Chapter 463

At this moment, in the underground weapons storage center, smart projections appeared one by one,

There are nearly 500 kinds of super weapons in total, the lowest level weapons can destroy a small island, and the most terrifying weapons directly involve the attack of meteor swarms and meteorite swarms!

Ying Ziyue spent a total of one month in Mount Everest,

It can be said that in the 23rd year of the Ice Age, he was the last month he spent most on Mount Everest!

Within this month, he carefully learned about every kind of missile, every kind of anti-gravity, as well as nuclear fusion, ultrasonic, thunder and other missiles!

Because in the next thousands of years, human beings will enter the earth and will face a fatal danger one by one. No one knows what they will encounter. They may encounter 02, the most terrifying and magnificent disaster, and they may see the most Omen of despair!

Therefore, they must have strong thinking, they must survive and fight, so these weapons reserves are what he must witness as the leader of the Dongfang team!

It’s December 25th, the 23rd year of the Ice Age, and there is only less than a week left before the last Chinese New Year.

Now it is the Mount Everest weapon platform. Ying Ziyue is standing in the wind in a black suit. He stands on the weapon platform and looks down.

Overlooking half of Mount Everest from a height of 6,500 meters, watching the severe extreme weather return, cold storms and snow, and cold wave avalanches, an epic picture is formed in front of you!(Read more @

At the same time, there are also small scientific research vehicles appearing. These are scientific research professors who go to their respective positions.

They want to conduct surveys, geological surveys and detailed investigations in any area of ​​the world. This is their duty!

Standing on this, above the sky and the earth, Ying Ziyue can feel that not only is the stalwart, but also the magnificent waves!

Because he can feel that every scientific researcher, every oriental building, and all the buildings are done with the hard work of the East, step by step!

Every scientific research achievement, every scientific research product, every oriental building, every track, every citizen,

Therefore, the reason why this big country is so invincible is because everyone is united together. This is the strength that unity brings!

By his side, Ying Ziyue watched engineer Li Hao speak:

“Do you know why our country became number one in the Ice Age?”

When Ying Ziyue spoke, Engineering Li Hao shook his head, but also nodded, because he was not born in modern times, he only knows a little bit, but he is not sure!

Looking at Li Hao’s appearance, Ying Ziyue smiled. He knew that this kid was an extremely intelligent person, but he had never experienced the impact of modern civilization!

“Let me tell you. The reason why our country became number one in the ice age is that everyone is united. Everyone only thinks of the great powers. Too many scientists go out to fight and die when the West is fighting against the ice age. When we were hiding underground, we had already built lighthouses on the ground. Some scientific researchers were subsequently frozen to death, but no one backed away. They still went in batches.”

“When worrying about food in the West, our personnel braved the snowstorm to cultivate new lives and cultivate new species. Some people even fell into the ice cream, unfortunately, into the abyss.”

“And when the West came out of the ground in despair, our scientific research professors were already developing scientific research missile products one by one. They were not afraid of any radiation, they were not afraid of any threats, and everyone was paying.”

“So this is why the West is turned into a land of agriculture and industry, and the East is going to become a place of detachment. Because countless people are paying for their efforts, we are destined to be detached from the world.”

At this moment Ying Ziyue showed an extremely strong national spirit, he only loves his motherland! .

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