Chapter 169

6:00 AM on the 30th!

Haishanguan, the former long and undulating Great Wall winding and twisting, and blizzards did not submerge the Great Wall, but made the Great Wall even more stunning.

From now on, the leaders of the Supernatural Special Research Institute have all gone to the major underground scientific research institutes, as well as each city, to carry out the final arrangement tasks.

Because there are still the last 18 hours, this time it is not the arrival of the ice age, nor the earthquake, but the entanglement of three disasters into one, and then a super disaster that can destroy all mankind is formed. Therefore, this time we need a real one. The whole people finally resisted!


The wind howled, this is Haishan Pass.

In the past, it has a history of nearly 800 years of the city wall. Before this, it was also called the first gate of Yanjing. It was mainly to prevent the ancient cavalry from invading. Now on this city wall, behind Ying Ziyue is a group of protectors who are still standing. Looking at Zuo Yan with sharp eyes.

Right now, the heavens and the earth are pure white. Although it is not dawn yet, the lighthouses are shining up and shining. The lighthouses shine with the greatest energy, shining the areas incomparably white.

This is just the beginning.

Ying Ziyue held his hand, and to be precise, he looked in front of him with a complicated expression, looking in front of him as a guardian and a time recorder.

The air now is not just air, but the snowflakes with moist luster. Ying Ziyue stretched out her hand and saw layers of ice crystals begin to condense on the arm area of ​​her cold-resistant suit, and a layer of water vapor also began to condense. Start to appear,

As a result, an extremely stunning scene was formed, that is, the water vapor began to turn into water droplets, and then the water droplets were combined by ice crystals from the inside at the moment of dropping, and then quickly and quickly, it began to turn into a small hail, and then fell. On the ground, after the drops fell on the ground, they merged on the surface like small hailstones, and then these small hailstones became harder and bigger and bigger.

This is the water vapor sign before the tsunami. In the civilization period, if you are on the beach, when a giant tsunami comes, you can also feel this sign. This is the change and state of the water droplets before the tsunami before they condense.

Ying Ziyue looked at the bottom of the city wall again. This is the land. During the three-year ice age of the Ice Age, those layers of snow covered glaciers and snow-capped mountains buried the ground surface, and some areas even reached 200 meters high. There are 50-meter-high glaciers and ice layers everywhere.

Ice and snow layers of more than ten meters high are rare, and because of the maintenance of long snow shoveling teams at Haishan Pass, there is a rare piece of land. Looking at the gray-yellow land, Ying Ziyue can feel the hardness of this soil because of the extreme cold. The reason is that the ground is as hard as steel plates, and normal engineering vehicles cannot break it.

Looking at the gray-yellow ground, Ying Ziyue’s eyes are almost like microscopes. He has studied geology and knows the cracks, directions and changes caused by plate collisions.(Read more @

The tiny grayish-yellow cracks appeared to be caused by extreme cold, but Ying Ziyue’s eyes were clear. To him, this was a phenomenon of cracks in the area caused by plate collisions.

This phenomenon is similar to when a mudslide erupts, you can hear a sound when lying on the ground 5 kilometers away, or when a group of cavalry arrives, you can hear a sound when lying on the ground 10 kilometers away. The vibration sound, now I look at the cracks and the winding geological cracks.

Ying Ziyue sighed again. The current sign is obviously a regional crack caused by plate collision. Now the plate collision is only the beginning, so the regional crack seems to be only a little bit.

The next collision is the real beginning!

What is the depression before the disaster? This is repression. The surface of the West is completely buried. The semi-underground bunkers of the past miracles of civilization are covered by glaciers, and under the broken high-rise buildings, just for better escape.

Those super dungeons that can be called underground civilizations have split into a human survival area, and those desert nations have split into islands, and then they are about to dissipate in the extreme cold.

This is the final preparation for all countries in the world!

From 6:00 in the morning until 6:30 in the morning, Ying Ziyue stayed at Haishan Pass, standing on this ancient city wall. Now on the subtropical continent, there are giant lighthouses standing like mechas guarding them. The reserve lights are all beginning to illuminate, at least at this extinction moment, the lights are shining brightly,

At the same time, even under this kind of light, the visibility of the earth is only 50 cm, because with the approach of the super cold air storm group on the last day, the storm group is like a gray-white weapon, in every area outside the city, every A place began to rages.

Everything that has been raging will start to freeze from the inside out, forming ice crystals, and finally turning into ice sculptures.

On the Haishan Pass super city wall, Ying Ziyue held her hand and Zuo Yan shouted beside him.

〃〃 “` ¨” Team leader, can we fight the past this time? ”

Zuo Yan will only ask when there is really no one. Compared with other people, Zuo Yan is a real disasterist. He has more realistic contrasts, so the questions he thinks will be more cruel, because in this West In the era of avoiding 100 meters underground, the pressure on the east above the surface is too great.

Ying Ziyue paced, facing the wind and snow, facing the absolute depression of the mountains and seas, he looked ahead, his eyes gave the best answer!

That is the direction of the separation walls of the inner and outer cities, as well as the direction of the sky, the industrial corridor in the south, the ecological paradise in the north, and the Beihai warehouse.

Then came the West Sea, the Liaohai Sea and the North Sea, the direction of three sea areas. When his gaze shifted to this place, Zuo Yan’s somewhat trembling heart began to agitate, glowing with a new life!


Before the cold wave, Ying Ziyue held both hands, her eyes were so cold (really), her voice resounded like a sea of ​​clouds, always so firm.

“The next two billion people in the East will tell you. We will also tell you about the project we have prepared for three and a half years. They will also tell you about the research teams of major scientific research institutes and universities in the East.”

“Whether the East continues to exist above the surface, we will tell the whole world in blood and blood, we are not afraid of everything, now it is, and will be in the future!”

“There are still seventeen hours to toast, light, sing, and bow for the entire great country!”

As Ying Ziyue’s voice fell, his gaze became distant, like a detector in the Eastern Space Station, observing the plates that are about to split, watching the final silence before the disaster!

“Return to the city to prepare for battle!”

Everything was quiet, only the voice of Ying Ziyue’s perpetual fighting spirit remained, which continued to resound in this place where the snow storms converged, and continued to resound…

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