesn't work."

"Huh? Is this going to fall?"

"Today is not fun enough. Why don't you follow me and go back to heaven to get drunk for three days and then fight for three hundred rounds."

No one could see the final fight clearly, they could only hear the various roars and sonorous echoes of the fists of the Vajra body, which had been regarded as the echo of the avenue by the muscle guys below.

In the end, there was only a torrent of fist power, the true energy became a gang, the ferocity raged, and the catastrophe had long since disappeared.

Today's Longhu Mountain, under the protection of Gu Meng, is still in tatters due to the aftermath, and some uninhabited hills have been flattened.

In the huge crater where the two strong men fell, only one figure was still standing, and the old Heavenly Master was already unconscious. He has now become his original appearance again, except that his white hair turned black, his clothes were torn, and he looked like he was wasted. Looks too big.

In this regard, Gu Meng only said:

"You just need to practice more."

Maybe in the world line that exists...

After that battle, all the contamination was taken back by Gu Meng. Those who were originally normal people returned to stable mental states, but they were also disappointed and felt that they had missed their destiny.

However, the strengthened body and muscles will not disappear. This kind of derivation is a reasonable change even if it is not excessive.

The awakened Heavenly Master has returned to his old age, his skills have improved to a higher level, and he seems to have other insights...

Also, after that level of fighting, experiencing that level of baptism of power, it is normal for him to realize some real immortal magic with his talent, and any restrictions should be removed.

The Heavenly Master made this tight hoop trap him, but not Gu Meng.

Soon after, Lao Tianshi compiled all the things he had learned and compiled a volume of new methods.

There are also some personnel changes in Longhu Mountain, and he should let him make the decision when a new generation takes over.

The big faction is unavoidable, but fortunately Tian Jinzhong is well now, and Longhu Mountain is relatively united, otherwise it would be even more troublesome.

All these things felt like explaining the aftermath, but he was not in a hurry. He still had time, a lot of time.

Although there was that big battle, everything seemed like a dream.

Originally, some people thought something like spiritual energy recovery would happen, but it didn't happen at all.

Gu Shangxian didn't go out much after that. I heard that he just played games at home every day. I don't know what kind of calamity he went through when he came down to earth...

Could it be that the world of immortality has kept pace with the times, and cybernetic cultivation of immortality is now popular? Electronic calamity? Does being a savior and saving the world in a game count as merit?

Everyone couldn't understand it, but they were shocked.

After that, Gu Meng occasionally worked as a game anchor, broadcasting whenever he wanted. Every time he broadcast a game, it would cause a certain disturbance in the alien world. He wondered if there might be some secret. Young aliens now have a reason to play games instead of practicing martial arts. Okay, I am learning from immortality, elders, please don’t delay my progress.

As for those who really want to learn Taoism, Gu Meng never accepts his apprenticeship anyway, and they have long forgotten their understanding of the heavenly book scriptures they heard that day. If they read it again, they will just be ordinary Taoism scriptures. They can't practice anything, and they are like fake methods.

Maybe this is the characteristic of powerful immortal magic. Think about the Tao Te Ching, which is said to be written by Lao Tzu, and there are also various Buddha sayings, Ananda dictated "Thus I have heard", and Buddhist scriptures written by all his disciples. Only those sacred Buddhas can be read. The classics left behind cannot produce magical power, so I think it is normal. Those who can develop real skills by listening to this kind of heavenly book are all gods with understanding.

If you can't learn from Gu Meng, go to Longhu Mountain. Longhu Mountain has stood at the forefront of the alien world for a while. Of course, you can't accept all of them and raise the recruitment standards, but you will be able to increase the number of people admitted. In this regard, Longhu Mountain is estimated to have more Develop more cooperation with Guo Jia to help maintain stability.

Longhu Mountain has always been a force with the government in the past. The Celestial Masters who were conferred on earth were also conferred by the Emperor. Now they are also canonized by the people. Forget about the era in the previous life where there was no extraordinary. One person's background is Guo Jia. They cooperated normally...but Gu Meng actually didn't care about those things.

In fact, these are small things in the alien world. What has a greater impact on the world is the development of science and technology.

After obtaining the Zenith star black technology that Gu Meng collected from another world, Guo Jia was like a sophisticated machine, running at high speed with a strong cohesion on this planet.

A few years later, a large number of technologies finally achieved relatively complete results. Guo Jia successively put these technologies into civilian use. Of course, some dangerous and too advanced technologies are still under military control.

But even so, there are still a lot of gossips. Some people say that the East's rapid technological advancement during this period is due to contact with aliens. There are also various conspiracy theories. Some people suspect that they have sliced ​​up aliens. , aliens will soon attack the earth...

There are all kinds of speculations, and some of them are well-founded. Some cutting-edge technologies are spread, and some of them can be used in the civilian field and soon become popular all over the world. Some rumors are verified.

There is no way, Gu Meng affects too many fields, and it is really impossible to keep it completely confidential. Only some core technologies have ultra-high confidentiality treatment, and if there is really nothing to show, just ignore it, Gu Meng gives Guo Jiahei Technology What’s the point—Wakanda forever? That's not pure stupidity.

And Guo Jiatao only kept a low profile and hid his strength in order to deal with the enemy. After the rapid development in the past few years, it can be predicted that in the near future, there will be no real enemy on this planet. If you are ahead of others, you don’t need to hide some things too much, and show your strength and confidence at some reasonable times.

So after a few years, the world situation has undergone major changes.

Because it is a modern background, the book will not say more. In fact, it is not too much or set off a new round of war. It is not appropriate to completely swallow up in this era.

It’s just that some places that should have been there should be taken back naturally.

The revenge that has not been avenged should be punished in other fields, and they should be required to face up to history. Only in this way can the relationship continue to develop, otherwise it will only disgust people.

The original hegemon is definitely not a hegemon now, and its internal contradictions are also collectively erupting, and a certain big country has returned to its correct position and will lead human civilization to a new journey in the future.

After that, Gu Meng went to the gray fog space many times again. His strength became stronger and stronger. He became a real earthly immortal. What he could do was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. He also came up with a lot of new technologies to spread. The parts that were different from the rules of the current world needed scientists to continue to study. It should be able to give some inspiration and move towards the sea of ​​stars as soon as possible.

After defeating the old Tianshi, Gu Meng basically added a large number of skill points to his own basic skills, that is, the Qingcheng Dan method. He had long since obtained the cultivation that far exceeded the normal critical point of feathering. Not only did he not need any additional conditions, he could naturally ascend, and even needed to suppress that feeling.

He had long been able to clearly feel that world. There really was a fairyland with clear coordinate information, and he generally would not go wrong. As the ability to share became stronger and stronger, he saw more and more clearly.


Many years later, the old Tianshi went down the mountain again. He had abdicated long ago, but he had been in Longhu Mountain. Gu Meng didn't know why he hadn't ascended for so long.

But now he was afraid that he had to leave, and he found Gu Meng.

"What does the immortal world look like?"

"I can't say."

Gu Meng thought he was going to ask something, but he could answer it now, although he had never told anyone.

At least with his current eyes, the space he ascended to seemed fine, and it shouldn't be the kind of world where "the cultivators in the upper realm use our people as blood food, and don't want to ascend."

It's more like "the heaven and earth are connected", "the immortals and gods are far away in the end of the world". The difficulty of ascending seems to have increased a little in the past few decades, and the invisible shackles between heaven and earth have also become stronger. Gu Meng comprehended the rules and his opinion on this is that this world vaguely has settings such as psychic tides, and it is estimated that it will take many years for ascension to become easier.

But in short, the world where the cultivators here ascended to should not have any big problems in itself, but it is in another dimension, the distance has become farther, which leads to these.

With his increasingly strong strength, although Gu Meng did not complete the third task, he should be able to reverse this process through the ritual, revive the spiritual energy in advance, shorten the distance between the world of immortals and the human world, and even open up the one-way ascension channel to help the immortals descend to the world. However, this matter is meaningless and he has no reason to do it.

"Okay, I'll go and see it myself."

The old Tianshi naturally did not entangle. He had never seen Gu Meng clearly. Today, he just took a look at the immortal who gave him the immortal fate before ascending.

"You should have left a long time ago. You are not me. You are a mortal body. You can only fight a little. Your life span is still limited. If you stay in the human world for too long, be careful that your cultivation will decline and you will die of old age in the human world."

The old Tianshi smiled: "I just can't bear to leave. I miss too much."

"The real shackles are not the Tianshi degree, but this mortal heart. Zhang Zhiwei, you are really an ordinary person."

"I am an ordinary person."



The two looked at each other and laughed.


After the Tianshi ascended.

Many years later, humans have been exploring the universe, and Gu Meng has successfully played the holographic simulation game... Well, this is also one of the benefits of developing technology.

Gu Meng's strength is still increasing. On this day, he shared the ability of the complete body of the Heaven-Covering Body.

Because he did not have the third authority, he reached the upper limit early, and the ability he obtained was severely punished by downgrading.

But the ultimate realm of transcendence above the Sacrifice Dao is untouchable. If the Emperor of Heaven is downgraded to the ultimate level, there are still the Immortal Kings below, or the Red Dust Immortal Emperor, who is also super strong and can crush the galaxy.

Gu Meng's current combat power of the Heaven-Covering Body is already above the Red Dust Immortal, and Gu Meng in that life is also coming soon, and there are many powerful worlds and various blessings. In short, it is very strong.

The fairyland that this world under one person connects to is not an exaggerated setting, but a very weak one. The worldview of classical immortals and gods is in line with the traditional impression of the fairyland. The flow of time is relatively fast, and the immortals can use various methods to prolong their lifespan. The powerful immortals can jump out of the three realms to avoid disasters and live forever. However, in terms of strength, only very strong immortals are qualified to destroy planets. There are no powerful immortals who can create and destroy the world beyond the dimension, at least Gu Meng can't sense it.

If the current Gu Meng is willing, he can completely knock down that distant world with one blow. Of course, he loves peace and is not good at fighting in his life, so he will naturally not do so.

Observing again, I am convinced that it is definitely not that world pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. It really doesn't work. Those group of gods are all ordinary gods. They are not the ultimate old silver coins in the dark flow, but the ordinary old-age hot-blooded painting style. Gods are okay. He is decent and doesn't eat people, so Gu Meng is finally going to ascend.

He attracted Tang Keer and his apprentice Sister Baoer.

"It's time, pack up and let's go."

"Huh?" x2

"Ah, what, I've had enough fun, I'll take you to see the fairy world."

Sister Baoer looked cute: "Is it so sudden?"

Although it has been more than a hundred years, she is still the same as before.

But then he became excited again, like a student going on an outing.

Tang Keer: "No, I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

She naturally didn't have the ability to live forever, but she was Gu Meng's Taoist companion, so she didn't have to worry about hundreds of years leaving traces on her body.

"Then you can brush your teeth. You can also take a shower and change clothes. It's a bit of a ritual, but it doesn't have to be too formal. We'll probably come back later. I haven't played the new "Shadow Blade: Thousand" yet."

"Can you fly up and come back?"

"Of course, ordinary gods can't do it, but I'm not an ordinary god. We can switch identities when we go back to the lower realm. Recently, human biotechnology is still in a mess, and I want to cultivate immortality again. It's really... temporary."

Tang Keer: "Brother, be careful what extreme measures they use. Now the weapons are getting more and more advanced. Those things don't recognize their masters. Be careful of capsizing in the ditch."

Unlike Sister Baoer, although her appearance has not changed, she has become more mature.

"No, that kind of thing is nothing to worry about. The main reason is that some people have some friendship with me, and I don't want to quarrel with each other. I am a soft-spoken person but not a tough one..."

Tang Keer: "Then why don't you give them some pills? It shouldn't be difficult for you."

Sister Baoer started to get distracted and didn't know what she was thinking. Well, she really didn't care about this.

"It's not difficult, it's easy to do whatever you want... But I don't think it's a good thing to let them stay in the human world forever... Now, take them to the fairy world, chickens and dogs can ascend, and there will be some human problems Not big, let me ask if you are willing, there is no modern technology up there, and there aren’t that many juniors..."

Year 108 of the new human era.

Gu Meng, the Immortal of the East Wind, ascended to the sky on Qingcheng Mountain, the ancestral star. Since then, Songfeng Temple has become a Taoist holy land, and new generations of strangers often visit this holy land.

Legend has it that Gu Shangxian often traveled to the lower realms since then, and some people lived directly near Songfeng Temple. However, the divine dragon has never seen its tail. If there is no chance, even if it is in person, it will not be able to recognize the real immortal.

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