Chapter 813

He just showed Ying Ziyue the pumice they invented to obtain more research resources, but he never thought that Ying Ziyue would directly assign them a special research place.

Ying Ziyue patted them on the shoulder, and then said: “Come on, continue to study your pumice is of epoch-making significance for our research, please be sure to study it as soon as possible.”

After leaving the research department of the pumice stone, Ying Ziyue was in a good mood. He didn’t expect to come to the National Investigation Department this time, and there would be such a big scientific research result waiting for him.

If the research on this pumice is successful, then the idea of ​​the sky train in his mind can be fully realized.

Today’s air traffic system networks are all supported by aerial platforms, but aerial platforms are limited after all. Their speed is slow and can only be used for the transportation of some materials.

Therefore, the current city of the sky can only use airplanes and other flying units to transport people between cities.(Read more @

Once the pumice is researched and mature, the pumice can be used to build sky trains. These sky trains can serve as personnel transportation.

Just when he was about to leave the National Investigation Bureau, the head of the National Investigation Bureau came head-on. The head of the National Investigation Bureau also smiled when he saw Ying Ziyue: “Presumably, leader Ying, I have already seen what I want to show you. Is it 〃ˇ?”

“I have seen it, and I can only say that it is worthwhile to see it. The universe technology is endlessly magical today.”

After hearing this sentence, the director of the National Investigation Bureau also laughed, and then said to him: “I am calling you today, not just for the study of pumice stone, but also some other things.”

With that said, Ying Ziyue became interested. It must be something good that the director of the National Survey and Survey Bureau can see. He also became interested for a while, so he came again with the director of the National Survey and Survey Bureau. Universe Technology R&D Department.

Later, Ying Ziyue followed the director of the National Survey and Survey Bureau to a research department. Some researchers in this research department were studying a black cosmic ore.

But in the center of this laboratory, there is a huge earth model suspended in the center of the laboratory.

Ying Ziyue was a little curious. She stepped forward and tried to touch the earth model, but was blocked by the director of the National Survey and Survey Bureau. Then the director of the National Survey and Survey Bureau said: “` ¨Don’t move around, this is true. The earth.”

“If this is the earth, what is the name of the planet under our feet?”

Finally, the director of the National Survey and Survey Bureau said: “This is a mini-earth we developed 1:1 according to the earth, and it simulates all the components and composition on the earth.”

Afterwards, the director of the National Survey and Survey Bureau pointed to (obtained) the material surrounding this mini-earth and said: “This ring of things is our earth’s ozone layer.”

“And we just discovered that the black ore in our collection can repair the earth’s ozone layer.”

Hearing these words, Ying Ziyue also knew that the earth’s ozone layer was very important to earth civilization. Once the ozone layer was destroyed, their civilization would not be far away from extinction. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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