Chapter 162

January 28th in the three years of the ice age.

At this moment, the disasters brought by islands around the world began to come. From then on, the glaciers from the north and the south began to gather together, the extreme cold began to decline, and the waves of regions began to decline rapidly.

From this moment on, the temperature of the glaciers in the north and south has been close to minus degrees, and liquid nitrogen has completely appeared.

Both the Eagle Nation and the Rose Nation began to experience this extreme cold.

This is a picture visible to the naked eye. From this moment on, some of the projects prepared in the world have begun, because of the extreme cold, ice, tsunami and earthquake, all have begun to come.

Now the first wave is extremely cold in liquid nitrogen.

The Rose Country, 0 years ago, was called America, and the original inhabitants here were Indians.

It is now called the Forbidden Land of the Earth, because the current wind and frost has condensed into liquid nitrogen.

Pieces of wind and frost swept through Mars State, Halkeri Zhou, Fuzhou, and Ruikali Tusi State.

The surface of the tens of millions of giant states, even forty to fifty tens of millions of giant states, is covered with frost, and the temperature is falling. This is just the first step before the disaster, but even so, it has already begun to cause large-scale losses. .

Halkeri State, which is divided into nearly 800 underground communities, is a state dominated by agriculture and livestock industry. It is mainly foreign-oriented import and export. Therefore, the agricultural industry here is extremely intensive, and the working hours are 16 hours a day. , At the same time food is scarce.

And now at 55 meters underground, huge support frames are being handled. On the traffic road, a white man is leading a horse. They are looking at the vibration from above the surface from time to time.

Boom boom boom!


The roaring sound continued, and the waves of vibration continued. This was the sound of frost freezing, the sound of those high-rise buildings collapsing and collapsing by ice and snow, and then the sky was still getting dust from time to time, which was caused by the vibration.

Tens of thousands of white people walked out of the underground residential buildings. There were also groups of people on the road. They all watched as the soil layer began to change from gray to silvery white, and then the silvery white became more and more dense. A piece of silvery white began to cover, and the support frames were all covered by ice crystals, and then there was a scream.

Because of the extreme cold invaded!

“Liquid nitrogen and frost are starting to invade the ground!!!”

The scream did not continue!

Because under this kind of ice, the pedestrians in the residential buildings and underground communities hardly made any struggling response. Their epidermis began to turn silvery white, and then the fleshy tissue, fibrous tissue, muscle layer, and fat. The layers were all covered by ice crystals, and then turned into ice crystals from the inside to the outside, and finally, the body became crystal clear ice sculptures.

This is just the beginning, and then the Rose Country, major underground radio stations, community radio stations, and car radio stations issued a 3s warning sound, and a sharp creaking warning sounded!

This is simply a nightmare on earth. Every community, every white person knows that the extinction disaster is coming!

From now on, they knew, only in the first wave, some states in the Dungeon of Rose Nation had already fallen, which shows that this time is terrible!

At this moment, Harry, wailing ceaselessly!

“God, save us, is mankind really going to be extinct?

“Why! This underground community has given all of our projects and all of our strength. Why did we still have no resistance after all? Is this disaster so terrifying?”

“From now on, every state will start to freeze. There are nearly 100 million civilians in Harry State. Now it is frozen, the disaster of extinction is really coming!”

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

, This is a terrifying wave of cold waves, starting from the underground cracks invading, waves of bursting cold waves swept through those underground passages and underground communities, all the steam pipes were instantly frozen, and all the glass weather new energy vehicles were changed. Into a terrifying ice sculpture.

This is the most desperate scene in true history, groups of people have become ice sculptures!

Once there are cracks in the underground world, the West cannot resist it. This is the real disaster!

The Mars National Security Institute, the official meteorological center is here, and the pictures of underground cities in each state are shown in the conference room. The pictures of Halic State are broadcast throughout the whole process. Deputy Minister Roddy, Minister Thomas, and Massachusetts University Stan College Some colleges and universities as well as major councillors all watched the scene of ice sculptures in front of them!(Read more @

Minister Roddy roared loudly!

“Order the passage of Harrick to be blocked! The cold wave is strictly forbidden to invade!”

“At the same time, the major cracks are detected to prevent the cold wave from attacking! This is simply a disaster for all mankind. Once the climate enters through the cracks, there is nothing to resist.”

Roddy ordered!

Behind him, Deputy Minister Thomas spoke.

“Mr. It is not just the West now. The next bunker in the Eagle Country, as well as the cities on the surface of the East, will also encounter this kind of horrible problem. No one can avoid it. They will all disappear in this kind of disaster. Yeah, it’s desperate.”

Thomas smiled bitterly.

Now is really just the beginning, and it is the beginning for the whole world.

Because from now on, Rose Country has posted a super warning on Twitter for the first time!

The warning content is-[Every house must close the windows to prevent the cold wave from entering, and detect underground cracks at the same time. The National Guard and other teams all appear, just for this all-mankind showdown! 】

It is 10:00 on the morning of January 26, which is the moment when the sun breaks, and is also a diners listed in the chronicles.

Because this is the first time since the ice age that mankind faces the imminent extinction of all races.

And this is just the beginning. The disaster now is only the first step, and no one knows what will happen next.


It is 12:00, and this is the Eagle Country. Now in every bunker in the country, the giant horns in the bunker emit a squeaky sharp reminder. There is only one reason for the reminder, and that is to prevent the next Disaster.

This is the main city of Smir. The outer wall was reinforced and the inner floor heating device was built before. At the same time, the major teams carried out the final installation, but after the extreme cold came, everyone was desperate!

Because a city next to it has disappeared!

Smir was close to the city of Arif. In the Smir meeting room, a wave of explosions sounded from the roof of the Al bunker. The surface of the bunker and the foam insulating layer made the sound of clicking!

The foam insulation layer began to freeze quickly under the liquid nitrogen, and all mankind should witness the frightening scene before them. This scene can be truly called the purgatory on earth!

Because the foam layer was directly frozen and cracked, and then those giant bunkers, individual chimneys were frozen and cracked, broken, and glaciers collided. Some bunkers were directly exploded, exploding a crack, and then the howling frost began to enter these. Inside the bunker, then an extremely cold storm struck, and a wailing sound came from the bunker.

“` ¨God save us, we shouldn’t have suffered such a disaster!!”

“”The storm hits, the cold wind rages, and the super disaster hits. What kind of temperature is this? This is completely in the form of liquid nitrogen, almost sweeping everything, all are frozen and cracked, and no one can survive!

This is an old man from the Eagle Nation wailing. He watched the cold wave coming, and finally showed a pessimistic smile in despair, and then turned into an ice sculpture.

This scene was really just the beginning, and the foreign students who were still working in the bunker also trembled all over.

Underneath them is a warm floor heating device, but there is a layer of frost covered in front of them. International student Chen Ziyang just raised his hands, and then the ice crystals began to cover the arms. He only felt the arm stiffness for a while, and then the consciousness began to disappear. At the last moment, he finally knew what was called the Ice Age, and at the same time he thought of the East, the West is almost doomed, so can the East survive it?

Geck, the minister of the main city of Smir, was also trembling and frightened, and he was also in awe.

Scenes of frost cover, scenes of extreme cold cover, human beings truly witness what is called the ice age.

At this moment, Minister Geck issued a call for the whole people!

“From now on, we will enter a state of preparation for the whole people, check every crack in the bunker, and issue an escape command to outer space to prevent the spacecraft from being affected, because this involves the extinction of mankind. In outer space, we may be the last life of mankind, because it is too terrible now. Now, I predict that in the future, the West will lose 9/10, and 1/10 will be left. Everyone, this is the disaster of extinction, or even the disaster of extinction!”

Geck’s voice is trembling. In every underground bunker, whether it is a foreign student, a white person, a native of the Eagle Country, or an individual foreigner, they are all wailing and listening, and they are all trembling. sound!

The wailing voice resounded!

“The disaster of extinction is coming, and the frost in the form of liquid nitrogen is coming. This is simply a super storm. This is only the first step of mankind. Then, what is the extent of the second step earthquake and the third step ice tsunami? Humans really Can you face it (good promise)? A disaster of this scale will sweep everything, overwhelm everything, and consume everything!”

The international student said in despair!

This is the No. 77 bunker for international students. Most of them are foreign students from all over the world. Among them, the Oriental students are the main ones. In this bunker, the Oriental students listened to the announcement from the main city. Thousands of international students were desperate.

They are trembling in this kind of warm bunker, because the terrifying whistling storm outside is still continuing, and with layers of freezing and cracking, it shows that the foam wall outside has been frozen and cracked again. Zhao Qiang, Zhao Qiang looked at the east and then at the west, his voice was a little sad.

“You are now in the underground world of the Eagle Nation, and there is also the sound of cracking from all continents, which means that the extremely cold storm has also invaded from the underground cracks, and the desert country Kawasaki Nation and so on are all suffering from disasters.”

“Now is the time when all mankind is extinct. I don’t know what to say. I only know that the first wave of disasters in history has come. All we can do is pray and wait!”

Behind Zhao Qiang, Liu Yang, an international student, couldn’t help but speak.

“As for the East, how strong we are now in the East. It is said that they are moving towards genetic mutation and mecha technology mutation. They may be able to fight against it.” Liu Yang said.

Behind Liu Yang, several international students were talking.

“Yeah, what will happen to the East, you must know that liquid nitrogen is already present on the surface, so can they really be able to fight it? Is their infrastructure really okay? We can’t fight against this kind of bunker. The underground city is coming. It is impossible to fight against it. In the East, this disaster is too terrible. No country can fight against this disaster.” The overseas student An Ran smiled bitterly.

, Zhao Qiang didn’t speak, because the sound of freezing and cracking on the surface continued, he just looked at the direction of the east!

In this stormy weather, the signal is about to collapse, unless the satellite is turned on, so no one knows what the east will look like at this moment!

If there really is a God in this world, looking at it from the perspective of God, you will see that the world is now not only snowy, but visibility is 50 centimeters, because 50 centimeters away is all liquid nitrogen, full of frost storms.

Liquid nitrogen is the horrible frost that freezes everything, and everything, whether it is steel or anything else, will be frozen.

So now the survival rate on the earth’s surface is close to zero, everything outside the city is frozen, those snow-capped mountains have completely turned into icebergs, the five oceans, the largest flat ocean is also frozen, and the rest of the sea is also frozen!

Three years of the ice age, for the first time the world knows what is called the ultimate extinction disaster!

And this is just the beginning!

Because there will be small-scale earthquakes and tsunamis, and then it will be over.

But even so, every underground state in the West, every half-ground bunker, is constantly shattered and frozen, and more and more people are incarnate as ice sculptures, and countless wailing, despair, and crying sounds are ringing. Thoroughly, the entire West is almost desperate.

And no one in the East knows what’s going on in the East,

As the picture of the stratosphere gradually blurred, the liquid nitrogen storm gradually became larger, and the picture came to the east. .

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