Chapter 269

The immature voice exploded like thunder, and all the old people in their 70s or 80s stood up abruptly, looking excited, and said, “What are you talking about?”

“The Raiden Reserve Plan has started!”

“The Thunder Capacitor started construction.”

“The East has solved the thunder and lightning reserve difficulties.”

“Raiden Reserve means Dongfang Technology has made another big step forward!”

Many headlines fly all over the east like wings.

On the day of February 10th, the whole country is filled with a festive atmosphere, such as the important holiday on January 1st every year, the whole country celebrates.

The news of the official implementation of the Raiden Reserve Program has been rushed to pass on, streets, alleys, residential buildings, factories, schools…

The festive atmosphere lasted for a whole month.

Sun Wu’s alma mater, after learning that the historical problem was solved by Sun Wu, immediately convened a school-wide “two-six-three” memoir.

The leading principal said excitedly: “As everyone knows, our thunder and lightning reserve problem has been solved.”

“And the person who solves this most difficult problem in history is your senior, a grade 10 doctoral student who has graduated, Sun Wu!”

“Although Sun Wu is not here, please applaud for Senior Sun Wu!”

There was a wave of applause…

Everyone’s faces were filled with excitement and excitement, and there was a sense of proud and proud!

“Everyone knows what a rare problem in the thunder and lightning reserve. During the civilization period, countless people studied this subject, but all of them ended in failure.”

“Some people say that if you want to study the problem of thunder and lightning reserves, you need to advance science and technology for another hundred years to solve this problem.”

“And today, this problem was solved by Sun Wu!”

“Please applaud again!”

The applause rang out again.

“Student Sun Wu is very good, but even better is the guardian of our great country, a young man named Win Midnight. At a young age, he has led countless engineers, researchers, and scientists, and created several projects that can be permanently included in the glacier of civilization. Super project in history!”

“I heard that the Thunder and Lightning Reserve was promoted by him. Please let us give him a warm applause for the last time!”

The applause advocated by the principal in the place where no one paid attention to win the midnight was more enthusiastic, louder, and rang longer than the previous two applauses!

Because Ying Ziye is the idol of the whole school, in the corridor of the school, the first bound photo is him!

Below the photo is full of Ying Ziyue’s deeds.

The 90-day countdown to the arrival of the ice age, the Snow City plan was born from the hands of Win Midnight.

The eastern barrier of the mainland, the Snow Country train has appeared one after another!

……(Read more @

On January 5th, 11th year of the ice age, the giant launch pad plan to withstand super storms was released, surpassing ancient times and unprecedented in history.

On June 1, the 11th year of the ice age, the lightning reserve plan was officially implemented!

On February 11th, 13th of the Ice Age, the lightning storage container was successfully studied on the second day, and the next step is to be carried out nationwide!

Started to produce all the materials for the Raiden Reserve, and the workers responsible for the installation and construction are waiting for it!


On February 12th, 13th year of the Ice Age, various mission plans were quickly passed to every person in charge, and they were unfolded at an extremely rapid pace.

On February 13, the 13th year of the Ice Age, the first-line workers began to produce at full capacity!

On February 20th, 13th year of the Ice Age, the production of the first batch of materials was completed!

At 20:00 pm on February 20th, 13th year of the ice age, all Blizzard tanks waited early at the gate of the factory. The huge iceberg ship was shining brightly under the light of the lighthouse. As the factory director took the lead and said: “Start loading !”

The loading of the first batch of production materials was completed at 3 am on February 21st, 13th of the Ice Age.

“Set off!”

The person in charge of taking the lead shouted loudly!

At the same time, the labor force responsible for the installation and construction quickly assembled from home in winter clothes and oxygen masks.

Then Blizzard chariots appeared at the assembly point.

A total of 10,000 workers arrived at their assembly locations in just ten minutes.

It only took ten minutes to count.

“Start getting in the car!”

With a violent wave!

Everyone started to get on the car in an orderly manner. In the process, no one made any protests, and no one made any whispers. Everyone’s faces were full of dignity and solemn expressions.

It took about ten minutes for everyone to successfully board the Blizzard Chariot.

“Set off!”

The leader in charge shouted loudly, standing in front of the Blizzard chariot led by the team, waving the flag in his hand, shouting!


The first Blizzard chariot began to launch, and then the vehicles behind it seemed to cause a chain reaction, and then launched 0 ..

Then, the first Blizzard chariot drove out slowly, and the following vehicles also drove off the ground.

The first Blizzard chariot began to accelerate, and then the following Blizzard chariot began to accelerate.


On a night mixed with strong winds, the air was extremely cold, and the weather of minus 180 degrees froze everything.

As the vehicle started and drove away, one after another residents appeared in the front line of sight. They walked out of their homes at three o’clock in the morning, and then watched the team leave the city where they lived and began to rush to the “battle” location at this moment.

“You must return safely!”

Under the light, someone couldn’t help yelling!

“For the country, we must hold on!”

“Dad, when I grow up, I will be like you too!”

All kinds of sounds drift away with the wind.

Standing under the lighthouse, a member from every worker’s family, or just an ordinary stranger, everyone has too much emotion in their eyes, watching the team go away.

Everyone is great, even an ordinary labor force, because without them, there would be no such super projects in the Eastern Continent!

At 21 o’clock in the morning at 21 o’clock in the 13th year of the ice age, all kinds of materials and workers almost arrived at the site where they were going to work.

At this moment, the sky was dark, and the wind was blowing, mixed with snow foam, hitting everyone.

Highly erected lighthouses illuminate this world, and Blizzard chariots filled with materials, Blizzard chariots filled with Eastern workers, and huge iceberg ships parked on the surface.

Zhao Yi, who was in charge of the construction, took a look at the ground surface of all the buildings that had been relocated and emptied at this moment, and then took another look at the time.

Without any nonsense, Zhao Yi roared: “Go ahead!”


At 7:15 a.m. on February 21st, 13th year of the ice age, a silent battle kicked off. At the same time, after Dongfang solved the problem of thunder and lightning storage containers, a larger stage was slowly unfolded…

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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