Chapter 116

At that time.

The West Sea, the Pacific Ocean, the Three Seas of India, the Kawasaki Ocean, the Liaohai, and the five sea areas are all thundering and raging cold winds.

The smog of submarine volcanoes rises vertically from the surface, towering into the clouds.

The sky and the earth are dark, and the seabed bubbles are rolling, and the smoke is boiling.


In the end, the volcanic smoke from the five oceans began to converge, forming a giant smoke that began to rush into the cold wave celestial dynasty, directly cutting off the cold wave cooling layer!


In the orbit of the galaxy, an eastern space station revolves around the earth. Two aviators are wearing aviation suits, and the astronaut Zhao Keng is excitedly pointing to the east.

They are in charge of the orbital recording of the galaxy and are the aviation personnel of the Eastern Space Station. Now they are pointing to the front, extremely excited.

The earth was almost silver. On the subtropical continents of the earth, a cloud of extreme black smoke undulated, and then rushed into the white cold wave, huge air current changes appeared, and layer upon layer of thunderstorm field appeared.

This is like a volcanic eruption versus an extreme cold disaster.

“Our country’s volcanic eruption trump card succeeded!” The aviator Zhao Keng said excitedly, and he said into the headset.

“The next step will be the last step!” Zhao Keng said excitedly!

“Artificial sun, the greatest scene.” In another scene, astronaut Zhao Pei smiled.

Now at the galaxy space station, they have witnessed the east step by step resisting the cold wave, confronting the cold wave, and crushing the cold wave…

“Long live the great country!”

Before Tai 02 empty station, the two bowed!


Guangcheng, now completely entered the eye of the cold wave, the middle of the cold wave!

As for other cities across the country entering the periphery of the cold wave, even such an extreme cold wave began to cover the city walls, the scorching blast furnace increased to the extreme, the dense steam pipes reached the maximum heat, and the roaring heat and high temperature continued.

But all the cold wave pressure was in Guangcheng, above the northern city wall, Ying Ziyue stood fifty meters away from the artificial sun. Outside, there was no one. The shock wave device opened, and a depressed breath began to permeate.

The picture in the current live broadcast room is stuck because of the influence of air currents and electric currents, but when the artificial sun in front of you appeared, senior Westerners and scholars were still crazy about barrage!

The forty-meter-high giant device is majestic and huge, exuding the texture of black stainless steel, and the layer-by-layer particle nuclear device shines with the luster of science and technology.

The No. 1 bunker in the underground of the Eagle Country, this is the super temperature-insulating bunker where the top parliamentarians and high-level chaebols live. When the cold wave comes, the other bunkers have suffered more or less extreme cold, but this bunker is the only one that exudes the most elite aura, majestic Stand upright.

Many chaebols in the Eagle Nation, and academics from colleges and universities all watched the live broadcast of the East with a dull expression.

Only the artificial sun is left in the picture!

Live barrage, Western people are crazy, because the scene in front of them is worth the barrage craziness.

[LOOMOU]: The original volcanic eruption in the East is cutting the cold wave, boiling the five oceans, hot steam cuts the cold wave, and finally lit up the artificial sun in the eye of the cold wave. Once the temperature of 50 million is on, everything is unknown… …

[COOPL]: How many trump cards Dongfang has made…artificial sun, solar panels, volcanic eruptions, blast furnaces in the city, etc. Everything is for the end!

…..(Read more @

On the 6th, 11:40:10 in the morning, starting from this moment, the Chronicles of the Glacier will always remember the majestic scene in front of us. Mankind will also witness an epic scene, and countless pictures will begin to shatter. Mankind will prove that a new era is coming. NS!


In front of the north city of Guangcheng, the hurricane screamed, and the earth trembled with frost.

A terrifying white cold wave covered Guangcheng. Above the northern city, a forty-meter-high giant artificial solar device cracked open.

The entire National Nuclear Group, Nuclear Fracture Group and other departments are all eagerly waiting, and everyone is waiting excitedly!

“All ready!”

“The artificial sun is ready!”

“It lights up in three seconds!”

Ying Ziyue’s voice fell. At this moment, time seemed to freeze, as if frozen.

In the first second, frost began to cover the four walls, one side was covered, and the other turned silver.

Ice crystals began to cover the entire city’s ground, steam pipes, wind turbines, and hot blast furnaces.

In the second second, the ice crystals began to freeze, so the white snow flying in the sky began to turn into hail and fell into the city.

In the third second, the entire city was about to be frozen from inside to outside. As for Ying Ziyue’s hair on the city wall was covered with hoarfrost, layers of ice crystals appeared on the skin of every other officer and soldier present.

“Turn on!”

At this last moment, only the voice of Ying Ziyue was left above the North City!


The energy of “controllable nuclear fusion” covering less than 100 kilometers starts to increase!

The naked eye cannot look directly in front of you, because as the thermonuclear fusion reaction begins, the extremely bright plasma light will begin to condense!


This is a shock sound that really covers a hundred kilometers, the air is oscillating slightly, and there are layers of ripples in the air above the thermonuclear fusion device!

ASE began to evolve and transform!

Magnetic field lines, hydrogen isotopic plasma are confined to run in this “thermonuclear fusion device”!

So the isotopes of hydrogen began to form a complete and controllable nuclear fission for the first time, so there was only a bright spot in the sky, and within a few hundred years, humans will always remember this bright!

From the first second,

The ice crystals in Guangcheng receded rapidly,

Countless piles of ice crystals are dispersing on the steam pipes, and upstairs of the residents of major buildings…

The whole east is no longer night, no longer pitch black, but illuminated in an instant. In front of the north city, Ying Ziyue closed her eyes and dressed in protective clothing, feeling the extreme temperature erupting from the sky, layer by layer of extremely hot temperature wantonly Rush into the cold wave!

In ten seconds, the ice crystals on the city power began to recede.

In 50 seconds, the extreme cold wave dropped to minus one hundred and eighty degrees below zero.

Eighty seconds, the hot blast furnace in Guangcheng, and the wind power generators are increasing again!

One hundred seconds! The hot air under the sea in the eastern sea areas continues to rush, forming a huge air current…..

108, seconds, the artificial sun shining on the eastern continent dimly disappeared…

The temperature dropped to one hundred and thirty degrees.

In the northern city of Guangcheng, all the engineers couldn’t help being slumped to the ground. They had put too much effort into it, and now it was caused by excitement.

From this moment on in the Northern Ecological Park, some small animals began to feel the extreme cold, and their genes began to spontaneously know that they had to face the severe cold and survive. Tigers and elephants began to have a slight genetic mutation. Their ancestors, saber-toothed tigers, The genes that resist the cold that the mammoth once decayed have appeared.

As for other cities, in the extreme cold, the algae in space is not frozen, but still begins to decompose oxygen.

The eastern continent is black and white, and the smoke above the five sea areas converges into 803 giant black smoke, which covers the sky, which makes the sky more pitch black.

The sea was turning rustling, and many fish began to travel to the coastline of the North Sea. This is the only place to survive.

At the beginning of the ice age, the layout of eastern industry and agriculture began to gradually manifest itself in the disaster.

On the north city wall, the old man took off his mask, breathing anxious air.

“What’s next?”

Ying Ziyue carried her hands on her back and her voice was clear.

“The earth today is civilization-the parent star civilization, with the parent star as the core, there are space station technology, aerospace technology, various basic physics theories, the primary stage of human socialism + the primary stage of capital, and then we will create a glacier species In the big explosion, we study permanent energy, study planetary engines, and begin migration and transformation in major galaxies.”

Ying Ziyue’s voice fell, dissolving into water droplets like snow falling now, crisp and firm!

The old man sighed, and then stared at the snow-covered continent in front of him with piercing eyes. What follows is the direction of a new human civilization.

Ying Ziyue did not continue to say that his ambitions are greater. He also wants to take the whole country to immigrate to the star system, so the people in the East can move within ten light-years, and then the East can travel in the Milky Way in 100 light-years, and the spacecraft will be inserted. With the banner of Yanhuang, the East began to use wormholes naturally and began to sail in Hanoi, and the Oriental spacecraft began to reach the speed of light. Oriental Technology mastered space folding technology and space domain technology…

As for the next step, he must first embellish this continent to fight the tsunami collision of the board.

Next will be a major explosion in the layout of industry and agriculture, a huge explosion of glacial life species, a tsunami in the continental defense section, and all the cards in the East will show…

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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