At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

045 I Want To Use You, And I Want To Use It! 【55, Ask For Flowers】

a brutal cleaning

Start unfolding inside the Forbidden City!

Hundreds of eunuchs were beheaded and killed!

The twenty-four prisoners and the eunuchs at all levels in the East Factory were quickly replaced by Wang Chengen, Cao Huachun, and Fang Zhenghua. The three of them are now the three kings of hell in this eunuch.

This change of power and the big purge also quickly caused a lot of uproar.

However, eunuchs are always eunuchs, just a royal family slave. No matter how many people die, it will not cause much attention, and even civil and military officials have no reason to interfere.

So this big cleanup went very smoothly!

After half a day, Cao Huachun easily regained control of Dongchang in his own hands, and respectfully came to Qianqing Palace to return to his life.

"Reporting to the emperor, the cleaning of the east factory has been completed, and all the staff have been replaced by slaves!"

"However, the East Factory has been abandoned for a long time in recent years, and many positions of Fanzi have been vacant. The slaves have requested to send more staff!"

Cao Huachun kneeled on the ground respectfully!

There was a lot of suffocation and blood on his body, and it was obvious that he had killed a lot of people just now.

"Precise!" Chongzhen said with satisfaction: "You have done a good job. Recently, we have stepped up the expansion of the East Factory staff, and the actions should be smaller. I don't want too many people to know about it!"

"Also, from today onwards, Dongchang has to take on greater responsibilities, not only to secretly monitor hundreds of officials, but also to talk about the news of each state capital, and the Jiannu side must also inquire clearly, understand?"


Cao Huachun excitedly agreed!

Chongzhen attaches so much importance to the East Factory, which is the glory of the eunuchs.

If the East Factory can be restored to its former glory, he will be honored to be Fang Zhenghua.

"Wang Cheng'en, how many silver taels do I have in my inner treasury?" Chongzhen continued to ask.

"Go back to the emperor!" Wang Chengen replied bitterly: "There are only 320,000 taels of silver."

"It's only 320,000? Hahaha!" Chongzhen's face became more and more ugly, but he remembered that Ji Han said that Li Zicheng took 70 million taels of silver from Baiguan after he entered Beijing.

It's just silver!

How much land, shops, antiques, calligraphy and painting add up, how much money does it have?

These worms are really fat and oily!

His emperor is not as rich as these people, it's ridiculous.

"From now on, the East Factory will secretly investigate the assets of officials above the seventh rank in Peiping to make it clear that it will be of great use!" Chongzhen immediately ordered.


Cao Huachun repeatedly agreed!

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that Chongzhen was trying to attack corrupt officials.

There are not many officials who are not greedy these days. If it is a small greedy Chongzhen, maybe he can turn a blind eye, but if some people are too greedy, don't kill them for the New Year?

Slaughter a few fat sheep, and you can easily fill the inner library!

At that time, you will have to ask for money to recruit troops to buy horses to fight. Do you want to rely on the Ministry of Household for money? That is too much thinking, but the treasury is empty.

"Have you found all the people I asked you to find?" Chongzhen continued to ask.

"Report to the emperor!" Wang Chengen said cautiously: "Deputy General Huang has been waiting outside the hall, and Sun Heding has also arrived. When will you see them?"

"No hurry! First order the forbidden army to gather at the school grounds!" Chongzhen ordered: "Then summon Liaodong Cao Bianjiao and Nanjin Bi Maokang to visit Beijing, and order Sun Chuanting, the governor of the three sides to be rewarded, and order him to fight Li Zicheng steadily and steadily. Grand Governor, order him to take office immediately."


Wang Chengen agreed again!

He didn't know what Chongzhen was going to do.

Make such a big move at once, is this the rhythm of doing things?

After all this was done, Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

It is good to have the guidance of the Immortal Master. In this huge chaos, he finally saw a glimmer of life.

Now we must seize the time to set things right, and secretly accumulate strength!

"Let Huang Degong and Sun Heding come to the school grounds to review the three armies with me!"

After Chongzhen left a sentence, he went straight to the school grounds.

At this time, the palace grounds were already full of soldiers.

During the Ming Dynasty, the garrison forces in Peiping were the Jingying, which guarded the capital, and the twenty-six guards, who guarded the imperial city, also called the Imperial Army!

However, in the past few years, the Ming Dynasty's military equipment has been lax, and the forbidden army has also lacked training. Although they are tall and big, they are just pretentious, and their combat effectiveness is not strong!

Huang Degong is a middle-aged man in his mid-thirties. He is tall and burly, with a dignified air. At first glance, he is a master with a restrained expression!

As for this Sun Heding, he is a young man in his early twenties!

His robes were a bit shabby, and it seemed that his family was not well-off.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The arrival of Chongzhen attracted the imperial army to salute in unison, and the momentum was not small!

Huang Degong and Sun Heding also hurriedly salute upon seeing this. Although the two of them did not know why they were called, they did not dare to slack off in terms of etiquette!

"Huang Qing, please get up!" Chongzhen waved his hand casually and asked, "Do you know why I asked you to come here?"

"The end will not know!"

Huang Degong was full of doubts. At this time, he was just a deputy commander-in-chief, and he was also unknown among many civil servants and generals. Why did the emperor find him?

"I want to use you, and I want to use you a lot, are you willing?" Chongzhen asked straight to the point, with a smile on his face.

"The commander is willing!" Huang Degong knelt on one knee excitedly, and said sincerely: "The commander is willing to die for His Majesty!"

"it is good!"

Chongzhen nodded in satisfaction.

Huang Degong is a loyal and brave man appointed by the Immortal Master. At this time, the more he looks at it, the more he likes it. It is a pity that such a warrior is not needed!

"I ordered you to be the Chief Admiral of the Beijing Camp!" Chongzhen ordered seriously: "I will rectify the Beijing Camp from now on. I don't want to see the dirty and corrupt situation in this army again. Can you do it?"


Huang Degong was dumbfounded on the spot!

He never thought that he would soar into the sky and sit in the position of the chief admiral of the Beijing camp, which is equivalent to handing over most of the army of the capital into his hands!

What a great trust this is!


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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