Chapter 138

[At one o’clock in the morning, the gray sky, the hurricane spread from the Pacific Ocean all the way to the West China Sea, the 2,000-kilometer coastal barrier to the east has been proven across the ages for the first time. This is also the first time that the east has achieved the ultimate barrier project. From this moment on , The world has entered a new era! 】

The announcement comes from the Oriental Supernatural Special Research Institute, and the content is strictly prohibited!

After the release, the heat was extremely high.

Meager hot search NO.1——【A new era is coming! 】


On the 15th, the white Mars State officially announced the establishment of a brand new dungeon. The West announced that the dungeon can be used as an undersea dungeon even if it is submerged by the ocean!

On the 20th, the Eastern lighthouse was full, almost every area was the Eastern lighthouse. On this continent, no man’s land, wilderness area, forest area, a team of convoys went, and then the formation was completed.

On the 30th, the disaster was half a year, the glacial period completely made the rain forest and the ocean anaerobic, a large number of seaweeds died, and the oxygen concentration began to decrease.

May 20.

Haishan Pass, now waves of waves are impacting, and the waves are rolling, and a giant steel barrier of 60 meters high stands tall, with a majestic standing brilliance. This is the largest barrier, spreading above the sky, accepting one Bobo~ the ice-covered tsunami hit.



The impact sounded louder, the mountains and seas roared, and the heavens and the earth changed-like.

Beginning at this moment, the 2,000-kilometer super barrier has demonstrated continental-level protection.


In the northern city of Yanjing, in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the Meteorological Observatory, waves of wind and snow were hitting, as if the continent was about to be shattered, and the world changed color.

But Ying Ziyue stood tall, like a god, looking at the snow-capped mountains, glaciers, and lighthouses.

In this month, he witnessed the Eastern Project.

“Minister Zuo Yan, according to the analysis of geology and astronomy, why did the earth enter the ice age? According to the analysis of time, it is probably the ice age once every 200 million years. Why do you think it happened!”

Ying Ziyue opened his mouth, his eyes were far away, from the current submarine volcano eruption to the current tsunami ice-covered, there are still unknown block collisions.

During the ice age, many things happened. The history known to mankind is derived from geology, and no one knows the true ice age.

“What do you mean?” Zuo Yan frowned, what he felt, but he was not sure!

“This will be the biggest disaster since this planet. Perhaps small-scale collisions have occurred. Perhaps, except for the eastern and western states of the northern hemisphere, other regions will become rolling islands, frozen tsunamis, and glaciers!”

“Or glaciers and oceans will become the core of this continent, so…”

“Underground Great Wall Scientific Research!”(Read more @

“The outbreak of life species!”

“The City of Technology!”

“Southern Shipyard!”

“Let’s all start!”

Ying Ziyue ordered!

Zuo Yan’s eyes are complicated, and now he seems to realize that these projects may be prepared for a huge project!


From now on, in front of Dongshan City, groups of tigers, brown bears and elephants began to advance along the edge of the snow-capped mountains. From time to time, huge chariots galloped by on both sides. The snow-capped mountains were covered with extremely cold seaweeds, and groups of animals seemed to adapt. In the current extremely cold environment, he was advancing in the ice and snow, roaring.

This is a feeling that mountains and seas are coming, and the wind is whistling.

The oxygen concentration in this continent is slowly increasing, and the concentration is increasing.

In Higashiyama City University of Science, the students are very excited in the classroom.

Because the professor is sitting in a simulation, the simulation process of biological evolution.

The Cambrian has always been the biggest puzzle in the world.

I saw in the classroom, the old professor first simulated the contemporary ice age. With the lack of oxygen in the ocean, dense galaxies, a large number of plants and trees on the ground, and rainforests that make global oxygen began to disappear, the oxygen concentration became lower.

The decrease in oxygen concentration caused the extinction of a large number of marine organisms, so the scene before the disaster appeared, that is, a large number of organisms began to become extinct, and a large number of organisms began to die. This was an extremely chilling scene.

This scene is only the beginning, and it was also experienced before the disaster.

There is no oxygen in the ocean, the oxygen becomes low, and a large number of living things and animals begin to become extinct.

Then the cold hit, and pieces of wild animals in the east began to release, as if genes were slowly evolving. These animals had excellent genes, so these animals began to contend and began to fight against the extreme cold.

0 ··Find flowers·········

This is a stunning scene, as if everything is reorganizing.

Wild animals began to contend, the depression before the disaster disappeared, they began to survive in the land of ice and snow, perfect, amazing, and extremely suitable to start to survive, and the genes that had disappeared reappeared again.

This is like a creature’s promotion, this scene is also the scene in front of Dongshan City. *

Then the screen stopped for a while.

Professor Jiang Ran stood straight, he stood, and then there was a smile on his lips.

The current picture is extremely stunning, because the following pictures are beginning to be expected by various universities.


The drawing sounded loudly. This is the decrease in the oxygen concentration of the whole planet, and the oxygen concentration has begun to drop to a certain limit.

This seems to be some kind of symptom, triggering a series of reactions, and then the changes become bigger and bigger, the oxygen concentration decreases, and the content decreases.

Professor Jiang Ran stood with a smile on his lips.

“The global oxygen concentration is coming, only the eastern continent is increasing. Do you know what changes will happen?”

Simulation maps, detailed data links appear, ecological cycles, water circulation, and more detailed changes in the whole continent.

As the oxygen concentration becomes higher, the concentration in any area becomes higher.

As a result, some animals that were originally resistant to extreme cold appeared, began to resist extreme cold, and began to survive the blizzard intact. Mankind once again created miracles one by one, the source of each miracle.

“So now… our road is gestating new life?”

The student sluggishly said.

Picture adjustments. From now on, new pictures appear. I saw in front of Dongshan City, as if a life explosion struck. This is the countless preparations of the East. From the Beihai Ocean Warehouse, the current Beihai Warehouse is gestating a new life system. , Bred a new natural trend, but also a new life!

There are also glaciers, oceans, and some unknown life species are also gestating, and they are also slowly advancing towards, glowing with new life.


Not only the Northern Ecological Park, other regions have also begun to make a nationwide effort! wide.

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