Chapter 106

On the 29th, one o’clock in the afternoon.

Starting from Yanjing, new information optical cable stations began to be laid again.

In Yanjing City, civil engineering, agriculture, science, and three colleges and universities are located in the city.

At ten o’clock in the morning, the Special Research Institute gave a voice, and the academic unification of universities across the country.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, the second department of Yenching University of Science began to lecture on paleontology.

2 school department 009 class.

Chen Jianke, a famous professor of paleontology in Yanjing, stood on the podium. He was in his fifties. He was wearing a Tang suit. His figure was burly and his hair was spotted, but he was filled with a very refined spirit, exuding a piercing spirit!

In the audience are the science students of the 2nd department, about two hundred people, a steam pipe interspersed in the classroom, emitting steam, increasing the problem of the room, and the rustling heat and academic sounds are quite integrated.

“Hello classmates, welcome to the paleontology course before the first disaster. There are still 30 hours in the disaster, but you must understand paleontology!” Professor Chen Jianke stood upright, and he smiled.

“Professor Chen, the disaster is coming. The Donov Meteorological Bureau announced that there are still 30 hours left. Why did the official add a paleontology course and it was also listed as the first main course.”

In the first row, a student with gold glasses and a little obesity speaks. He is Zhao Hai, a top student of the second department of Yanjing University of Science. He has strong academic ability, but he is still confused about the new biology courses in front of him. .

“Do you know that the Yama Rainforest is covered by blizzard.”

“The ocean is starting to run out of oxygen.”

“So disasters come, and survival above the surface will become more and more difficult!”

The professor stood straight, his voice calm, and he spoke step by step.

“You should understand the beginning of the Phanerozoic. It is about 500 million years from now. In the Late Cambrian period, when the temperature rose, the land glaciers began to melt, the sea level began to rise, and the sea water invaded, so the temperature rose. As a result, the amount of evaporation has increased, the rainfall has increased, and the dry climate of the Early Cambrian has been transformed. The earth has become warm and humid, so the glaciers came, and “the Cambrian life explosion began”!”

Professor Chen Jianke finished speaking with a smile, and he made a bow motion.

In the classroom, the steam was steaming, and every student was stunned. Then they quickly looked at the knowledge on the blackboard. They were all students with extremely high scores in this science university, and they responded quickly.

In the first row, Xueba Zhao Hai reacted!

First, from the first July, the earth began to be hot, and the planet continued to warm up, so the global temperature began to rise, and then the southern glaciers began to melt.

The melting of the second glaciers in the north and south has caused the sea level to rise, a large amount of evaporation has increased, and the rainfall has increased…


Thinking of this, Xueba Zhao Hai’s fat face was horrified, and now he seemed to see the progress of the times one by one.

It was indeed global warming before, and then…

Zhao Hai hardly needs to speak, because Professor Chen Jianke opened a net map on stage.

This is a picture of Dongshan City. In the sewers throughout the city, as well as the large residents upstairs, a group of green rigid bubbles began to spread and grow, and countless green rigid bubble sponges began to multiply a large piece of special Seaweed.

They grow in all kinds of places with water. It snows all year round in Yanjing, and it will turn into rain because of the fall of the blizzard.

This kind of complex green bubble seaweed seems to spread over a large area. As for the panoramic photo in the classroom, it is impressive that all the major super-thick buildings in the city, the major sewers, and the snow-capped mountains outside the city are all covered with this kind of seaweed!

“This is Phytocystis, commonly known as green bubble algae!” Xueba Zhao Hai looked complicated.

“This kind of seaweed can start to decompose air and produce oxygen in extreme environments…” Zhao Hai finished, and the expressions of other students began to change. Everyone even started to get excited because they all found that they felt it. what.(Read more @


On the podium, the second picture appeared. This is the North Sea Ocean Warehouse, and it is also the famous disaster reserve marine warehouse in the East.

But this photo is a photo of all the waters of the northern hemisphere. Some are in the crazily low tide, and some are in the crazily barbaric tsunami. Miraculous scenes appear, a large number of dead fish in the ocean begin to float, and the ocean begins. When there is no oxygen, only slices of swimming fish in the North Sea are swimming freely and living freely.

“The air concentration here is extremely high, because the depths of the ocean are anaerobic due to various reasons.” Xueba Zhao Hai spoke again.

After he finished speaking, the other students all understood.

The seaweed is for the production of oxygen, and the North Sea warehouse is for the storage of oxygen.


Fatty Zhao Hai walked up to the high platform excitedly, holding a piece of chalk with an expression of excitement!

“It’s not just the seaweed and Beihai warehouse!” The fat man said, his eyes sharpened, with the luster of Xueba.

“Didn’t you find out that the ecological paradise has begun to raise a lot of wild animals whose ancestors are genetically resistant to cold!” Zhao Hai said.

After he finished speaking, many students nodded one after another, and now they are also beginning to find out, indeed, now the ecological park does breed many genetically resistant wild animals, which are almost countless.

Therefore, the only role of these wild animals is to be experimental products to test whether these animals can grow cold resistance during the evolution of the ice age!

Then the ultimate goal is! ! !

All the students in the class couldn’t help taking a breath at the same time, and Xueba Zhao Hai yelled.

“Now the paleontology professors in China seem to have disappeared. They clearly went to the ecological park. They all went to the ecological park, probably just for a plan!”

Zhao Hai couldn’t help but trembling with excitement, as if he had discovered some great secret, he was trembling with excitement! ! !

“That is that the East is almost perfect in disaster protection, but this step is to survive for a long time after the disaster!”

“So, our country wants to produce a lot of oxygen, wants to study the evolution of the first generation of beasts, wants to start using the North Sea as the oxygen point, and then promotes the explosion of life in the Ice Age!!!”

The last sentence of Xueba Zhao Hai was almost a roar. After he finished speaking, the other students looked dull.

None of them expected that the current Eastern Project would be so crazy and so terrifying!

After the huge city of wind and snow trains stood up, on the last day of the disaster, a project of “artificially propelling the Cambrian life explosion” was directly laid out! ! !


Xueba Zhao Hai couldn’t help but smile, no wonder those wild animals would be protected, they would be the first batch of cold-resistant experiments.

No wonder the North Sea coast is rich in oxygen. It turns out that this will be an experimental base for marine life explosions.

Therefore, the seaweed in the ecological paradise will increase the oxygen in the eastern continent, and everything in the East wants to promote the “Big Eruption of Life Species in the Ice Age”.

The purpose of all this is to embellish this continent, that is, in the future, human beings can have a steady stream of fresh meat…

In the classroom, there is dead silence!


At 5 o’clock in the afternoon on the 29th, the last sunset set, and there will be no sunset in the next, for a month, because the next is the glacier cold wave.

The northern city wall of Yanjing, the weather observation room, the atmosphere is peaceful, except for the noise of blizzards roaring outside.

Ying Ziyue was waving his pen and ink, drawing a picture.


The painting starts from nothingness, knowing that a certain Yama giant rainforest has disappeared, and the lungs of this planet have disappeared, so the dust is visible, and the oxygen concentration begins to drop…

At the beginning of the second act, there is another new scene. The ocean erupts, the earthquake affects, the ocean begins to become anaerobic, and a large number of dead fish begin to appear. The dead fish are like mountains and seas, piles and piles…

In the base map of the picture, above the surface, the East and West are all covered with frost, all covered by wind and snow. Except for the black cities standing in the east, it is barely a bit of brilliance… Visible to the naked eye, the planet has become ice-colored. Planet.

It seems that everything is beginning to despair…

Everything seems to be desperate…

So in this scene, seaweeds in each city began to converge and erupt on the eastern flaming yellow continent. Pieces of snowy mountains and ice underwater seaweeds began to erupt, and they began to release oxygen for this continent.

So the high ocean oxygen in the North Sea warehouse began to sweep in, so the eastern continent began to enter the super-concentrated oxygen…

Then the eco-park began to test the cold resistance of ancient genetic beasts,

Then bang!

[Yanhuang Continent-The era of the explosion of life species in the Ice Age is here]

The drawing is just over.

Behind him, Zuo Yan and the head of internal affairs Lin Ping watched slowly, staring blankly at the “unbelievable” and “cross-age” scene in front of them…

After the two major disasters in the East, the layout is all up!

First, industrial corridors with artificial suns will eventually study new human energy, and even nuclear fission can be controlled forever!

Second, the East makes oxygen, tests everything, and starts to let the East replace nature to promote the explosion of life species on this continent, and then the East may never worry about the food crisis again…

From now on, from the last day of the disaster, Zuo Yan truly realized that the layout of the great powers had reached perfection! .

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